Arman Bemby Sinaga. 8146111007. “Interferences in Translation.” English Applied
Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate school State University of Medan, 2016.
The objectives of the study are (1) to describe the types of interference which occurred in the
translation of bilingual books, (2) to investigate the process of interference occurred in the
translation of bilingual children reading books, and (3) to state the reason for linguistic
interferences occurrence in the translation of bilingual books. This research uses qualitative
research method especially the applied theory. The source of the data is the translated books
“Seri Hewan Ter” published by Kids Bestari (2014). The data area analyzed based on Bogdan
and Biglen’s stages/steps especially searching the data, arranging the data and interpreting. The
validity of the is taken by applying investigator triangulation involves multiple data sources in an
investigation to produce understanding.
Based on the analysis, it is found that there are two kinds of interferences found they are (1)
syntactical interference and (2) lexical interference. The syntactical interference consisted of
omission interferences (28), misorder interferences (9) and misformation interferences (73).
Then, lexical interference (45) consisted of pronominal interferences (30) and redundancy
interferences (15).

Key Words : interference, translation, syntactical interference and lexical interference


Arman Bemby Sinaga. 8146111007. “Interferences in Translation.” Program Studi
Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Indonesia, Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan,
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis interferensi yang terdapat
dalam buku terjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia, (2) untuk menginvestigasi
proses terjadinya interferensi dalam buku terjemahan Bahasa Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia,
dan (3) untuk mencari kesimpulan alasan terdapatnya interferensi dalam buku terjemahan Bahasa
Inggris ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif
secara khusus penerepan teori. Sumber data adalah buku terjemahan “Seri Hewan Ter” yang
diterbitkan oleh Penerbit Kids Bestari (2014). Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan
langkah-langkah Bogdan and Biglen’s secara khusus mencari, menyusun dan menginterpretasi
data. validitas data diambli dengan menerapkan and investigator triangulation mencakup sumber
data jamak dalam menghasilkan pemahaman.
Berdasakan hasil analisis, terdapat dua jenis interferensi dalam buku terjemahan tersebut
diantaranya; (1) interferensi sintaktikal dan (2) interferensi leksikal. Interferensi sintakstikal
terdiri dari omission interferences (28), misorder interferences (9) dan misformation
interferences (73). Kemudian, interferensi leksikan (45) terdiri dari pronominal interferences
(30) and redundancy interferences (15).
Kata kunci : interference, translation, syntactical interference and lexical interference


First of all, the writer would like to thank God for His blessing in the
completion of this Thesis.
In the completion of this Thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge his
deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to
his by a lot of people.
The highest appreciation goes to his two advisors, Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum
as his first advisor and Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. as his second advisor for their all
guidance through the completion of this Thesis.
Then, his appreciation also goes to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed. as the
Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Dr. Annie Holilah
Pulungan as the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who
have assisted his in processing the administration requirements during the process
of his studies in the postgraduate School of the State University of Medan.
The writer’s great thank also goes to his reviewers and examiners, Prof.
Amrin Saragih, M.A.,Ph.D., Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd. and Dr. Rahmad
Husein, M.Ed. They had given valuable inputs, suggestions, criticisms, and
improvements for this thesis. He also would like to express his thankfulness for all
lecturers teaching his during the academic years of LTBI.

Moreover, his special gratitude is dedicated to his beloved parents,
Sudirman Sinaga and Dahlia Sianipar ahwho have given their pray, motivation,
support, and also endless praying. And also special thank for his sister, brother,


and the whole families who always support him and no suitable word that can
fully describe their everlasting love and express how much he love them.
Then, his special gratitude goes to his wife Nanny Jelita Simanjuntak and
to his beloved son Elblesstar Rogata Godlasts Sinaga who has motivated and
supported him to conduct this Thesis. Then, last but not least, his gratitude goes to
his friends of LTBI A3 XXIV who have supported him to conduct this thesis.

Medan, June 21, 2016
The Writer,

Arman Bemby Sinaga
Reg. No. 8146111007


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1
1.1 The Background of the Study ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 The Problems ............................................................................................................... 6
1.3 The Objectives of the Study.......................................................................................... 6
1.4 The Scope of the Study ................................................................................................. 6
1.5 The Significances of the Study ..................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED RIVIEW........................................................ 8
2.1 Translation .................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Types of Translation ..................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Translation as Process and Product............................................................................... 12
2.4 Method of Translation................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Interference .................................................................................................................. 15
2.5.1 The Concept of Interference ............................................................................... 15
2.5.2 Process of Interference........................................................................................ 16

2.5.3 Types on Interference ......................................................................................... 17 Phonological Interference....................................................................... 17 Grammatical Interference....................................................................... 17 Morphological Interference ..................................................... 17 Syntactical Interference ........................................................... 19
i Lexical Interference................................................................................ 22 Cultural Interference............................................................................... 23 Third Language Interference .................................................................. 23
2.6 Factors Causing Interference ........................................................................................ 23
2.7 Interference in Translation ............................................................................................ 25
2.8 Bilingualism ................................................................................................................. 28
2.9 Bilingual Books ............................................................................................................ 30
2.9.1. Seri Hewan Ter- Published by Kids Bestari ....................................................... 33
2.10 Related Studies............................................................................................................ 34

3.1 The Research Design .................................................................................................... 35
3.2 The data and Data Source ............................................................................................. 36

3.3 The Technique of Data Collection ............................................................................... 36
3.4 The Technique of Data Analysis .................................................................................. 36
3.4.1 Editing................................................................................................................. 37
3.4.2 Identifying........................................................................................................... 37
3.4.3 Tabulating ........................................................................................................... 38
3.4.4 Trustworthiness................................................................................................... 38

CHAPTER IV.................................................................................................................... 40
4.1 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................... 40
4.1.1 Data Condensation ..............................................................................................
4.2 Research Findings......................................................................................................... 46
4.2.1 The kinds of Interferences ..................................................................................

4.3 Discussion .....................................................................................................................
4.3.1 The Kinds of Interferences .................................................................................
4.3.2 The Process of Interference Occurrences ...........................................................
4.3.3 The Reason of Interference Occurrences............................................................

CHAPTER V .................................................................................................................... 47

Conclusions......................................................................................................................... 47
Suggestions ......................................................................................................................... 48

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................. 50



1.1 The Background of the Study
Translation is both process and product of delivering the meaning of the source language
(SL) into another language, target language (TL). Newmark (1988:5) states that translation is
rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the
text. Catford (1965:1) states that translation is an operation performed on languages: a process of
substituting a text in one language for a text in another.
Translation becomes a need and tool in this globalization era. The need of
communication and information makes translation becomes important. For instance, translation
is used to translate the information or knowledge in a book. Many books had been translated in

many languages, from the source language into the target language needs the information.
In Indonesia, there are so many books which have been translated from foreign language
(SL) into Indonesian (TL) and so forth. Indonesian books also had been translated into other
language such as English. It is happened since the bilingualism becomes the trend in human
language, communication and education.
Since some books had been translated from SL to TL, of course, there would be language
contact. This language contact would affect the interference. Interference would be occurrence in
the process of transferring idea, text and information. Interference is also known as language
transferring or language borrowing.



While translating the meaning, translator naturally would be affected by his own
language. The effect of translator mother tongue or language would cause deviation. This
deviation is known as transference. Deviations or interference cases are often caused by transfer
from the mother tongue to the foreign language. Transfer may be either positive or negative
transfer. Positive transfer facilitates the communication in the target language, whereas negative
transfer may lead to error in the TL (Benson, 2002: 68ff).

These deviations resulting from the contact of SL with TL are commonly discussed in
terms of linguistic interference or interference phenomena (Oksaar, 1963:1). Linguistic
interference may be discussed in terms of concepts and categories. Linguistic interference and
linguistic transfer, however, are usually discussed by teachers as foreign or second languages, in
order to detect the phenomena and improve the acquisition of the foreign language (Benson,
2002). However, there is also research on linguistic interference in bilingualism (Moniri, 2006),
as well as in translation studies (e.g. Kuhiwczak et al, 2007). According to Cruse (2004:125),
different languages may have different mental concepts and categories, such as the way different
cultures may interpret father and mother. Father and mother could be translated as ayah and
bunda, bapak dan ibu, bapak and mama, babe and nyak, abah and umi and ect. This various
translation must be affected be the different background of translator such us culture, education,
religion and mother tongue or first language as the most.
Language interference also refers to speakers or researchers applying knowledge from
their native language to a second language. Dulay et al (1982) define interference as the
automatic transfer, due to habit, of the surface structure of the first language onto the surface of
the target language. Lott (1983: 256) defines interference as ‘errors in the learner’s use of the
foreign language that can be traced back to the mother tongue’. Ellis (1997: 51) refers to


interference as ‘transfer’, which he says is ‘the influence that the learner’s L1 exerts over the
acquisition of an L2′.
When an individual’s understanding of one language has an impact on his or her
understanding of another language, that individual is experiencing language transfer. There can
be negative transfers, otherwise known as interference, when the understanding of one language
complicates the understanding of another language. Alternatively, there can be positive transfers
such that knowing one language can aid in developing skills for a second language. Language
interference is the effect of language learners’ first language on their production of the language
they are learning. It means that the speaker’s first language influences his/her second or and
his/her foreign language.
Language interferences usually happen amongst bilingual or multilingual people.
According to Thorberg (1970:2), there are no bilinguals who have a complete command of two
languages and possess the ability to switch from one language to another according to the
changes that occur in the speech situation, such as interlocutors, topics etc. On the other hand,
Bloomfield (1933:56) argues, using a very narrow definition, that bilinguals have a “native like
control of two languages.” Diebold (1961:111) argues that bilinguals are actually people who
have “contact with different models in a second language” and “the ability to use these in the
environment of the native language”. Another definition of bilingualism is when “two languages
are employed as a necessary means of daily contact between people” (Florander, 1960:51ff).
The effect can be on any aspect of language: grammar, vocabulary, accent, spelling and

so on. Language interference is considered as one of error sources (negative transfer), although
where the relevant feature of both languages is the same it results in correct language production
(positive transfer). The greater the differences between the two languages, the more negative the


effects of interference are likely to be. It would inevitably occur in any situation where someone
has not mastered a second language.
The main goal encountered in this study was to detect the most representative examples
in the bilingual children books published by Kids Bestari Publisher. The book could have been
translated by the translator who was not so accurate when performing the translation, and,
consequently, subject to interference phenomena from the SL, such as producing/transferring
typical Indonesian syntactic structures into English. Such syntactic/grammatical interference
from the SL could be due to problems with deadlines, lack of possibility to review the translation
and the high speed of translation, when translating unfamiliar texts.
Word-by-word translation, that is, literal translation, turned out to be a big problem,
especially when the translator was not able to contextualize or translate different experiences into
target language, such as new phrases, slang, clichés and proverbs. Besides, it is also possible that
the authors may have translated their abstracts or parts using translation sites or software, which
are not accurate, since it is neither possible for such software to contextualize everything, nor
possible to translate all word choices into target realities.
A good translation with almost no linguistic interference or bias also depends on the kind
of approach taken when translating and a good perception to recognize new ideas and meanings.
Translators tend to have different approaches such as adoption or adaptation, and they follow
certain translation theories or none (for lack of knowledge in translation studies) to preserve the
original meaning or translate into the ST into the target culture in another way.
There is an attempt to make translation an objective process but it is quite subjective
because translation depends on, for instance, cultural factors, world knowledge and the
translator’s fluency in SL and TL. In other words, there are some automatic translations which


do not demand much time from the translator to think of, such as fixed phrases in both the SL
and the TL – very useful for technical translators to speed up the translation of their TT. On the
other hand, depending on the type of ST, these automatic translations may not transfer the
message of the ST into the TT but only translation units – of a microscopic nature, if compared
with the whole text structure.
Interference phenomenon found in the bilingual children reading book published by Kids
Bestari Publisher. On page 5 and 7 of the book titled “Elang”, the Indonesian version written as
“Tapi, kini hanya dapat ditemukan di wilayah selatan Pulau Jawa” was translated in English as
“But, now only can be found in the southern regions of Java Island.” The translation form was
interference by the structure of Indonesia where there is no subject in the translated text. The
proper translation should be “But, now it can only be found in the southern regions of Java
Island.” This kind of interference is called structural interference.
Another preliminary data taken from the same book of “Seri Ter” published by Kids
Bestari Publisher, in page 32 and 33, the Indonesian text version was written as “pemilik wilayah
akan berbunyi…” then translated as “owner territory would make sound…” In this part, the
pattern of Indonesian structure interfere the translation. The translation supposed to be “territory
owner, not owner territory. This is a matter of grammatical interference.
The third example as another preliminary data was taken from page 34 and 35. In this
page, the Indonesian version was written as “hutan-hutan telah dibabat untuk dijadikan areal
pemukiman.” Then, the translation version was written as the forests have been cleared to be
used as the residential area. The proper translation supposed to be “the trees on the forests have
been cut down for residential area.” This is another kinds of interference called lexical


Because of those phenomena, the researcher is curious about the interference occurrence
in in the bilingual children reading book published by Kids Bestari Publisher. The researcher
wants to investigate the dominant interference occurrence in the bilingual children reading books
published by Kids Bestari Publisher. The research also would investigate the reason why
interference occurrence in the bilingual children reading books published by Kids Bestari
Publisher. Last, this research would investigate how the translator language produces
interference while translating in this bilingual children reading book.

1.2 The Problems
Based on the background of the study above, the researcher constructed the problems of
the study are formulated as following:
1. What types of interference occur in the translation of bilingual books?
2. How does the interference occur in the translation of bilingual books?
3. Why does interference occur in the translation of bilingual books?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study
In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study were:
1. to describe the types of interference which occurred in the translation of bilingual books.
2. to investigate the process of interference occurred in the translation of bilingual children
reading books.
3. to state the reason for linguistic interferences occurrence in the translation of bilingual


1.4 The Scope of the Study
The scope of the study focused on finding the aspects of linguistic interference, they are
syntactical and lexical interference. In other words, the scope of the research is limited to the two
main subject matters of linguistic interference namely, syntactical interference and lexical

1.5 The Significances of The Study
The significance of the study is devoted translation theory in terms of giving the
application of translation theory in linguistics. Practically, the findings will give some
contributions both for institution as well as the translator in applying the translation theory.
This research finding will be significant in developing the knowledge in translation study,
particularly in the pattern of interference. Considering that many translators make interference in
doing translation, the researcher wants to contribute the betterment by showing the common
problem. So, the lecturers and the students know and realize that there are some interferences in
English translated books published and read by the readers.


5.1. Conclusions
So far, after having analyzed the data, some conclusions are drawn as the following:
1. The findings showed that there are four types of interference in the translated books. The
kind of interferences found are omission interferences, misorder interferences,
misformation interferences, pronoun interference, redundancy interference and lexical
2. The process of interferences occur in translated books are the interference occurred
because the writer directly translates the target language based on language sources
without regard to the structure of the target language.
3. There are four main reasons of the interference occurrence in translating the series of
“Seri Hewan Ter” books published by Kids Bestari Publisher; mother tongue
interference; interlingual interference and target language causes, and intralingual
interference. The researcher compared the result of the his analysis such as; mixing
interference used in Newmark’s theory as a cultural interference (code mixing) and
Krashen’s theory as surface category (misformation and misordering), prepositional
interference used in Newmark’s theory as syntactical interferences (preposition) but, it is
not used in Krashen’s Theory, forming positive statement interference is not used in
Newmark’s theory and Krashen’s theory. Redundency theory is not used in Newmark’s
theory and Krashen’s theory while missing article interference and missing “be”
interference used in Newmark’s theory as syntactical interference. The conclusion is



based on the findings of the researcher, there are redundancy interference, pronominal
interference, missing apostrophes interference and missing be interference.
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the conclusion above, some suggestions are offering as the following:
1. For Translators
The translators are suggested to be aware of the interferences occurrence in their
translation. They are suggested to be aware with the omission interference, misorder
interference, misformation interference, and redundancy interference. Those interference
should not be applied in translating the ST into TT. To produce an accurate translated text,
there must be a synergy between the write of the book and the translator to build the same
understanding of the real meaning and message of the ST equivalently with the TT so the
translated book will be considered as informative text and best translated book.
2. For another researchers
It is suggested that for the next researcher to analyze the same source of data by
applying other methods. Then, since the analysis and findings in this research are only
oriented on the translation product, it is also suggested that there should be another depth
analysis on the translation competence.
3. For the readers
The series of these translated books is one of translated among hundreds that can be
found in the book store. There is no guarantee that the bilingual books or translated books
are the proper reading books in order to increase the reader, especially the children, who still


need to learn both the best structure of ST and TT language. So for the reader, especially the
parents must be aware to chose the reading books to be given to their children.

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