Cooperative Learning Method and the Students’ Motivation

20 example can be seen when the students are motivated to learn, they will join the teaching learning process enthusiastically and they believe that the activities will help them in learning process and they will prepare the material as well as possible. In contrast, the students who are unmotivated they tend to be inattentive during the teaching learning process and have unprepared material.

2.1.5 The Indicators of Assessing Students’ Motivation in Teaching Learning

Process The important role related to motivation in language learning is how to assess motivation. It is important since that this research concerns on improving students‟ motivation. According to Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 there are four indicators which links to the students‟ motivation; choice of tasks or interest, effort, and persistence. Keith as cited by Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 describe choice of task or interest brings the important role for students, “when the students have a choice, what they choose to do indicate where their motivation lays ” p. 11. Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 also support the relation of choice of task with motivation is, “selection of a task under free-choice conditions indicates motivation to perform the task ” p. 11. Therefore, the task that the students chose indicates their interest. The second indicator is effort. Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 believe, “high effort especially on difficult task is indicative of motivation” p. 21 12. It means the motivated students will have high effort on the task especially in the difficult task. The third is persistence. Dornyei 2001 believes that persistence is related to how long they are willing to sustain the activity. It means that the high willingness they have, they are more motivated on that learning activity. Meanwhile, Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece 2008 believe the role of persistence in motivation as, “working for a longer time especially when one encounters obstacles is associated with higher motivation ” p. 12. Therefore, the persistence to work harder and work longer indicates as having motivation. The length of the time a person engage in the task and activity especially in difficult task, it shows the indicator of his or her motivation Stipek, 1988. In addition, Dornyei 2001 believes that the teacher has a role in shaping students‟ motivation during the learning process by providing mentoring, guidance, nurturance, support, and limit setting. Furthermore, before the teaching learning activity is begun, the teacher must have preparation to create conducive classroom. Hawley and Hawley 1979 believe that the first step to build motivation in the classroom is establishing a positive learning climate. It will affect the students‟ ability and willingness to learn. Hawley and Hawley 1979, pp. 31-57 describe five factors that help the teacher establish a positive learning climate: