Theory of Character and Characterization

undergraduate thesis focuses on the revelation of the idea of repression that can be seen through a painting which is painted by Suwen.

B. Review of Related Theories

To support the analysis in this undergraduate thesis, the writer uses some theories to answer the problems. The theories are theory of character and characterization, theory of psychoanalysis, theory of repression, theory of art, and theory of symbol. The writer also uses additional source which discusses the relation between psychology and literature since the analysis of this undergraduate thesis is based on the character’s psychological aspects in the novel.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Character is the most important part of the story. It has some qualities in determining the concept of the story itself. When doing a research on literary works, such as novel, it is necessary to look first into the characteristics of the characters in the story. This step cannot be separated from literary researches because of the qualities possessed by the characters. Even a single character has a contribution in building the storyline. Abrams 1981: 20-21 defines that the character as “the persons presented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say—the dialogue—and by what they do—their action”. In order to strengthen the theory of character and characterization, the writer puts another related theory which is written by M. J. Murphy. Murphy 1972: 161-173 states that the characteristics of a character might be identified through personal description, the speech, life background, and thought and habits of the character. Conversation and opinion of other characters, direct comment from the author, and the reaction toward certain situation also can be the indications in identifying characteristics of a character. Based on Abrams’ and Murphy’s theory of character and characterization, the characteristics of characters can be identified through almost every aspect of their life. The indications can be derived from what they say or do and what the other characters say about them in the story. It is possible that the author directly describes their characteristics. That means the characteristics of characters can be interpreted in some ways as long as they are related. In order to strengthen the analysis, the writer also uses additional theory that is related to classification of character which is provided by Larain and Art Bennet 2005: 3. By this theory, the characteristics of Suwen that are identified can be classified into general type of human being.

2. Theory of Repression