1. 2 Confident Jessica is a confident woman. She is always very sure with what she has

27 ‘She’s so pig-headed you’ll do nothing with her, Jo,’ Tom said grimly. ‘Look at the way she rejects all my apologies and all our efforts to be reconciled. She wouldn’t let us help her when she needed it.’ p. 247 Patrick also gives comment that Jess is stubborn. He says it when he is quarrelling with Ronan. Ronan judges him that he has left Jess. “… I’m not abandoning Jess. I’ll look after her even though she’s stubborn and hot-headed and thinks I’m a fool….” p. 102. Patrick is also one who is not forgiven be Jess. Jess realizes that she is stubborn not to forgive what Patrick did to her. “She nodded. In some things Ronan was implacable and just as stubborn as herself….” p. 207. Patrick sees from Jess’s reaction when he asks for her apology. She seems hard to forgive. “Jess, please …?’ He could see she hadn’t forgiven him.” p. 210 Jess is old enough to get married but no one can force her to end her loneliness. There is a man who loves her and she does not realize it. Johanna advices her that marriage is something to think about afte r her business. Jess does not care about it. “No one could ‘marry you off’, Jess. You’re much too stubborn. But it’s something you’ll have to consider, Jess. I’ve never heard him courting any other girl. “ p. 238

4. 1. 2 Confident Jessica is a confident woman. She is always very sure with what she has

done. It is seen from her efforts in getting a job. She never works before and it is her first interview for getting a job as a governess. She is very sure she can pass 28 the interview well. … Fleetingly she thought of that interview. It had been no more than a cursory inspection and her lack of experience had very obviously been taken into account. She had definitely not been suitable. Still, she managed to appear cheerful and confident…. p. 118. Not only the interview which becomes Jess’ first experience but also her business. She starts a business in selling feathers. She does not have any experience and knowledge on that. But she feels confident when the first time she carries out the business. “… At first time she was hesitant but when she realized that she obtains her first purchase for the sum of six shillings, less than she had budgeted for, she became more confident.” p. 176. Jess is very surprised when the buyer, Mrs. Cummings wants the feathers dyed first and tied into small bunches. Jess’ feathers have not been made up. It is something she has not thought about. Yet, Jessica is sure she can make it up and the buyer will be satisfied. “I’m sure that can be arranged. If you were to give me some small samples of fabric?” p. 180. Jess’ business has grown vast. Ronan sees that Jess looks more confident with all her efforts and achievements. “… She’d achieved so much and virtually on her own. These days she was very confident and her pas t experiences seemed only to have increased her self-assure and independence.” p. 202. Edward, the man who admires her so much sees that she is a confident woman. He knows Jess is different from the other woman. “He watched her as she unwrapped the paper. She was so composed, so self-assure, quite unlike any other girl or woman he knew….” p. 231. Knowing she is so confident, Edward 29 becomes not confident to declare his feeling towards her. “… But she was so full of life, spirit and self-confidence, would she find him too dull? He also had to admit to himself that she was a good catch for any man….” p. 262 . Another opinion is from Catherine Grainger, Patrick’s wife. She admires Jess too. Jess has more self-confidence than herself. The first time she mee ts Jess, she knows Jess is very self confident. She is fond of her. … She had liked Jess instantly even though she was a little in awe of her: Jess was far more self-confident and spirited than she herself was. That probably came of being a successful business woman…. p. 302

4. 1. 3 Optimistic