Object of the Study



A. Object of the Study

The object of this undergraduate thesis is a novel which is written by Suchen Christine Lim which is entitled Fistful of Colours. The novel became the winner of the Singapore Literature Prize in 1992. Fistful of Colours was published by SNP International Publishing Pte Ltd, Singapore in 2003. This novel has 303 pages divided into 8 parts. Each part of Fistful of Colours has different story focus. The story is built up layer by layer. The present is built on the past and the present is an indicator of what the future might be. It is quite difficult to understand the storyline of this novel at first reading. This novel has been adopted as a core text by some of the top schools in Singapore. It should be read in Singapore schools because it integrates literature with history and brings Singapore History to a personal level http:www.stpressbooks.com.sg, January 4, 2015. Fistful of Colours is an elegant, multi-layered reflection on Singapore as experienced through one day in the life of Ong Suwen, a young teacher in search of her identity as a woman and an artist. Peering into the rich history of her stepfathers family, Suwen uncovers and reveals the hopes and struggles of Singapores first generation of immigrants and residents - from Chinese collies, Indian doctors and Malay waiters, each is given a unique and vibrant voice. Woven into this narrative are stories of Suwens fellow artists that touch upon themes of art, identity and the pursuit of personal and artistic freedom. It is their search for answers that give this lyrical, beautifully considered and well-loved book its restive spirit. The story of Fistful of Colours is mostly about Suwen, one of the major characters of the novel, who faces molestation and betrayal by her companions, Mark and Nica, who drive her to paint a controversial picture. All the time of her life, Suwen never painted and exposed the other things but historical things even though she wanted to. The climax of the story of Fistful of Colours was when Suwen painted a controversial painting and was given various comments. However most of the comment was destructive. The factor that drove her to paint such painting was the memory of betrayal that had been done by her lover and her close friend, Mark and Nica. At the end of the story, Suwen was on a train heading to another city. At that time, she questioning herself about her behavior and the painful memory she got.

B. Approach of the Study