Theory of Repression Theory of Art

written by M. J. Murphy. Murphy 1972: 161-173 states that the characteristics of a character might be identified through personal description, the speech, life background, and thought and habits of the character. Conversation and opinion of other characters, direct comment from the author, and the reaction toward certain situation also can be the indications in identifying characteristics of a character. Based on Abrams’ and Murphy’s theory of character and characterization, the characteristics of characters can be identified through almost every aspect of their life. The indications can be derived from what they say or do and what the other characters say about them in the story. It is possible that the author directly describes their characteristics. That means the characteristics of characters can be interpreted in some ways as long as they are related. In order to strengthen the analysis, the writer also uses additional theory that is related to classification of character which is provided by Larain and Art Bennet 2005: 3. By this theory, the characteristics of Suwen that are identified can be classified into general type of human being.

2. Theory of Repression

The idea of repression becomes the focus in this undergraduate thesis. Thus, the writer includes the theory of repression in order to get the idea and better analysis of the repression. Basically, the writer uses the Freud’s idea of repression and the other experts’ idea that support Freud’s idea of repression. Based on Freud’s theory Barry, 1995: 96-97, repression is defined as “…the forgetting or ignoring of unresolved conflicts, unadmitted desires, or traumatic past events, so that they are forced out of conscious awareness and into the realm of the unconscious”. It is possible that a character has memory that is repressed. The repressed memory can be derived from the traumatic or unpleasant events that the character faced in the past time. Such kind of memories are kept in the unconsciousness until it find a way to come out. The outcome of the repression may be in any forms. In addition, Matthew Hugh Erdelyi 2006: 504 also mentions something related to Freud’s idea of repression that “there is no guarantee that at a later juncture there might not be a return of the repressed”. People may be able to keep the repression out of the consciousness. But the repressed memory is not vanished. It is still buried deeply inside the unconsciousness and there is possibility for the repression to come out of the unconsciousness. Repression is closely related to unconsciousness. As Erdelyi states that “…psychoanalysis treat as axiomatic that the defenses, including repression, are unconscious processes” 2006: 500. The repression is processed deeply inside the human’s unconsciousness. Since it is in the unconsciousness, the process of making the repression is invisible. It can only be observed by looking inside the character’s mind by applying psychoanalysis methods.

3. Theory of Art

Since the topic of this undergraduate thesis is related to an artwork, the writer considers the necessity of giving the theory of art in order to support the analysis. Art has a lot of function related to human life, especially to the artist. One of its significant functions is to be a media of expression of the feelings and memories possessed by the artist. Alan Tormey 1971:103 states that an artwork has an expressive property, then the artist, in creating that artwork, expressed a feeling state of which is the qualitative analogue. An artwork has not only aesthetic values but also the emotional values. Artwork is a media which an artist can freely express hisher emotions and feelings. The artist turns hisher psychological aspects into a real thing which is an artwork. Another function of art is to be a healing process. It means when an artist creates an artwork, heshe also does a healing process for hisher self. Alexandria Bean, October 2, 2013, one of the experts that work in the field of art, states that “creating a new masterpiece transforms inner rage, pain, or emotional baggage into something tangible. Hopes and fears can be transcribed for the first time, feelings that shouldn’t be ignored or suffocated. Rather, these basic human feelings can be managed and celebrated through creativity. In this sense, self-expression serves as a simple reminder of the healing process”. When an artwork is created, the artist pour hisher emotions and feeling in the process of making the work. By transferring the emotions and feelings to an artwork, an artist is unconsciously doing a healing process and refreshing hisher mind.

4. Theory of Symbol