The Importance of Using Pictures Series

17 because of en couragement from their peers”. Cooperative learning is also believed as a strong strategy to motivate the students. It is stated by Minister Education 1997 as cited by Huda 2012 that, cooperative learning regards as a powerful tool to motivate learning. Besides, it has a positive effect on the classroom climate which leads the students to encourage greater achievement, to foster positive attitudes and higher self-esteem, to develop collaborative skills and to promote greater social support.

2.1.4 The Definition of Motivation in the Context of Learning

Motivation is related to concepts in human mind. Brown 2001 defines motivation as , “the extent to which you make choices about goals to pursue and the effort you will devote to that pursuit ” p. 72. The students will be motivated when they know the goal that they have to reach. The goals can be divided into two different goal orientations. There are mastery and performance goal Schunk, Pintrich, Meece, 2008. A mastery goal orientation focuses on learning, self- improvement, trying to accomplish something challenge. This goal does not focus on high grade but the process of learning. However, a performance goal orientation focuses on competence and ability which show how great the students‟ ability by showing the high grade. In other word, a performance goal focuses on getting the high grade and attempting to be the best than others Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece, 2008. 18 Another definition about motivation is defined by Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 they state that, “motivation is the process whereby goal-directed activity is instigated and sustained ” p. 4. Motivation is a process rather than product. It needs a goal in the first step. In doing the process, motivational process also needs sustain action. In this case, the action is the students‟ performance toward the subject that they learned, what they learned, when they learned, and how they learned Schunk, 1995 as cited by Schunk, Pintrich, Meece, 2008. Based on the definition it emphasizes that motivation is developing process which includes self - awareness, direction, and action to reach the goal. The Function of Motivation in the Process of Teaching Learning Activity

Motivation in the process of teaching learning activity is very important. According to Paranto 1981 there are several functions of motivation in learning and teaching process: 1 Provide the optimal condition during the learning process, 2 encourage the spirit of the students to learn, 3 b uild up the students‟ interest to learn, 4 attracting the students‟ attention in order to the students focus on learning activity, 5 help the students in creating and finding the good behaviors so they can achieve the learning goals pp.7-8. In addition, by knowing the function of motivation in the teaching learning process, the students and the teacher are expected to build the optimal condition during the teaching and learning process. Embedding motivation also increases the students‟ spirit to learn. It helps the students to focus on the learning activity so they can achieve the learning goals. 19 The role of Motivation in Language Learning

Motivation has important role in language learning Vela Vara, 2009. This claims supported by Karaoglu 2011 which also states that, “motivation plays a significant role in the process of learning a language”. Furthermore, motivation has a role in second language acquisition. Krashen as cited by Richards and Rodgers 2001 believe that motivation helps the students receive more knowledge in second language acquisition. He states that, “learners with high motivation generally do better” p. 183. In other word, motivation and language learning is two aspects which is cannot be separated in determining success. In addition, most of the teachers believe that motivation has important role in determining students‟ success in achieving the goal Dornyei, 2001. It is supported by Brown 1994 as citied by Klein 2013 state that, “numerous studies have provided statistical evidence that indicates motivation is a predictor of language learning success” p.73. Thus, it gives evidence that motivation has important role in a language learning success. Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 believe “motivation can affect both new learning and the performance of previously learned skill, strategies, and behaviors” p. 5. It means that the role of motivation in language learning can affect how the students determine the learning strategies which also affect their behavior. In addition, the important point between motivation and language learning is that motivation gives strong relation to learning and performance. In other word, the behavior related to what the students do and learn gives effect on their motivation Pintrich Schunk, 1995 as cited by Schunk, 2008. The