Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

C. Theoretical Framework

The analysis of this undergraduate thesis is done by applying the related and supporting theories, which are theory of character and characterization, theory of repression, theory of art, and the theory of symbol based on the psychoanalysis approach. Those theories are used to get and analyze the data which can be found in the novel. In order to get the valid data and results for solving the problems that the writer finds and formulates in this undergraduate thesis, the writer does three steps. Each step focuses on one problem. Firstly, the writer identifies the characteristics of Suwen by looking into the parts of the text that provide the information of Suwen’s characteristics which can be found in the novel. Since the focus of the first analysis is the characteristics of character, the analysis is done based on the requirements of the theory of character and characterization by M. H. Abrams supported by M. J. Murphy. The writer uses this theory because it has strong and obvious qualities to identify the intrinsic elements of the story. Then the writer classifies the characteristics of Suwen which are identified into a general type of human being by using Bennet’s idea of temperament. After acquiring the required data, the writer continues to observe and analyze Suwen’s memory that is related to the idea of repression by applying the theory of repression which is formulated by Sigmund Freud. Freud’s idea of repression is considered as the suitable theories in acquiring the information about repressed memory of the character in the novel which is used in this undergraduate thesis. This theory has obvious system that can be used by the writer to analyze the repressed memory of Suwen in the novel. Finally, theory of art by Alan Tormey and Alexandria Bean and theory of symbol by H. Shaw and L. Perrine are used in order to support the discussion in acquiring the idea of the significance of painting related to the outcome of Suwen’s repressed memories. These two theories are used because the topic of the study in this undergraduate thesis is related to an artwork which is at the same time becomes the symbol of the novel. The theory of art presented in this undergraduate thesis is used to observe the relation between Suwen and her painting. The theory of symbol which is used by the writer provides an effective method in observing the symbols in Lim’s Fistful of Colours. Perrine gives several steps in working with symbols from identifying a symbol to revealing its meaning. 21


A. Object of the Study

The object of this undergraduate thesis is a novel which is written by Suchen Christine Lim which is entitled Fistful of Colours. The novel became the winner of the Singapore Literature Prize in 1992. Fistful of Colours was published by SNP International Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore in 2003. This novel has 303 pages divided into 8 parts. Each part of Fistful of Colours has different story focus. The story is built up layer by layer. The present is built on the past and the present is an indicator of what the future might be. It is quite difficult to understand the storyline of this novel at first reading. This novel has been adopted as a core text by some of the top schools in Singapore. It should be read in Singapore schools because it integrates literature with history and brings Singapore History to a personal level, January 4, 2015. Fistful of Colours is an elegant, multi-layered reflection on Singapore as experienced through one day in the life of Ong Suwen, a young teacher in search of her identity as a woman and an artist. Peering into the rich history of her stepfathers family, Suwen uncovers and reveals the hopes and struggles of Singapores first generation of immigrants and residents - from Chinese collies, Indian doctors and Malay waiters, each is given a unique and vibrant voice. Woven into this narrative are stories of Suwens fellow artists that touch upon themes of art, identity and the