Uses of the Research . Scope of the Research

 Negotiation of Meaning Negotiation of meaning is defined as a series of exchanges conducted by addressors and addresses to help themselves understand and be understood by their interlocutors.  Dialogue Dialogue is a conversation between two or more persons; an exchange of ideas and opinions.  Visual media Visual media is picture, map, and realia used in which concern with the learners’ sight sense and can be seen by the students.  Realia Realia in EFL terms refers to any real objects we use in the classroom to bring the class to life. Realia is a term loosely used to cover real object and materials used for instructional purposes.


This chapter discusses about the literature review that used in this research, such as: speaking definition of speaking, components of speaking, functions of speaking, concept of teaching speaking, types of classroom speaking performance, concept of classroom interaction, negotiation of meaning in classroom interactions, the role of negotiation of meaning in second language acquisition, teaching media, concept of realia as the teaching aid, teaching speaking by using realia, procedure of teaching speaking by using realia, the advantages and disadvantages of realia in teaching speaking..

2.1 Concept of Speaking

2.1.1 Definition of Speaking

Speaking is a process of communication between at least two people. Speaking is a way to express someone’s ideas to his or her interlocutor. Essentially, speaking is used as a means of communication among people in a society in order to keep the relationship going on well. Harris 1974 defines speaking as the encoding process whereby we communicate our ideas, thought, and feeling orally. In other word, we produce ideas, thought, and feeling that we want to share, influence, or interact with other people. So here, speaking situation involves a speaker who puts message with verbal