The Analysis Of Gerunds Found In The Jakarta Post Newspaper







REG. NO. 082202011












CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study………. 1

1.2Scope of the Study……….. 2

1.3Purpose of the Study……… 2

1.4Significance of the Study ……… 2

1.5 The Method of Research ………. 3


2.2 The Function of Gerunds………. 5

2.2.1 Subject in Gerund Phrases……….. 5

2.2.2 Objects in Gerund Phrases……….. 10


2.2.4 Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs... 16

2.2.5 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs... 18

2.2.6 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition... 22


3.1 The Data of the Usage of Gerunds in the Articles of Jakarta

Post Newspaper... 30

3.2 The Analysis of the Usage of Gerunds in the Articles

of the Jakarta Post Newspaper... 30

3.2.1 The Function of Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper………. 30 3.2.2 The Dominance Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper………. 38


4.1 Conclusions... 40

4.2 Suggestion... 41




Language is the very important things in the world. To have communication with the other people we use language. Without language all the human can not do the communication. We need to know that the language consisting of words or a collection of words. Each has a meaning, namely, the relationship between words as abstract symbols to represent objects or concepts that set of words or vocabulary that by linguists alphabetically arranged.

When we speaking or writing, the words we say or we write must be follow the language rules. To express ideas, thoughts or feelings, we must choose the right words and arrange the words in accordance with the rules of language. Set of rules underlying language use, or that we use as a guideline language is called grammar.

Gerund is part of grammar. It is very essential for the English students to know and learn about gerund because almost English sentences using gerunds. After we learn about gerund, we also know about kinds of gerunds. In this paper I want give you some information about gerunds and also kinds of gerunds



First off all I would like to say thanks to God, My Jesus Christ for his bless. Without him there is nothing impossible. Second, thanks for my family, especially my Mom, my Dad and also my Brother, thank you for your love. Third, I want to say thanks to all my best friends, Eka, mami Tika, Iin, and Rahel. Without your support I can’t finish my paper. Thanks to my hunny ( Ronald ), the man who always love and care to me. Finally, thanks to my all friends in my english class at University of North Sumatera. I have a lot memorize with u guys.







REG. NO. 082202011












CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study………. 1

1.2Scope of the Study……….. 2

1.3Purpose of the Study……… 2

1.4Significance of the Study ……… 2

1.5 The Method of Research ………. 3


2.2 The Function of Gerunds………. 5

2.2.1 Subject in Gerund Phrases……….. 5

2.2.2 Objects in Gerund Phrases……….. 10


2.2.4 Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs... 16

2.2.5 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs... 18

2.2.6 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition... 22


3.1 The Data of the Usage of Gerunds in the Articles of Jakarta

Post Newspaper... 30

3.2 The Analysis of the Usage of Gerunds in the Articles

of the Jakarta Post Newspaper... 30

3.2.1 The Function of Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper………. 30 3.2.2 The Dominance Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper………. 38


4.1 Conclusions... 40

4.2 Suggestion... 41




Language is the very important things in the world. To have communication with the other people we use language. Without language all the human can not do the communication. We need to know that the language consisting of words or a collection of words. Each has a meaning, namely, the relationship between words as abstract symbols to represent objects or concepts that set of words or vocabulary that by linguists alphabetically arranged.

When we speaking or writing, the words we say or we write must be follow the language rules. To express ideas, thoughts or feelings, we must choose the right words and arrange the words in accordance with the rules of language. Set of rules underlying language use, or that we use as a guideline language is called grammar.

Gerund is part of grammar. It is very essential for the English students to know and learn about gerund because almost English sentences using gerunds. After we learn about gerund, we also know about kinds of gerunds. In this paper I want give you some information about gerunds and also kinds of gerunds




1.1 Backgroundof The Study

For every human, language is one important things to communicate to each other. Because language is one media to make one relationship and know the other people by the communication. In the communication process we deliver a message that consist of information to people. Chierchia (1990:11) states that language carry meaning unable us to use them express message, to convey information to another.

Language show the expresses of someone but not all the people can show it from the oral language. Because of it language can appear in written language. By written language more and more expression can be show in sense of writing.


There are many language in the world. One of that is English as international language. English is the one of international language because of almost the people in the world know English as a second language after their mother language.

English have rules to make communication better in usage. Better in oral and writing. We can say the rules as the grammar. Grammar is the rules in the English. Gerund is one of part in grammar.

The writer takes Gerund as a paper in Jakarta Post Newspaper. Because I want to know how often the Gerund are used in Jakarta Post Newspaper. I prefer Jakarta Post Newspaper because it is one of Indonesia newspaper which is use English language.

Gerund is verb + ing which functional as a noun. Gerund is also find in written. For example, letter, poem, magazine, newspaper, etc. The writer’s object is the gerund on newspaper, Jakarta Post newspaper. This paper, i want to analyze what the meaning of gerund and what function of gerund position in the Jakarta Post Newspaper.

1.2 Scope of the Study

This study describes one kind of grammar and it is gerund. To make it easy understanding, I want to limits the study the function of gerund in Jakarta Post Newspaper.


1. To find out and classify the function of gerunds in the articles of Jakarta Post Newspaper.

2. To find out the most dominant the function of gerund in the articles of Jakarta Post Newspaper.

1.4 Significance of the Study

1. To enrich knowledge about gerunds

2. To help the readers understanding about gerunds

3. To know what the dominant of gerunds in Jakarta Post Newspaper used.

1.5 The Method of Research

In this paper the writer uses library research as the method of research. The writer collects some books of grammar as the writer references. And the writer also collects some articles from Jakarta Post Newspaper as the object of data. Finally, the writer wants to show the dominant the function of gerund that used in Jakarta Post Newspaper.




2.1 What’s Gerund

George (1980:268) states that gerund is the - ing form of the verb used as a noun, gerund has the same form as the present participle. However, it functions differently in the sentence, it is always can function in any noun position.

Harper (2006:234) states that a gerund is a kind of as have an object), but the clause as a whole (sometimes consisting only of one word, the gerund) acts as a noun within the larger sentence.



Editing this article is easy.

Within the clause "Editing this article", the word "Editing" behaves as a verb; in particular the phrase "this article" is the object of that verb. But the whole clause "Editing this article" acts as a noun phrase within the sentence as a whole; it is the subject of the verb "is".

2.2 The Function of Gerunds

2.2.1 “Subject” in Gerund Phrases

The subject of a gerund usually donates a live being, but sometimes it designates a lifeless thing or an abstract idea.

In the majority of gerund phrases, especially those functions as objects of verbs or preposition, the “subject” is either understood or is found in another part of the sentence.


Playing with guns is dangerous.

Fishing in this lake is forbidden.

Working in a factory is no disgrace.



He suggested eating dinner at the airport.

Bringing up that subject will only cause trouble.

Going there today isn’t wise.

b. The subject is in another part of the sentence Examples:

On Seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed. ( the subject of seeing is child, the subject of the main verb ).

We thanked them for making such a generous contribution. ( the subject of making is them, the object of the main verb.

1. Subject of Gerund in Possessive or Unchanged Form a. Subject a word denoting a live being

The choice of possessive or non – possessive form often depends on whether formal or informal usage is being observed.

In formal usage, possessive forms of nouns and pronouns are required.


The girl resents her sister’s getting more attention than she does.

The idea of Harold’s getting a job as a traveling salesman doesn’t appeal to his wife.

If the gerund phrase is the subject of the sentence, the possessive form is obligatory in both formal and informal usage.



His undertaking such a difficult task is to be commended.

In informal usage, the unchanged forms of nouns, as well as the object forms of personal pronouns, may be used for subjects of gerunds. These forms establish a closer relationship with the verb or preposition after which they commonly appear. They are more emphatic than the possessive forms: in speech they receive greater stress and are followed by a longer pause.

Gerund phrase after a main verb : especially such verbs as ( dis ) like, not

mind, miss, remember, understand. Examples:

We can’t understand them doing a thing like that.

I remember my father being very strict with us.

Can you imagine him being elected president!

Such a gerund phrase may be considered as the second part of a two – part object.

Gerund phrase after a preposition: Examples:

I don’t approve of a woman walking by herself late at night.

She was proud of her son winning first prize.

She went there without him knowing about it.


Much less frequent than subject that represents human being. Such a subject of a gerund is usually in non – possessive form.


They told us a story of a pirate ship having been sunk in these waters.

The doctors are afraid of a relapse occurring in a few months.

Instead of her health improving after the operation, it got worse. This type of subject is something also found with possessive endings.


I can’t understand the door’s not being open.

There is a real danger of a war’s destroying the world.

Who could imagine a thing’s seeming so different from what it is? Subjects with modifiers, especially modifiers that follow them, generally do not occur in possessive form even in formal English.


There is no need of the president of the company attending the meeting.

I marvel at anything of such small importance standing in his way.

• I can not bear the thought of my best friend, once so rich and powerful, being almost destitute now.


A long gerund phrase functioning as subject of a verb or as object of a preposition is generally awkward, especially if the subject of the gerund has noun – possessive form. Most experts suggest avoiding such sentences as the following.


The government inspector walking into the factory without any previous warning disconcerted the plant superintendent.

Because of the money not being where he had put it, he was afraid it had been stolen.

In gerund phrases derived from sentences beginning with expletives, it or its may be used; there remains unchanged.


In spite of its ( informal, it ) being a rainy night, he went out for a long walk.

We were mistaken about there being a meeting tonight.

2. Subject of gerund an of Phrase

An of phrase subject of a gerund may denote a live being or an inanimate thing. This kind of subject is used mostly with intransitive verbs. The ( occasionally another determiner ) initiates the phrase.


The plotting and intriguing of the ambassador for his own ends finally caused his dismissal.


The shouting of the children disturbed his sleep.

Personal pronoun are not used as subjects in of phrases --*the shouting of them.

A subject representing a live being may something be put either in an of phrase or in s’ possessive form – the shouting of the children or the children’s shouting. The gerund with the possessive subject has greater force as a verb ; the gerund with the of phrase subject has greater force s a noun.

3. Subject of gerund a by phrases

A by phrase subject marks the passive voice of a transitive verb in a gerund phrase.


The broadcasting by that station comes from the top of a skyscraper.

He resents being nagged by his wife.

2.2.2 “Objects” in Gerund Phrases

The form of an object in a gerund phrase may depend on what precedes the gerumd. If the introduces the gerund, the object of the gerund is in an of phrase.



The storing of merchandise became a problem after the warehouse burned down.

Determiners other than the – for example a, this, some, any – occasionally initiate a gerund phrase containing an of phrase object.


We must put an end to this killing of innocent people.

Some cutting of taxes will result from this law.

In the construction the . . . – ing + of phraseobject, only the – ing ending is usedfor the gerund can not have perfect or passive form, nor can it be made negative.

If there is no the or possessive subject preceding the gerund, the object of the gerund remains unchanged.


Repairing that lamp will not be expensive.

They plan on setting aside some money each month for their old age. If a possessive subject precedes the gerund

a. The object may remain unchanged Examples:

Their returning the money was a surprise.


b. The object may be in an of phrase ( less frequent ) Examples:

His reporting of the war won him an award for good journalism.

The dictator was hated by many people for his silencing of all oppsition.

Sometimes choices of objects with or without of are possible.


Shooting those rare birds or the shooting of those rare birds.

The government’s suppresing the news or the The government’s suppresing of the news.

Of phrase objects are not used at all with gerunds that represent nonaction - *the remembering of, *the thinking of, *the needing of. But, compare with abstract noun phrases – the remembrance of, the though of, the need of.

Personal personal objects of gerund phrases ( as well as subjects ) can not be put in of phrases - *the launching of it, *their finding of it.

In a gerund construction that is given passive force only by a by phrase, an

of phrase expresses the original object. Examples:

The sailor told us a story about the shinking of a ship by pirates..


Without a by phrase, a gerund construction containing of phrase may sometimes be interpreted as either or passive. Thus, in the shootingof the birds

disturbed him, the gerund phrase my be considered as being derived from either someone shot the birds or the birds were shot by someone.

After verbs that have both a transitive and an intransitive sense, an of phrase may cause ambiguity, since it functions either as subject or object of the gerund.


The ringing of the bells ( may be derived from the bells are ringing or someone is ringing the bells ).

• The sinking of the ship ( may be derived from the ship is sinking or

someone sank the ship ).

2.2.3 Adverbs in Gerund Phrases

In a gerund phrase, a word used as an adverb may remain unchanged or it may take adjective form.

a. Adverb in unchanged form

Such adverbs may be used in final position, or , less commonly, in initial position.



The company appreciated his handling the affair dicreetly.

Eating and drinking intemperately.

He received a reward for returning the lost money promptly.

An unchanged adverb is rare in a the . . . + of phrase construction, but occasionally such a form appears in final position.


The administering of artificial respiration immediately may save a person’s life.

Adverbs in final position in gerund phrase subjects are sometimes ambiguous in written English - his leaving the country immediately made the

police suspicious of him. In this sentence, it is not clear whether immidiately

refers to the gerund subject leaving or to the main verb made. In the spoken language, the slight pause before or after immidiately would signal which construction the word belonged to.

2. Initial Position Examples:

He received a reward for promptly returning the money.

His employer was irritated at his never getting to wrk on time.


Gerunds are usually preceded by the the same types of advebs as those that precede finite verbs – usually manner or frequency advebs.

b. Adverbs Changed to Adjective Form

In gerund phrases, adverbs from simple sentences are often transformed to adjectives that precede the gerund.


His wife was shocked at his reckless breaking of the law.

The company appreciated his discreet handling of the affair.

Her mother’s constant meddling in her affairs was a source of great annoyance to her.

It is this adjective – from – adverb form that is most common in the. . . – ing + of phrase construction.


The constant dripping of the water irritated her.

The unexpected closing of the hotel left the tourist with no palce to stay.

The use of such an adjective – from – adverb reinforces the nominal effect of the gerund phrase. The negative adjective no is used instead of the adverb not with certain types of gerund phrases.

a. After there + a form of be Examples:


There is no stopping him.

There is no denying that she is very efficient.

b. Prohibitions againts certain activities Examples:

No smoking is allowed in this classroom.

No trespassing on these premises will be permitted.

2.2.4 Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs

A gerund phrase does not occur frequently as a subject. One of its common uses as a subject is in general statements with be as the main verb.


Eating a good breakfast is very wise.

Taking a long walk every day is good execise.

The gerund phrase may also function as the subject of a verb expressing: 1. Cause – effect relationship


Seeing her every day made him realize how wonderful she was.

His finding the error quickly saved him ( = caused him to save ) many hours of extra work.



Doing such a thing now ( = if you do such a thing now, it ) will

cause you much trouble later on.

2. Emotion Examples:

Being overcharged for anything enrages her.

Seeing her so thin and pale shocked him.

It sould be noted that such verbs of emotion often also denote some degree of cause : thus enrages her, shocked him in the above sentences may be interpreted as causes her to become enraged, caused him to be shocked.

Gerund phrases may also function as subjects of passive verbs. Examples:

His keeping accurate records has never been quistioned.

Their accepting the money will be considered unwise.

A gerund phrase subject sometimes appears after anticipatory it + an adjective. Such a construction usually informal usage.


It’s very embarrasing ( , ) not remembering your name.

It’s incredible ( , ) meeting an old schoolmate so far from home.


A comma is required if the subject is included in the gerund phrase – It’s strange, his doing that. Sometimes a noun is used rather than an adjective in this construction after anticipatory it.


It will be a sad thing, not seeing her anymore.

It’s been a pleasure meeting you.

It’s no use ( or no good ) crying over spilled milk.

No use and no need may also be preced by expletive there – there’s no use ( or no need ) crying over spilled milk.

Gerund phrase subjects after anticipatory it often have alternate forms with infinitive phrases.


• It’s very embarrassing not to remember your name.

• It’s been a pleasure to meet you.

• It’s no use to cry over spilled milk.

2.2.5 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verb

Certain verbs in English are followed by verbals – either gerunds or infinitives – which are considerd as the objects of these verbs. Most of these verbs


denote mental activity or indirect speech and therefore require subjects that refere to human beings. Other have little semantic content outside of indicating aspect – the beginning, duration, end or repetition of anaction ; these verbs may or may not be used with subjects denoting persons. There is less agreement that a verbal following one of these aspects – denoting verbs is its objects ; actually, there is some justification for considering a verb that expresses aspect as a quasy – auxiliary rather than as a verb that takes an object.

Verbs Followed by Gerund Objects

1. Acknowledge 21. Facilitate* 41. Relinguish 2. Admit 22. Fancy ( = imagine ) 42. Relish

3. Advocate 23. Finish 43. Renounce

4. Anticipate 24. Give up ( = stop ) 44. Report

5. Appreciat 25. ( be ) Grudge 45. Resent

6. Avoid 26. Imagine 46. Resist

7. Can not help 27. Involve** 47. Risk

8. Consider 28. Justify* 48. Sanction

9. Contemplate 29. Keep* 49. Shirk

10.Defer 30. Keep on* 50. Stop

11.Delay 31. Leave off * 51. Suggest

12.Deny 32. Mean* 52. Tolerate

13.Detest 33. Mention 53. Try

14.Disclaim 34. Miss 54. Understand


16.Encourage 36. Postpone 56. Withhold 17.Enjoy 37. Practice

18.Entail* 38. Put off

19.Escape 39. Quit ( stop, informal )

20.Evade 40. Recommend

* These verbs can also have subjects that do not designate human beings.

** These verbs usually have subjects that denote lifeless things.


We have considered selling our home.

He mentioned meeting the governor at the reception.

I can not tolerate his constant complaining about everything.

Some verbs on this list, because of their semantic nature, can not refer to events happening in the past – for example : avoid, defer, give up, miss, risk,

urge. After such verbs only the – ing gerund is used. Examples:

He risked losing the money.

He missed being teased by his younger sister.

Verbs Followed by Gerund or Infinitive Objects

1. Abhor 8. Continue*


3. Begin* 10. Disdain

4. Can not bear 11. Dread

5. Can not stand 12. Endure

6. Cease* 13. Hate

7. Commence* 14. Hesitate

8. Intend 15. Propose

9. ( dis ) like 16. Regret**

10.Love 17. Remember*

11.Neglect 18. Scorn

12.Plan 19. Start*

13.Prefer 20. Try

* These verbs may also have subjects which do not designate human beings.

** After these verbs, the gerund represents past time ; the infinitive represents future time.


I remember taking care of that matter. ( past time )

• I must remember to take of that matter. ( future time )

He began attending classes regularly.

• He began to attend classes regularly.

I intend doing that tomorrow.

• I intend to do that tomorrow.


• You mustn’t neglect to make the reservation right away.

Try – a gerund has the special meaning of make an experiment with – try

going to bed earlier ; you’ll feel better. In this sense the infinitive may also be

used. Try meaning make an attempt to requires the infinitive.


He is trying to enter a good university.

After a noun – human subject, need and want in the sense of require will take an – ing gerund – this lamp needs repairing. ( such a gerund may alternate with a passive infinitive—this lamp needs to be repaired ).

2.2.6 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition

Any verbs used as the object in a prepositional phrase takes the form of a gerund. Most gerund phrases after prepositions are subjectless, especially those in adverbial prepositional phrases.

1. Nominal Function of Prepositional Gerund Phrases

Such gerund phrases function as prepositional objects of verbs. A great many of the verbs listed under prepositional objects in the chapter on prepositions take such gerund objects.


He insisted on paying the entire bill for dinner.

She often dreams about having a lot of money to spend on luxuries.

Some verbs are followed by either gerund phrase prepositional objects or infinitive phrase objects:

a. agree in ( or on ) going, agree to go b. care about going, care to go

c. caution ( someone ) againts going, caution someone to go ( opposite meanings )

d. decide on going, decide to go e. forget about going, forget to go

f. grieve ( or rejoice, exult ) at going, grieve ( or rejoice, exult ) to go g. help ( someone ) in going, help ( someone to ) go

h. plan on going, plan to go i. serve for going, serve to go j. suffice for going, suffice to go

k. warn ( someone ) againts going, warn someone to go ( opposite meanings )

The word to after the following verbs is a preposition rather than the sign of the infinitive and therefore requires a gerund after it – accustom oneself,

allude, confess, confine oneself, dedicate oneself, limit oneself, look forward, object, plead guilty, reconcile oneself, resign oneself, resort, revert.


He objected to their entering the factory without the permission.

We look forward to seeing you again.

2. Adjectival Function of Prepositional Gerund Phrases

These adjectival constructions appearing after nouns begin mostly with

of or for. There are two main types:

a. Those prepositional gerund phrases that follow nouns derived from verbs or adjectives.


His pretense of being rich didn’t fool anyone.

Their preparations for traveling abroad were very time – consuming.

He spoke of the necessity of hiring more men.

b. Those prepositional gerund phrases appearing after nouns that are nonderivational. Such adjectival constructions are mostly adjective clause equivalents.


The money for traveling around the country ( = with which they could travel around the country ) was soon used up.

This is not a good way of doing it ( = in which you can do it ).

The time for making excuses ( = in which you can make excuses ) is past.


Both types of prepositional gerund phrases may have alternate infinitive forms.


• He spoke of the necessity to hire more men.

• This is not a good way to do it.

• The time to make excuses is past.

3. Adverbial Function of Prepositional Gerunf Phrases a. Prepositional gerund phrases modifying verbs

These phrases may express almost all adverbial relationships except place.


After listening to the news, she started to prepare dinner.

He earned the money for his tuition by working as a waiter during the summer months.

I passed him in the street without his recognizing me.

In spite of traveling alone, she enjoyed her vacation very much. A prepositional gerund phrase may appear in all three adverbial positions, but most frequently in initial or final position. In initial position the “subject” of the phrase is rarely expressed, since it is understood as the subject of the sentence. If the agent of an introductory gerund phrase is other than the subject


of the sentence, the phrase is considerd an unacceptable “dangling” element – on

looking out the window, a beautiful scene met his eyes. b. Prepositional gerund phrases modifying adjectives

At introduces most prepositional gerund phrases after adjectives, especially – ed participial adjectives.


He was embarrassed at hearing himself praised.

I’m disappointed at your doing such a thing.

He’s very quick at adding figures.

Other prepositions introducing gerund phrases after adjectives are :

a. About

Example : He’s very careless about keeping appointments.

b. For

Example : Their by funds are adequate for meeting their moderate


c. Of

Example : He’s afraid of displeasing his parents.


Example : They must be content with seeing each other at infrequent


e. By

Example : I was annoyed by the dog’s barking all night..

Many of these prepositional gerund phrases after adjectives have alternate forms with infinitive phrase or that clauses .

1. Infinitive phrases Examples:

He was embarrassed to hear himself praised.

He’s afraid to displease his parents.

2. That clauses Examples:

• He was ebarrassed that people were praising him.

• He’s afraid that he will displease his parents.

The word to after some adjectives , especially certain –ed participal adjectives, is a preposition rather than the sign of the infinitive and therefore requires the gerund form as its object –accustomed , addicated , averse ,

dedicated , disposed , given , opposed , used . Examples:


• Some government officials are not averse to accepting bribes.




In the completing this paper, I collect the data from the articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper to support my paper or as the samples to make the discussion clearly and easy to understand.

3.1 The Data of the Usage of English Gerunds in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

The articles are from the Jakarta Post Newspaper published on August 24, 2007 and August 25, 2007 and the data is 43 sentences that use the function of gerunds found in the articles and consist of four articles which are chosen at random, the first article published on Friday, August 24, 2007 with the title of Saparinah Sadli: champion of women’s causes, the second article published on Friday, August 24, 2007 with the title of Li tells fans to keep expectations low for


fight scenes with Chan, the third article published on Saturday, August 25, 2007 with the title of Jean-Pierre Goy Shying away from public roads, the fourth article published on Saturday, August 25, 2007 with the title of Nuri al-Maliki : Stubborn premier undone by sectarian distrust. The data are collected and list in the table 1 below according to the classification of the usage of gerunds from its kinds such as “Subject” in Gerund Phrases, “Objects” in Gerund Phrases, Adverbs in Gerund Phrases, Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs, Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verb, Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition.

Table 1: Day ,


Title The Function of gerund

“Subjec t” in Gerund Phrases “Object s” in Gerund Phrases Adver bs in Gerun d Phrase s Gerun d Phrase s as Subjec ts of Verbs Gerun d Phras es as Objec ts of Verb Gerund Phrases as Objects of Prepositi on Friday, August 24 , 2007 Saparinah Sadli: champion of women’s causes

2 2

Friday, August 24 , Li tells fans to keep expectatio ns low for


2007 fight scenes with Chan Saturda y , August 25, 2007 Jean-Pierre Goy Shying away from public roads

2 2 1 8 7

Saturda y , August 25, 2007 Nuri al-Maliki : Stubborn premier undone by sectarian distrust

1 1 6 3

Total 2 4 1 2 19 15

The total number of Gerunds is 43.

3.2 The Analysis of the Usage of Gerunds in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

In this analysis, I describe the function of gerunds and also the dominance of them by collecting the sample sound in the articles of The Jakarta Post Newspaper.


3.2.1The Function of Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

Title 1

A. Saparinah Sadli: Champion of Women’s Causes

There are two kinds of gerunds found in this articles and four sentences using the function of gerunds; there are two sentences using gerund phrases as objects of verbs and two sentences using gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

1. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs

A friend and sparring partner of sorts and a bridge that brings together the values of the old and the new ideas of the young.

• She has helped as an assistant to the women’s Affairs Ministry developing the program for families with children under five. 2. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition

• So far, they have presented the award, which is designed for woman working for woman causes, to Maria Ulfah Anshor in 2004 for her thesis dealing with abortion in Islamic law.

Habibie – they succeeded in persuading Habibie to officially denounce the massive rapesin May 1998.

Title 2


There are only four kinds of gerunds found in this articles and eight sentences using the function of gerunds; there are one sentence using objects in gerund phrases, one sentence using gerund phrases as subjects of verbs, three sentences using gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and three sentences using gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

1. Objects in Gerund Phrases

Underpinned with comparably larger production and marketing budgets.

2. Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs

Your marketing budget is limited, perhaps between $5 and $8 million.

3. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs

Jet Li is urging audiences to keep expectations low for his eagerly anticipated fight scenes with Jackie Chan in the upcoming Hollywood movie the forbidden kingdom because it’s not that kind of movie – and they are both getting too old.

• The actor’s focus, he says, is one foundation, a charity he launched recently to promote disaster relief and mental health among youngsters and that acting gives him the profile to promote the cause.

• But although his Hollywood movies have been consistent box office earners, he hasn’t crossed the US$100 million mark at the


U.S. box office, according to figures compiled by sales-tracking web site Box Office Mojo.

4. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition

I don’t necessarily have to agree with their handling of violence and life.

Often when I go back to the hotel after shooting I reflect on why I’m doing this.

Li called the martial arts hit Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and aberration, saying that usually huge box office successes are underpinned with comparably larger production and marketing budgets.

Title 3

C. Jean-Pierre Goy: Shying away from public road

There are five kinds of gerund found in this articles and twenty sentences using the function of gerunds; there are two sentences using subject in gerund phrases, two sentences using objects in gerund phrases, one sentence using gerund phrases as subjects of verbs, eight sentences using gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and seven sentences using gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

1. Subject in Gerund Phrases

After helping the volunteer lay down on the ground in the middle of the runaway on his back, Goy jumped up onto his bike.


Speaking to The Jakarta Post after the stunt, Goy said the show was his sixth in Indonesia since performing here for the first time in 2005.

2. Objects in Gerund Phrases

So who knew he was afraid of riding a motorcycle on the street?

A second later he sped away from the bravely smiling volunteer at high speed, only to come back at the same speed.

3. Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs

After years of riding for the company’s team he retired from competition and pursued a career in stunt riding as well as show riding.

4. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs

• “You can see it for yourself in the movie, when it is released in April, I think as I was told ,”said Goy, describing the bike as half a car and half a motorbike.

“I needed a month to rehearse before finally starting the shooting”, said Goy.

Pursued a career in stunt riding

As well as show riding

• At one moment he blasted at full speed only to make a perfect sudden stop , throwing the bike into a huge sideways slide.


• Then he raised the back wheel of the bike to perform a stoppie and flipped the back end around 90 degrees so do a wheelie before dropping it right onto the side stand.

• Revving up through the gears, he repeatedly made sideways slides around the volunteer, leaving the audience breathless.

5. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition

• “That is why I ride motorbikes or movies only” Goy said, adding that being a stunt rider in the next Batman movie was an unforgettable experience for him.

It reportedly will also come complete in the movie with grappling hooks, cannons and machine guns.

• Goy said he went to England in April 2007 to try the Batpod after learning that the film’s producer was still unable to find someone to ride the specially designed bike.

He earned cheers and applause from the audience with his thrilling tricks.

• They have always been very good audience to me, said Goy, adding that this year’s performance here was very special because he used a BMW motorbike.

A moment later he drugged a member of the organizing committee out to be a volunteer for his next trick.

Goy said the show was his sixth in Indonesia since performing here for the first time in 2005.


Title 4

D. Nuri al-Maliki : Stubborn Premier Undone by Sectarian Distrust

There are four kinds of gerunds found in this articles and eleven sentences using the function of gerunds; there are one sentence using objects in gerund phrases, one sentence using adverb in gerund phrases, six sentences using gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and three sentences using gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

1. Objects in Gerund Phrases

U.S President George W Bush is one of a dwindling band of Maliki supporters.

2. Adverb in Gerund Phrases

• Prime Minister Nuri al – Maliki, head of Iraq’s first permanent post invasion government, is a blunt, uncharismatic product of an underground opposition group who faces crumbling support at home and abroad.

3. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verb

• His attempts to bridge Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian divides have so far failed, with 17 of 40 ministers having resigned or decided to boycott the cabinet.

Unending daily bloodshed taking its toll an ordinary Iraqis.

• Prime Minister Maliki is a good guy, a good man with a difficult job, and I support him, Bush said on Wednesday, defending his


ally from attacks from U.S opposition senators Carl Levin and Hillary Clinton.

Dawa, while being the oldest Iraqi movement opposed to Saddam, has never been a friend of the United States.

• He has visited Tehran twice since coming to office and maintains apparently good relations there, despite claims from American commanders that Tehran is arming militias that carry out attacks on U.S and Iraqi security forces.

Now, many in Baghdad and Washington are wondering whether there is anyone else inside the murky world of Iraqi politics who could spring – up in his place and, if hot, whether Maliki can ever lead his country to peace.

4. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Preposition

• Shiites retort that Maliki has never given a chance to rule, that his margin for maneuver is limited by the vast U.S occupation army in Iraq and that his fledgling security forces are not ready to supplant the militias.

• Now, they add, American forces have further undermined him by endorsing and helping Sunni tribal levies and former insurgent groups now engaged in the fight against Al – Qaeda’s Iraqi affiliate – to Maliki’s consternation.

• For the U.S command, these local groups of concerned citizents are a bulwark against extremism, for Maliki and those steeped like him


in the logic of sectarian conflict they are an armed Sunni opposition in the making.

3.2.2 The Dominance Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

The dominance gerunds can be seen through the percentage of their usage in the articles. To get the percentage I apply the formula.

The formula : X = Y / N x 100 %

X = the percentage of each kind of the gerund

Y = the total number of each kind of gerund

N = the total of kind of gerund

The percentage of gerunds found in the four articles can be seen through the following table.

Table 2: the percentage of gerunds

No The Function of Gerunds Percentage

1 Subjects in Gerund Phrases 0,33 %

2 Objects in Gerund Phrases 0,66 %


4 Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs 0,33 %

5 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs 3,16 %

6 Gerund phrases as Objects of Preposition 2,5 %

The table above shows the overall figures of the use of gerunds. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs show the highest use with the figure of 3,16 %. The second highest percentage is the Gerund phrases as Objects of Preposition which show 2,5 %. The third highest percentage is the Objects in Gerund Phrases which show 0,83 %. Subjects in Gerund Phrases, Adverbs in Gerund Phrases, and Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs show the same figures which is 0,33 %.




4.1 Conclusions

Based on the analysis above, gerund is the important things in forming English sentence. Gerund has many function to complete the sentence, that are ; subjects in gerund phrases, objects in gerund phrases, adverbs in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as subjects of verb, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

After I analyzing four articles of Jakarta Post Newspaper, the first article published on Friday, August 24, 2007 with the title of Saparinah Sadli: champion of women’s causes, I found two kinds of gerunds; there are gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and gerund phrases as objects of preposition, second article published on Friday, August 24, 2007 with the title Li tells fans to keep expectations low for fight scenes with Chan, I found four kinds of gerunds; there are objects in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as subjects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and gerund phrases as objects of preposition, the third article published on Saturday, August 25, 2007 with the title of Jean-Pierre Goy: Shying away from public roads, I found five kinds of gerunds; there are subjects in


gerund phrases, objects in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as subjects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of preposition, the fourth article published on Saturday, August 25, 2007 with the title Nuri al-Maliki: Stubborn premier undone by sectarian distrust, I found four kinds of gerunds; there are objects in gerund phrases, adverbs in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

The function of gerunds is different in sentence. The participial forms in gerund phrases indicate the same kind of time as they do in participial phrases. The usage of the gerund in the articles of Jakarta Post newspaper tells us the function of the gerund in the sentence and can provide information to us about the position and placement of every gerund in the sentence.

After understanding the usage of the gerund, we will also be able to compare the main differences between the function of gerunds found in the articles, so that we can know very well what the function of gerunds in the sentences.

4.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion above, the suggestion for the students who study about English are:

1. The students must be understood about gerunds and also the function of gerunds very well.


2. For English students especially the beginners, it is important to be able in making sentences by understanding the usage of gerund first.

3. I wish this paper can be useful to enrich knowledge about the usage and the function of gerund in English sentences.

4. I also wish the students can get much information about gerunds from this paper and also apply it in English language.



Dwi, W. Elan. 2005. Modern English Grammar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Frank, Marcella. Modern English a Practical reference guide. New Jersey:

Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Martin, H. and Wren, P.C.1986. High School English Grammar and composition. New Delhi: Ram Nagar.

Ridle, Hinkell. 1997. Communication in English. Deresan: Kanisius.

Schrampfer Azar, Betty. 1993. Understanding and Using English Grammar Second Edition, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.

Thompsom, A.J and Martinet, A.V. 1986. Practical English Grammar Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.


in the logic of sectarian conflict they are an armed Sunni opposition in the making.

3.2.2 The Dominance Gerunds Found in the Articles of the Jakarta Post Newspaper

The dominance gerunds can be seen through the percentage of their usage in the articles. To get the percentage I apply the formula.

The formula : X = Y / N x 100 %

X = the percentage of each kind of the gerund

Y = the total number of each kind of gerund

N = the total of kind of gerund

The percentage of gerunds found in the four articles can be seen through the following table.

Table 2: the percentage of gerunds

No The Function of Gerunds Percentage

1 Subjects in Gerund Phrases 0,33 %

2 Objects in Gerund Phrases 0,66 %


4 Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs 0,33 %

5 Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs 3,16 %

6 Gerund phrases as Objects of Preposition 2,5 %

The table above shows the overall figures of the use of gerunds. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs show the highest use with the figure of 3,16 %. The second highest percentage is the Gerund phrases as Objects of Preposition which show 2,5 %. The third highest percentage is the Objects in Gerund Phrases which show 0,83 %. Subjects in Gerund Phrases, Adverbs in Gerund Phrases, and Gerund Phrases as Subjects of Verbs show the same figures which is 0,33 %.




4.1 Conclusions

Based on the analysis above, gerund is the important things in forming English sentence. Gerund has many function to complete the sentence, that are ; subjects in gerund phrases, objects in gerund phrases, adverbs in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as subjects of verb, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

After I analyzing four articles of Jakarta Post Newspaper, the first article published on Friday, August 24, 2007 with the title of Saparinah Sadli: champion of women’s causes, I found two kinds of gerunds; there are gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and gerund phrases as objects of preposition, second article published on Friday, August 24, 2007 with the title Li tells fans to keep expectations low for fight scenes with Chan, I found four kinds of gerunds; there are objects in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as subjects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, and gerund phrases as objects of preposition, the third article published on Saturday, August 25, 2007 with the title of Jean-Pierre Goy: Shying away from public roads, I found five kinds of gerunds; there are subjects in


gerund phrases, objects in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as subjects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of preposition, the fourth article published on Saturday, August 25, 2007 with the title Nuri al-Maliki: Stubborn premier undone by sectarian distrust, I found four kinds of gerunds; there are objects in gerund phrases, adverbs in gerund phrases, gerund phrases as objects of verbs, gerund phrases as objects of preposition.

The function of gerunds is different in sentence. The participial forms in gerund phrases indicate the same kind of time as they do in participial phrases. The usage of the gerund in the articles of Jakarta Post newspaper tells us the function of the gerund in the sentence and can provide information to us about the position and placement of every gerund in the sentence.

After understanding the usage of the gerund, we will also be able to compare the main differences between the function of gerunds found in the articles, so that we can know very well what the function of gerunds in the sentences.

4.2 Suggestions

In relation to the conclusion above, the suggestion for the students who study about English are:

1. The students must be understood about gerunds and also the function of gerunds very well.


2. For English students especially the beginners, it is important to be able in making sentences by understanding the usage of gerund first.

3. I wish this paper can be useful to enrich knowledge about the usage and the function of gerund in English sentences.

4. I also wish the students can get much information about gerunds from this paper and also apply it in English language.



Dwi, W. Elan. 2005. Modern English Grammar. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Frank, Marcella. Modern English a Practical reference guide. New Jersey:

Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Martin, H. and Wren, P.C.1986. High School English Grammar and composition. New Delhi: Ram Nagar.

Ridle, Hinkell. 1997. Communication in English. Deresan: Kanisius.

Schrampfer Azar, Betty. 1993. Understanding and Using English Grammar Second Edition, Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara.

Thompsom, A.J and Martinet, A.V. 1986. Practical English Grammar Fourth Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.