Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

26 the second wave feminism, female identity crisis, focus on the individual, and revival of traditional femininity. The second research question was to present the factors that affect the social reaction to the Margaret Thatcher’s political decisions. The language used and the action done by the character will be analyzed according to Howard Becker’s theory. There were two tables made by the researcher to gain the data from the movie’s transcript. The first table is used to analyze the post-feminist characteristics represent in the language used by Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady movie. The second table is used to analyze the social reaction by the people around to her political decisions. Table 3.1 Post- feminism Characteristics Applies in Margaret’s Languages No Margaret’s Language Setting of Place Context Post-feminism Characteristics General Rejection of Second Wave Feminism Female Identity Crisis Focus on the Individual Revival of Traditional Femininities 1 How much is the milk? Shop Old Margaret going out to buy some milk  2 Too much. Much too much butter. Kitchen Old Margaret having breakfast with her husband  3 Milk’s gone up.  4 49p a pint.  5 Eat your egg  6 No no no no. The grey Bedroom Old Margaret is standing in front of a wide cupboard and Denis’ hand reaches across, wavering between jackets of brown tweed and grey twill  7 Yes. Definitely the grey.  TOTAL Occurrences Occurrences Occurrences Occurrences 27 Table 3.2 Types of People Reactions on Margaret’s Political Decisions. N o People Reaction Setting of Place Context Types of Reaction Internal Reaction External Reaction Family Party Words Actions Mass Media Wide Rebellion Action 1 CAROLS utter disappointment on seeing she has lost MARGARET already. CAROL: Silly me CAROL storms out of the kitchen. Kitchen. Flood Street. 1974 Carol’s response to Margaret’s decisions to run for the leader of the party    2 DENIS Youre insufferable, Margaret, do you know that? Kitchen. Flood Street. 1974 Denis’ response to Margaret’s decisions to run for the leader of the party   3 MARGARET Denis, you married someone who is committed to public service, you knew that. And it is my duty 4 DENIS Dont call it duty. Its ambition which has got you this far. Ambition. And the rest of us, me, the children, we can all go to hell Dont worry about me, Ill be fine   TOTAL In gathering the data needed, the researcher was supported by some supporting instruments, such as electronic devices, that consisted of laptop and speaker, also media player used to play the movie. The researcher PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI