There are some students who like to enter the class lately so that they

94 music for example, so that he may gain maximum attention at the beginning of the class, which is important. Participant 5 A practice teacher can use catchy activities like playing videos so that the students will pay attention to the front of the class or maybe a practice teacher can talk about interesting or funny stories. And maybe the use of media can be more effective to gain students‟ attention. Participant 6 Using games to catch students‟ attention at the beginning of the class to gain attention is helpful, I think. I did it several times and I could see that I got my students‟ attention well with the inclusion of games.

c. There are some students who like to enter the class lately so that they

disrupt the class teaching and learning activities. Participant 1 At the first meeting, a practice teacher may set a rule that is agreed by all members of the class. A rule about maximum lateness, excuses, etc. can be effective to reduce the lateness problem. Participant 2 A practice teacher may ask one or two students who have already been in the classroom to look for those who have not come yet ask them to come in fast. 95 Participant 3 A practice teacher may come up with the idea of giving simple punishment to the late students. For example, a practice teacher may ask the late students to sing in front of the class. By doing that, the late students may feel ashamed so that hopefully, there will be no late students coming to the class anymore. Participant 4 A practice teacher may wait his students for more over 5 up to 10 minutes before starting the lesson to wait for all students to come in to the class. If there are still some students who are outside the classroom, then a practice teacher may ask one of his students in the class to find their friends who are still outside. Participant 5 One possible solution is not to pay too much attention to the late students. It is because if a practice teacher pays too much attention to those students, it is very probable that the rest of the students in the class will also pay attention to them. So, a practice teacher may just briefly ask the late students to have a seat immediately. I think that can be one of the effective ways to solve that problem. Participant 6 At the first meeting, maybe it is suggested that a mahasiswa PPL make an agreement with the member of the class regarding lateness or other rules, along with the consequences of breaking those rules. I think to emphasize the maximum lateness time for students can be good to solve this problem. 96

d. The practice teachers do not know how to get all of his students to

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