Object of The Study Source of Data Method of Collecting Data Method of Analyzing Data


In this chapter, I will present the method of investigation that is used to analyze the novel. They are object of the study, source of data, method of collecting data, and method of analyzing data.

3.1 Object of The Study

The object of this study is a novel entitled “Quiet Desperation” by Lana Thiel, published in 2010.

3.2 Source of Data

There are two kinds of source data; they are primary and secondary sources. The primary source is the main source that is used as reference to this analysis. It is taken from the subtitle of the novel. Meanwhile, the secondary source is a source that is used to support the analysis. It is a script novel which is taken from the internet.

3.3 Method of Collecting Data

In this study, I take some steps to collect data of this analysis. These steps are taken to get valid data. They are: 28 a. Reading the novel for several times to understand further the purpose of this novel. b. Selecting the chapter of the novel to be analyzed. c. Searching related material to the novel from the book and the internet. d. Finding out the problem of the novel. e. Analyzing the data that has been done using the certain method which is described below.

3.4 Method of Analyzing Data

Literature research method is a way chosen by researcher to estimate the shape, content, and characteristics of literary works as the study. Endraswara 2008:8 states that method should involve an operational way in a research. It needs actions that have to be followed relate to the process of taking and analyzing data. In analyzing the data, I use descriptive qualitative method. Ratna 2007:46 states that qualitative method takes benefit from interpreting ways and presents it in the descriptive form. He adds that in social research, the source of data is a society and the data analysis is their actions. Meanwhile, in literature research, the source of data comes from works, and script; while the data analysis comes from the words and sentences. Bogdan and Biklen in Ratna 2007:93 give five characteristics to qualitative research, they are a Research setting is natural. The researcher is the key instrument because he or she is the unity who cannot be separated from the context. The researcher is also the data collector. b The research is descriptive; the data is a words or picture not numeral. c Give priority in process than the result. d The meaning is the main purpose. e Research tends to be inductive. Therefore, in analyzing the data I only will give description, analysis, and interpretation that exist in the novel in qualitative way. The data would be dialogues, sentences, words, or pictures from the novel. The steps that I take in analyzing the data are as follows:

a. Exposing the data