Concept of Realia as the Teaching Aid

Since audio and audio-visual aids are difficult and also limited to be provided in some schools, visual aids becomes the best chosen as teaching aids in order to help the teacher in conducting the teaching learning process. In this research, the researcher used one kind of visual aid in teaching learning process. Realia meant using real items found in everyday life as an aid to teach English. Using realia helped to make English lessons memorable by creating a link between the objects and the word or phrase they represented.

2.9 Teaching Speaking by Using Realia

Media are often neglected in a very predictable way in the classroom, usually as a starting point for teaching speaking, thus they can also be a key of importance in the communicative and interactive classrooms. In the TEFL classroom, realia is defined as objects and teaching props from the world outside the classroom that are used for teaching and learning Nunan ,1999. Under this statement, realia is considered as real objects which are used to aid in practicing a new language, as a way to present meaningful examples from the real world. Using realia helps to make English lessons memorable by creating a link between the objects and the word or phrase they represent. Realia are physical objects that are related to the target culture. Realia refers to objects or items from real life, which is used in the classroom to illustrate and teach vocabulary or to serve as an aid to facilitate language acquisition and production. Realia are objects from real life used in classroom instruction by educators to improve students understanding of other cultures and real life situations. Realiareal things represent the actual conditions with where the learners live. As such, realia should be used whenever possible if real things are unavailable. The task is to locate them and put them to use in helping students learn. Examples of realia are: insects; coins; rocks; plants; pets; and stamps. Ralia is actual objects and items which are brought into a classroom as examples or as aids to be talked or written about and used in language teaching such as: articles of clothing, kitchen utensils, items of food, etc Richards, 1992. Anything has a purpose of the ESL classroom and can be brought into the classroom Robertson, 1995. Everyday objects that surround us by relating them to language and looking at them in new ways. The unexpectedness of having to suddenly interact with real objects will keep students on their toes; it will create excitement, and they’ll have fun. Students have the chance to practice real life situations like using maps and asking for directions in a foreign language, but with the guidance of someone who speaks fluently and will help them get it right. Once they hit the street, they will feel more confident in speaking the language with the locals. Students will clearly understand the reason they’re learning a particular ESL component. Instead of wondering when and where they might have use for a particular language element, they will know the reason. A lot of activities using realia can be brought to the class. The teacher can ask the students to enjoy role-playing and playing games. Making up simple stories using toy animals or puppets can make the students enjoy their English lessons, and be motivated to learn.

2.10 Procedure of Teaching Speaking by Using Realia