1 Background of the Study



This chapter consists of five parts, namely background of the study, objective of the study, problem formulation, benefit of the s tudy, and definition of terms. The background of the study contains the reasons why the novel When Daylight Comes by Lyn Andrews is used as the subject of this study. The objectives of the study deal with the goal of the study. I state two problems in the problem formulation. The benefits of the study give some advantages the readers can get from this study. The last is definition of terms, which explains some significant terms used in this study.

1. 1 Background of the Study

Novel is one of the literary works that is extended works of fiction written in a prose. The author pours their idea about life through a novel. The idea may come from a particular real event that happens in the author’s daily life or merely a reflectio n of human life. From the novel we can enrich our knowledge and learn the positive things from the character’s experience We will find that reading a novel gives not only pleasure but also valuable things about life. Feminism , as one of the issues in literary work always becomes an interesting issue to be discussed. Feminism concerns the inequality between men and women. It talks about women’s existence, women’s struggles to be independent and to have the same right as men. The problems related to gender 2 also become one of the topics in a literary work. In the past, women’s space was restricted. Women’s opportunities seemed hard to be achieved. Their opportunities were restricted by the assumption that wome n were regarded as a weak creature. The traditionalist notes that historically women have always less power, less influence, and fewer resources than men, and assumes this must accord with some natural order Freeman, 1984: xiii. I can see from the culture around me, I have found that many people see women as “konco wingking ”. It means that women have the second position after men. They have to stay at home and become a house wife. Women must do the house keeping and it becomes their responsibility. They have to sweep the floor, wash the clothes and dishes, and prepare the food for their husband and children. This culture also views that women should not have high education. They think that their high education would be useless. After they get married they wiil not use their academic achievement for lo oking for a job. Their husband do not allow them to work outside. They have to take care of the house and the children. Based on the thought above, I am interested in studying the topic of feminism that appears in the novel of Lyn Andrews’ When Daylight Comes. I am interested in Jessica Brennans character because she is a wonderful female character. She has a great spirit to reach her dream. Jessica is an inexperienced young woman. She dares to take actions for her life although it takes high risk for herself. Without supports from her family, she can survive her life by her own effort. Jessica is still young when both her parents died tragically. They do not 3 leave anything to support her life. Her only brother has left her and chose n his own way. Jessica refuses her aunt’s offering to live with her and her family. She chooses to support her own life. She wants to be independent and strong although she is an inexperienced young woman. She wants to be like her mother who was a very strong, thoughtful, and generous woman. Although Jessica has lost her family and her house, she never gives up. She does not want to depend her life on others. She has refused to live with aunt. She chooses to live alone although she has to stay in a stable. Jess hardly tries to earn money with her own effort. She wants to reach her happiness and security she once had. She wants to regain the prosperity so she can make her mother’s dream come true. Her mother has promised to give a few pounds for every family who has lost their breadwinner. Another reason why I want to analyze the novel When Daylight Comes is that the author, Lyn Andrews teaches us how strong Jessica faces her hard life. It gives an important lesson for us. The novel gives a message that life is full of choices, problems, and obstacles to its readers.

1. 2 Objectives of the Study