Definition of Psychology Psychology

the causes of depression reflected in the novel, and to know the effects of depression. Considering all of the studies above, there is still an area of study which has not been explored. There is about analysis of self-harm which still has correlation with all of studies above.

2.2 Review of Theoretical Background

This part will discuss about Psychology, definition of psychology, psychology in literature, abnormal psychology, psychology in teenage, self- harm, symtoms of self-harm, causes of self-harm, character and characterization.

2.2.1 Psychology

It contains definition of psychology, psychology in literature, abnormal psychology, and psychology in teenage. Definition of Psychology

The term psychology derives from the Greek roots psyche, meaning There are so many definitions of psychology which are different to another. Psychology as a branch of science, psychology has been defined in various way, according to the particular method of approach adopted or field of study proposed by the individual psychologist. Drever,1960:227. According to Woodworth and Marquis 1957:30, psychology can be defined as the science of activities of the individual. The word 3. Psychologists study the mind, which refers to both conscious and unconscious mental states. The states cannot actually be seen, only inferred from observable behavior. Based on the definitions of the psychology above, the writer concludes that psychology is the science of human four ways: 1 discussion about the process of literary creation, 2 psychological analysis of the author either as a type or a person, 3 discussion about psychological theories applicable to the analysis of character works as the pictures of what is going on around the people, and based on the deep consideration of human as Hardjana 1985:66 asserts in the following: Sometimes, literature typical or culturally expected. Psychological dysfunction itself refers to a breakdown in cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning. For example, if you are out on a date, it should be fun. But if you experience severe fear all evening and just want to go home, even though there is nothing to be afraid of, and the severe fear happens on every date, your emotions are not functioning properly. There is another definition about abnormal psychology that is a study of mental disorder also called mental illness, psychological disorders or psychopathology. What they look like symptoms, why they occur etiology, how they are maintained, and what effect they have on people processes involving various neutrotransmitters and genetic predispositions risk for psychopathology carried via our genetic material. There are six disorders of abnormal psychology according to http:www.blackwellpublishing.comintropsychpdfchapter15.pdf :

1. Schizophrenia – a living nightmare : is a severe mental

disorder, experienced by sufferers as a living nightmare. Schizophrenia is characterized by psychosis or a break with reality. People who are psychotic think and behave in ways that have little to do with reality, showing significant impairment in just about every important domain of functioning