Speech Acts In President Barack Obama Victory Speech 2012











ERNA JANUARINI Reg. No 090705017

Supervisor, Co-Supervisor,

Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed. TESP Drs. Umar Mono, Dip. Trans. M. Hum 195704121984031001 196001221986011001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Literature




Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara ( USU Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra


Head, Secretary,

H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum 19541117 198003 1 002 19504191 98102 2 001


Accepted by the Board of Examination in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara on 4 July 2013

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners: H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS, Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum Dr. Eddy Setia, M. Ed. TESP



Assalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

First of all I, would like to give my biggest gartitude to almighty ALLAH SWT for blessings my life. Nothing is possible to happen without His permission.

I am also grateful to the dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., for giving all students facilities to support our study. The gratitude is also expresses to the head of English Department Dr. Muhizar Muchtar. M.S. and secretary Dr.Nurlela, M.Hum. for all things that you give for me during my study. The gratitude is also express to Bg. Am as adminitration matters who often helps me during my study.

I also would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Eddy Setia, M.Ed. TESP as my supervisor and Mr. Umar Mono, Dip. Trans. M.Hum. as my co-supervisior respectively for helps, guidance, and contributions in my thesis.

I would like to thank Ms. Drs.Persadanta br.karo-karo as my academic advisor. My gratitude is also expressed to all of my lectures in English Department who taught me much and contributed the knowledge during the academic years.

My lovely thanks to my parents Zulnaidi S.S. M.Hum and Ermiati S.S. They are my biggest motivators who always support me in every condition and give me anything I need during the making of this thesis. I am really thankful and I love them so much. To my really lovely younger sister Septiarini Zuliati who often remember me about my thesis, my older brother Sabriandi Erdian and her wife (kak Eka) who gave me some books to help my thesis, and my older sister Elviati Saprina and his


husband (bg. Husnel). For my lovely nieces (Syaza, Durra, Futlah, Oyya, Aqila, Imuf) and nephew (syafiq). And for my cousins which can’t mention one by one ^_^.

Thanks to my best friend who always beside me in every condition Dewi “latdong”, Sinta “wecai”, and Dyah “emak”, I’m nothing without you friends. Thanks to all friends in 2009 (izal, dinda, ade”mamak”, ai, rini, bayu, arif, yuda, tai, heni, mita, winda, ina, nur, yuni and another which can’t mention one by one. For all people who often stay in Sekret (kk Syari, Ayu, Ridho, Fani, wina, rizky, etc).

Thanks to another friends like Mida “minong”, Nonie, July “preman bali”, etc. My cyber friends like Fabri, Nici, Rosi, etc. For all people in Spirit, MJD, Gajepol, grup Koro, G2 and another community which I join there. And the last, I’m thankful to all people who always question me “kapan wisuda?, udah sampe mana skripsi?” and another question like that.

Medan, July 2013

Erna Januarini




Signed :








Signed :



Dalam skripsi yang berjudul Speech Acts In President Barack Obama Victory Speech 2012 ini, penulis menganalisis tindak ilokusi serta tindak tutur lansung dan tidak langsung yang dihasilkan oleh Barack Obama sebagai pembicara di dalam pidato kemenangannya sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat tahun 2012 berdasarkan kategorinya masing-masing, yakni representatif, direktif, ekpresif, komisif, deklarasi. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah menemukan jenis-jenis tindak ilokusi serta tindak tutur langsung dan tidak langsung di dalam pidato kemenangan Barack Obama tahun 2012. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dari Huberman dan Miles. Langkah yang dilakukan penulis dalam mengerjakan skripsi adalah menonton video pidato tersebut secara berulang-ulang dan menganalisis tindak ilokusi serta tindak tutur langsung dan tidak langsungnya. Hasil dari analisis ditemukan bahwa terdapat 108 ujaran yang merupakan ilokusi yang terdiri 5 kategori. Kategori – kategori itu adalah representatif 57 ujaran (52,77%), komisif 21 ujaran (19,44%), expressive 21 ujaran (19,44%), direktif 5 ujaran (4,62%) dan deklarasi 4 ujaran (2,7%).penulis juga menemukan 3 tindak tutur langsung dan 1 tindak tutur tidak langsung di dalam pidato ini.



In the thesis, entitled Speech Acts In President Barack Obama's Victory Speech 2012. The author analyzes the illocutionary acts and direct and indirect speech acts and by Barack Obama as a speaker based on representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration. The purpose of this thesis is to find the types of illocutionary acts and direct and indirect speech acts and in Barack Obama's victory speech 2012. In writing this thesis, the author uses a qualitative method from Huberman and Miles. Steps taken by the author to do this thesis are watch the speech video repeatly and analyze the illocutionary acts and direct and indirect speech acts. Results of the analysis found that there are 108 utterances of illocutionary which consists in 5 categories. They are that is representative of 57 utterances (52.77%), commissive 21 utterances (19.44%), expressive utterances 21 (19.44%), directive utterances 5 (4.62%) and 4 declaration utterances (2.7%). The author also found 3 untterances consist of direct speech acts and 1 utterance consist of indirect speech acts in this speech.




1.1.Background of the Study ... 1

1.2.Problem of the Study ... 4

1.3.Objective of the Study ... 4

1.4.Scope of the Study ... 5

1.5.Significance of the Study...5


2.2.Speech Acts ...7

2.2.1.Locutionary Act ...8

2.2.2.Illocutionary Act ...9 Classification ...10

2.2.3.Perlocutionary Act ...15

2.3. Direct and Indirect Speech Acts ...16



3.1.Research Design ...21

3.2.Data and Source ...21

3.3.Data Collecting Method ...21

3.4.Data Analysis ...22

3.4.1.Data Reduction ...22

3.4.2.Data Display ...23

3.4.3.Conclusion and Verification ...23

CHAPTER IV: THE ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1.The Category of Illocutionary Acts ...25

4.2.Direct and Indirect Speech Acts ...46


5.2.Suggestions ...51




Dalam skripsi yang berjudul Speech Acts In President Barack Obama Victory Speech 2012 ini, penulis menganalisis tindak ilokusi serta tindak tutur lansung dan tidak langsung yang dihasilkan oleh Barack Obama sebagai pembicara di dalam pidato kemenangannya sebagai Presiden Amerika Serikat tahun 2012 berdasarkan kategorinya masing-masing, yakni representatif, direktif, ekpresif, komisif, deklarasi. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah menemukan jenis-jenis tindak ilokusi serta tindak tutur langsung dan tidak langsung di dalam pidato kemenangan Barack Obama tahun 2012. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dari Huberman dan Miles. Langkah yang dilakukan penulis dalam mengerjakan skripsi adalah menonton video pidato tersebut secara berulang-ulang dan menganalisis tindak ilokusi serta tindak tutur langsung dan tidak langsungnya. Hasil dari analisis ditemukan bahwa terdapat 108 ujaran yang merupakan ilokusi yang terdiri 5 kategori. Kategori – kategori itu adalah representatif 57 ujaran (52,77%), komisif 21 ujaran (19,44%), expressive 21 ujaran (19,44%), direktif 5 ujaran (4,62%) dan deklarasi 4 ujaran (2,7%).penulis juga menemukan 3 tindak tutur langsung dan 1 tindak tutur tidak langsung di dalam pidato ini.



In the thesis, entitled Speech Acts In President Barack Obama's Victory Speech 2012. The author analyzes the illocutionary acts and direct and indirect speech acts and by Barack Obama as a speaker based on representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declaration. The purpose of this thesis is to find the types of illocutionary acts and direct and indirect speech acts and in Barack Obama's victory speech 2012. In writing this thesis, the author uses a qualitative method from Huberman and Miles. Steps taken by the author to do this thesis are watch the speech video repeatly and analyze the illocutionary acts and direct and indirect speech acts. Results of the analysis found that there are 108 utterances of illocutionary which consists in 5 categories. They are that is representative of 57 utterances (52.77%), commissive 21 utterances (19.44%), expressive utterances 21 (19.44%), directive utterances 5 (4.62%) and 4 declaration utterances (2.7%). The author also found 3 untterances consist of direct speech acts and 1 utterance consist of indirect speech acts in this speech.




1.1Background of the Study

In social life, people always communicate with each other by using language. Every human uses laguage to communication. They communicate to express or to say something to other people. Language is one of tools for communication. May (2001: 6) mentions that communication in society happens chiefly by means of language. However, the users of language, as a social beings, communicate and use language on society's premises; society controls their acces to the linguistic and communicative means pragmatics, as the study of the way humans use their language in communication, base itself on a study of those premises and determine show they affect, and effectualize, human language use.

While people communicate, they use utterances to express what they have in their mind toward the listener. Utterance produced by speaker does not only function to explain the speaker mind toward the listener but also means to show the relationship between them. Yule ( 1996: 47) states that actions performed via utterances are generally called speech acts. In English, are commonly given more specific labels, such as apology, complaint, compliment, invitation, promise, or request.


Austin (1962: 101) proposes that there are three related acts in speech acts. They are locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. Locutionary acts is the content of the utterance itself, illocutionary acts is meanng intented by the speaker, and perlocutionary acts is the interpretation of the message by the listener.

Speech acts are points out that when people use language, they are performing kind of action. Speech acts has some classification system lists types of general functions performed. Yule (1996: 53) state that there are one general classification system lists five types of general functions performed by speech acts: 1) Declaration are those kinds of speech acts that change the world via their utterance (example: I name this ship Oasis). 2) Representatives are those kinds of speech acts that state what the speaker believes to be the case or not (example: the earth is flat). 3) Expressives are those kinds of speech acts that state what the speaker feels (example: thank you!). 4) Directives, are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to get someone else to do something (example: don’t touch that!). 5) Commissives are those kinds of speech acts that speakers use to commit themselves to some future action (example: I’ll be back).

Another of those classification, there are direct and indirect speech acts. Yule (1996: 55) state that whenever there is a direct relationship between a structure and a function, we have a direct speech acts. For example: Whenever there is a direct relationship between a structure and a function, we have a direct speech acts. Whenever there is an in indirect relationship between a structure and a function, we have an indirect speech acts. For example in direct speech acts: “I hereby tell you about the wheather”. This utterance make a statement and function as a direct speech


acts. In indirect speech acts: “I hereby request of you that you close the door”. This utterance like a comment/request and function as an indirect speech acts.

Speech acts are found in many works such as film, play, novel, speech and short story. The writer is interested analysis the speech acts from a speech. Speech is communication by one person in front of many people called audiences. In speech, there is just one people talk and many another people hear about his utterance. Person who speech is called speaker and the audiances is called hearer. In this analysis, the datas are taken from speech by the first people in the United State of America (USA) that “Barack Obama”. Barack Obama is the

Barack Obama is the first people in this world in 2012 version of Forbes. As President, he often speech for his people. The utterances in his speeches influence his people and country. One of his speeches which is very interesting to be analyzed is his speech in his victory 2012. Obama gave his speech when he become President of USA for twice. His speech usually talks about politics about his country, about Iraq, Pakistan and religion. But in his speech, he focus about the future of America. There are some of his utterances which show classification of illocutionary acts. There are examples of some classification:

• Representative classification “ Tonight, you vote for action, not politics as usual”. In this utterances, Obama states that in that speech he will show his action for USA which usually he often show about the politic. Paradigmatic case of stating in illocution is part of representatives.


• Expressive classification “ I want to thanks every American who participated in this election”. In this utterances, Obama shows his express feeling that thanking. Paradigmatics case of thanking in illocution is part of expressives.

• Directives classification “In the weeks ahead, I also look forward to sitting down with Governor Romney to talk about where we can work together to move this country forward.”. In this utterances, Obama uses paradigmatic in directives illocution like inviting that he want to cooperate with Governor Romney about future of USA.

1.2 Problems of the Analysis

Based on the background stated the problems that appear in this research are:

1. What classification of illocutionary acts are found in this speech?

2. Which acts are the most dominant one in this speech?

3. Are there direct and indirect speech acts in this speech?

1.3 Objectives of the Analysis

From the problem analysis, the writer will take some objectives to answer the problems of the analysis, they are

1. To find out about the classifications of illocutionary acts in this speech and describe about the each of them.


2. To find out what kind of classification of illocutionary acts which are dominant in this speech.

3. To find out if there are direct and indirect speech acts in this speech.

1.4Scope of the Study

The analysis of this research is based on pragmatics that is to discuss the speech acts on the speech of President Barack Obama’s Victory Speech 2012. In this analysis, the writer limits on the types of illocutionary act which consist of declarative, representative, expressive, directive, and commissive, determining the meaning of each utterance, and the direct or indirect illocutionary act.

1.5 Significances of the Analysis

The writer hopes that the result of this analysis can help out the readers to be familiar with pragmatic analysis especially in illocutionary acts. The researcher hopes that this research will give more understanding especially in the pragmatics field.




2.1 Pragmatics

Yule (1996:3) states that pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). It has consequently, more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their utterances than what the words or phrases in those utterances might means by themselves. Peccei (1999: 2) states “pragmatics concentrates on those aspects of meaning that cannot be predicted by linguistic knowledge alone and takes into account knowledge about hte physical and social world”.

One traditional distiction in language analysis consists pragmatics with syntax and semantics. Syntax is the study of relationship between linguistic forms, semantics is the study of the realtionships between linguistics forms and entities in the world, pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms.

In this three parts distiction, only pragmatics allows human into the analysis. The advantages of this studying language via pragmatics is that one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their assumptions, their purpose or goals, and the kinds of actions ( for example, request) that they are performing when they speak.


2.2 Speech Acts

Speech act theory is attributed to the Oxford philosopher J. L. Austin. The basic ideas, which were formed by him in the late 1930s, were presented in his lectures given at Oxford in 1952–1954, and later in his William James Lectures delivered at Harvard in 1955. These lectures were finally published posthumously as How To Do Things With Words in 1962. In that book, Austin ( 1962: 94) told that to say something is to do something, or in saying something, and even by saying something we do something.

Speech acts explain when people want to express themselves, they do not only produce utterances containing grammatical structures and words, they perform actions via those utterances. If you work in a situation where a boss has a great deal of power, then the boss’s utterance of the expression is more than just statement.

(1)You’re fired.

The utterance in (1) can be used to perform the act of ending your employment. However, the actions performed by utterances do not have to be as dramatic or as unpleasant as in (1). The action can be quit pleasant, as in the compliment performed by (2.a), the acknowledgement of thanks in [2.b], or the expression of surprise in [2.c].

(2.a) You’re delicious.

(2.b) You’re welcome.


Generally, Speech acts are actions performed via utterances, in English, are commonly given more specific labels, such as apology, complaint, compliment, invitation, promise, or request.

Austin claimed that all utterances, in addition to meaning whatever they mean, perform specific acts via the specific communicative force of an utterance. Furthermore, he introduced a threefold distinction among the acts one simultaneously performs when saying something, as illustrated in:

(i) Locutionary act: the production of a meaningful linguistic expression.

(ii) Illocutionary act: the action intended to be performed by a speaker in uttering a linguistic expression, by virtue of the conventional force associated with it, either explicitly or implicitly.

(iii) Perlocutionary act: the bringing about of consequences or effects on the audience through the uttering of a linguistic expression, such consequences or effects being special to the circumstances of utterance.

2.2.1 Locutionary Act

In Austin (1962: 95), a locutionary act is the basic act of speaking, which itself consists of three related sub-acts:

(i) a phonic act of producing an utterance-inscription;

(ii) a phatic act of composing a particular linguistic expression in a particular language; and


The first of these three sub-acts is concerned with the physical act of producing a certain sequence of vocal sounds (in the case of spoken language), or a set of written symbols (in the case of written language). The second refers to the act of constructing a well-formed string of sounds/symbols (a word, phrase, or sentence in a particular language). The third sub-act is responsible for tasks such as assigning reference, resolving deixis, and disambiguating the utterance-inscription lexically and/ or grammatically.

2.2.2 Illocutionary Act

The illocutionary act refers to the fact that when we say something, we usually say it with some purpose in mind. In other words, an illocutionary act refers to the type of function the speaker intends to fulfill, or the action the speaker intends to accomplish in the course of producing an utterance; it is also an act defined within a system of social conventions. In short, it is an act accomplished in speaking. Examples of illocutionary acts include accusing, apologizing, blaming, congratulating, declaring war, giving permission, joking, marrying, nagging, naming, promising, ordering, refusing, swearing, and thanking.

The functions or actions just mentioned are also commonly referred to as the illocutionary ‘force’ (or ‘point’) of the utterance. Illocutionary force is frequently conveyed by what Searle called an ‘illocutionary force indicating device’ (IFID), the most direct and conventional type of which is an explicit performative in the form of (a) (where Vp stands for performative verb). Indeed, the term ‘speech act’ in its narrow sense is often taken to refer exclusively to illocutionary acts.

(24) Illocutionary Classification

Peecei (1999: 52), there are five classification of speech act:

1. Representatives

Representatives (or assertives; the constatives of the original Austinian performative/constative dichotomy) are those kinds of speech acts that commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition and thus carry a truth-value. They express the speaker’s belief. In performing this type of speech act, the speaker represents the world as he or she believes it is, thus making the words fit the world of belief. Paradigmatic cases include:

1. Asserting: to state a fact confidently and forcefully

2. Claiming: to assert that one has gained or achieved and state something without providing evidence or proof

3. Predicting: to say or estimate that will happen in the future

4. Affirming: to declare a fact publicy and for support, uphold or defend 5. Retelling: to tell again something with another way.

6. Informing: to give somebody about information about something. 7. Concluding: to bring something to and end.

8. Stating: to express something definitely and clearly.

9. Explaining: to make clear to someone by describing more detail and account an event by giving reason or justification.


• That’s what make America great (asserting)


2. Directives

Directives are those kinds of speech acts that represent attempts by the speaker to get the addressee to do something. They express the speaker’s desire/ wish for the addressee to do something. In using a directive, the speaker intends to elicit some future course of action on the part of the addressee, thus making the world match the words via the addressee. Paradigmatic cases include:

1. Inviting: a friendly request to someone to go somewhere or to do something. 2. Commanding: to make somebody what they must to do

3. Ordering: to tell somebody to do something. Ordering is more polite than commanding

4. Requesting: to act politely asking for something 5. Suggesting: to put an idea to someone’s mind


• Let me said this publicly (requesting)

• We can do this for our country (ordering)

• Go there! (commanding)

3. Commissives

Commisives are those kinds of speech acts that commit the speaker to some future course of action. They express the speaker’s intention to do something. In the case of a commissive, the world is adapted to the words via the speaker himherself. Paradigmatic cases include:


1. Hoping: a demand something to happen or to do something

2. Refusing: to show that one is disagree or unwilling to give, accept or do something 3. Promising: a spoken that one will definitely gve or do or not do something

4. Offering: to show willingness to do or give something Examples:

• No, Thank you (refusing)

• I’ll make this country great ( promising)

• That’s the furute that we hope ( hoping)

4. Expressives

Expressives are those kinds of speech acts that express a psychological attitude or state of the speaker such as joy, sorrow, and likes/dislikes. There is no direction of fit for this type of speech act. Paradigmatic cases include:

1. Congratulating: to express about praise or something that somebody get 2. Complimenting: an expression of praise, admiration, approval, etc 3. Thanking: to express gratitude to somebody

4. Believing: to express belief about something or somebody Examples:

• I believe in you (believing)

• Thank you (thanking)


5. Declarations

Declarations (or declaratives) are those kinds of speech acts that effect immediate changes in some current state of affairs. Because they tend to rely on elaborate extralinguistic institutions for their successful performance, they may be called institutionalized performatives. In performing this type of speech act, the speaker brings about changes in the world; that is, he or she effects a correspondence between the propositional content and the world. Paradigmatic cases include (officially) opening a bridge, declaring war, excommunicating, firing from employment, and nominating a candidate. As to the direction of fit, it is both words-to-world and world-to-words.

I now pronounce you husband and wife (declaring)

I name my baby “Dila” (naming)

To more understanding about the similarities and differences between the speech act categories that we have been discussing will show in this table below based on the relation between ‘words’ and ‘world’. (Peccei, 1999: 53)

Speech Acts Category Relation Between ‘The Words’ and ‘The World’

Who is Responsible for The Relation

Representatives The words fit the world (‘outside’ world)



Expressives The words fit the world (physiological world)


Commisives The world will fit the words Speaker

Declarations The words change the world Speaker

After the table above, there is also a table which describe how the direct interretation comes from other linguistic features of the utterance which we recognize as typical linguistic expressions of speech acts. ( Peccei, 1999: 54)

Speech Acts Category Typical Expression Example

Representatives Declarative structure Tom’s eating grapes.

Directives Imperative sentence Si down!

Expressives Declarative structure with words referring to feelings

I’m sorry to hear that.

Commisives Declarative structure with speaker subject and future time expressed

I’ll call you tonight.

Declaratives Declarative structure with speaker as subject and a performative verb in simple present tense

We find the defendant guilty.


2.2.3 Perlocutionary Act

Perlocutionary act concerns the effect an utterance may have on the addressee. Put slightly more technically, a perlocution is the act by which the illocution produces a certain effect in or exerts a certain influence on the addressee. Still another way to put it is that a perlocutionary act represents a consequence or by-product of speaking, whether intentional or not. The effect of the act being performed by speaking is generally known as the perlocutionary effect. There is an extensive literature on the differentiation between locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts.

The understanding between locution, illocution, and perlocution can be found in this example:

“could you make a cup of coffee?”

Locution: The speaker uttered the words which semnatically mean requesting the listener to make a cup of coffee.

Illocution: The speaker performed an act of requesting the listener to make a coffee.

Perlocution: The speaker persuaded the hearer to give a coffee, and as response, the listener gave a cup of coffee as the speaker wishes.

2.3 Direct and Indirect Speech Acts

Languages have three basic sentence types: declarative, interrogative, and imperative and the three general communicative functions (statement, questions, and command/request). In the case of a direct match between a sentence type and an


illocutionary force, we have a direct speech act. In addition, explicit performatives, which happen to be in the declarative form, are also taken to be direct speech acts, because they have their illocutionary force explicitly named by the performative verb in the main part (or ‘matrix clause’) of the sentence. On the other hand, if there is no direct relationship between a sentence type and an illocutionary force, we are faced with an indirect speech act. Thus, when an explicit performative is used to make a request, as in (a), it functions as a direct speech act; the same is the case when an imperative is employed, as in (b). By comparison, when an interrogative is used to make a request, as in (c), we have an indirect speech act.

(a) I request you to pass the salt (Declarative) ( statement)

(b) Pass the salt. (Intterogative) ( question)

(c) Can you pass the salt? (Imperative) ( command/request)

Yule ( 1996: 54) tells that whenever, there is a direct relationship between a structure and a function, that is direct speech act. Whenever there is an indirect relationship between a structure and function, that is indirect speech act. A declarative used to make statement is a direct speech act, but a declarative used to make a request is an indirect speech act.


(a) I hereby tell you about the weather. (direct speech act) (b) I hereby request of you that you close the door. (indirect speech act)


Indirect speech acts are generally associated with greater politeness in English than direct speech acts. In order to understand why, we have to look at a bigger picture than just a single utterance performing a single speech acts.

2.4. Relevant Studies

In analyzing the speech acts in thi thesis, some relevant studies to support the analysis, they are:

Banjarnahor (2011) analysis the illocutionary and perlocutionary acts produced by film script of Margareth Tate and Andrew Paxton. The illocution becomes representatives, commissives, directives, expressives, rogatives, and declaratives. Rinandes use the descriptive method and the data collected by applying the library reserach method.

The result for her thesis are found 365 utterances that consist of 190 representatives (52,21%), 72 directives (19,72), 66 rogatives (18,08%), 20 commissives (5,4%), 13 expressives (3,5%), and 4 declaration (1,09%). Rinandes also found 14 perlocutionary acts by Margareth and Andrew.

Banjarnahor’s thesis and the writer thesis is relevant because her thesis analyzing illocutionary acts classification too. The similarity between Rinandes’s thesis and this thesis is the theory from Searle’s theory. But there are several differences between this thesis:

a. Banjarnahor’s thesis analyzed the illocutionary classification on film script entitled The Proposal and this thesis analyzed the illocutionary classification


on speech by Barack Obama when he becomes to be President of USA for twice in 2012.

b. Banjarnahor’s thesis analyzed about illocutionary classification and perlocutionary and this thesis analyzed about illocutionary classification and direct indirect speech acts.

c. Banjarnahor’s thesis use rogatives illocutionary from Peccei.

Damanik (2012) analysis the illocutionary and explanation for the finding dominant acts produced by film Slumdog Millionaire. The illocution becomes verdictives, exercitives, commissives, behavities, and expositives. She printed movie dialogue script and get certain picture of what the dialogues talk about are.

The result for her thesis are found 370 utterances that consist of 227 expositives (61,35%), 81 behabitives (21,89%), 36 exercitives (9,7%), 18 commisives (4,86%), and 8 verdictives (2,2%). She also found the expositives is most dominant act because every people who utter something, as long as their utterances are fit to the conversation, they have created an expositives.

The writer uses Damanik’s thesis as relevant study because her thesis is the current thesis analyzing illocutionary act classification too. The similarity between this thesis and Damanik’s thesis is subject both of this thesis is illocutionary acts. This thesis and Damanik’s thesis use similairy method is from Huberman and Miles with qualitative method. But, there are some differences between this thesis and Damanik’s thesis:

a. This thesis and Damanik’s thesis use different theory. This thesis uses Peccei’s theory. While, Damanik’s thesis uses Austin’s theory. The


calssification acts to be “ verdictives, exercitives, commisives, behavitives, and expostives”.

b. This thesis analyze about illocution classification and explanation for finding the dominant illocution act. While, this thesis analyze about illocution classification and direct and indirect speech act.

d. The object of Damanik’s thesis is film entitled Slumdog Millionaire and this thesis analyzed the illocutionary classification on speech by Barack Obama when he becomes to be President of USA for twice in 2012.

c. Damanik’s thesis is analyze about lowest class who lives in the society. While, this thesis analyze about the highest class who led the power country that is USA.

Purba (2012) analysis the hedges and presupposition which found in Brack Obama Speeches. The hedges become passive voice verb, hypothetical construction, epistemic verbs, adverbial construction, modal verbs, cognition verbs, and questions construction. The presupposition become existential presupossition, counterfactual presupposition, non- factive presupposition, factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, and structural presupposition. Purba uses descriptive qualitative method and use Grice and Yule theory.

The result of his thesis are found 1 data for passive voice verb, 36 datas for hypothetical construction, 12 datas for epistemic verbs, 13 datas for adverbial construction, 38 datas for modal verbs, 4 datas for cognition verbs, and 5 datas for questions construction. For presupposition found 22 datas for existential presupossition, 30 datas for counterfactual presupposition, 38 datas for non- factive


presupposition, 13 datas for factive presupposition, 1 data lexical presupposition, and 5 datas for structural presupposition.

Purba’s thesis and this thesis are relevant because also talk about pragmatics and same object that is Barack Obama Speech. But there are some difference between this thesis and Purba’s thesis:

a. Purba’s thesis uses three speech of Obama. While, this speech uses one speech of Obama.

b. Purba’s thesis talk about hedges and presupposition. While, this thesis talk about illocution acts and direct and indirect speech acts.

c. Purba’s thesis use descriptive qualitative method. While, this thesis use qualitative method from Huberman & Miles.




3.1 Research Design

The writer will use qualitative method in doing this analysis. Qualitative procedures provide a means of accesing unquantifiable facts about the actual people reserachers observe and talk or people represented by their personal traces (such as letters, photographs, newspaper accounts, diaries, and so on). As result, qualitative technique allow researches to share in the understandings and perceptions of others and to explore how people structure and give meaning to their daily lives. Researchers using qualitative techniques examine how people learn about and make sense of themselves and others.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data source of this thesis is the victory speech of Obama in 2012. The data are speech by “Barack Obama” in English that is in the form sentences. The source of this speech taken from internet. The text got from google and the video from Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv9NwKAjmt0). The theory which will be used in this analysis is Peccei’s theory which included representatives, declaratives, commisives, expressives, and directives.

3.3 Data Collecting Method

Data collecting method used in this study is reviewing a document by some steps that are:


1. Collecting the data: by picking out all the sentences of the speech. 2. Transcribing to classifiying the data.

3. Classifying the data: classifying the important data based on the scope of the analysis.

4. Identifying the data: characterizing the utterance based on which belong to one of the categories of illocutionary act.

5. Describe the data: making a description of the final result of the research in the form of numbers and tables.

6. Conclusion the data: making a conclusion of the final result of the research.

3.4 Data Analysis

Data analysis can be defined from Huberman and Miles (1994) as consiting of three concurrent flows of action: data reduction, data display, and conclusions and verification.

3.4.1 Data Reduction

Qualitative data need to be reduced and transformed in order to make them more readily accessible, understandable, and to draw out various themes and patterns. Data reduction acknowledges the voluminous nature of qualitative data in the raw. It directs attention to the need for focusing, simplifying, and transforming raw data into a more manageable form. This data reduction and transformation process occurs throughout the span of the reserach.


In this speech, there are some words do not part of classification of illocution and direct and indirect speech acts which the writer analyze. So, the process of reduction is removing the some words which unnecessary in this analysis.

3.4.2 Data Display

The notion of data display is inteded to convey the idea that data are presented as an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusions to be analytically drawn. Displays may involve tables of data; tally sheets of themes; summaries or proportions of various statements, phrases, or terms; and similarly reduced and transformed groupings of data. These displays assist the researcher in understanding and observing certain patterns in the data or determining what additional analysis or actions must be taken. As with the activity of data reduction, the development of displays is not really a separate step but rather a component of the analysis process.

After the writer did the reduction process in this speech, the data display will show the data which will be analyzed to get the conclusion.

3.4.3 Conclusion and Verification

The last analysis activity will discuss is conclusion drawing and verification. Throughout the reserach process, the investigator has been making various informed evaluations and decisions about the study and the data.


The data in this analysis will be analyzed one by one by Searle’s speech acts theory and adding with rogatives classification which found in Peccei as basic to get the conclusion of the problems of this analysis.




4.1 The Category of Illocutionary Acts

There are many utterances found in the speech of Barack Obama in his victory speech in 2012. The category of illocutionary acts in Victory Speech of Barack Obama is discussed as follows:

1. Representatives.

Representatives are those kinds of speech acts that commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition and thus carry a truth-value. Some utterances that represent representive illocutionary acts in this speech:


1. That's what makes America great. 81

Obama assert that America great country. He states a fact after he shows some proof in the previous sentence about university, military, and wealt than any nation. He says that with confidently and forcefully.

2. That's where we need to go – forward. 54

Obama asserts that the American people need to move forward. It is assert because he state confidentely and forcefully.

3. It's important. 39

Obama asserts about election. After he tells facts of politics and election, he states confidently.


4. That's why elections matter. 37

Obama asserts that the election is important. Election is one part of politics. Obama state election and politics confidently and forcefully. 5. That's who we are. 90

Obama asserts that they are had bond each other with forcefully after show about girl who suffer leukemia..

6. We've got more work to do. 72

Obama asserts that they have more work to do for their action for future in America.

7. That's what politics can be. 36

Obama asserts about what politic can be. After tell the fact and support his people, Obama state that confidentely and forcefully.


1. We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states. 103

Obama claims that the American people would become great on their individual ambitions and they are part of the blue states and red states. He doesn’t show a proof in this speech.

2. We may have battled fiercely, but it's only because we love this country deeply and we care so strongly about its future. 11

Obama claims that his people love and care about the future of USA but he doesn’t show the proof in this speech.


Obama claims that each of them will not agree on how each of them got it. By saying “sometime” and he doesn’t show why they will disagree in this speech.

4. I know that political campaigns can sometimes seem small, even silly. 29 Obama claims that political campaigns small, even silly. By saying “sometime seem” and he doesn’t show about the proof of the political small, even silly in this speech.

5. Our economy is recovering. 62

Obama claims that their economy is recovering but he doesn’t show proof about economy in this speech.


1. But if you ever get the chance to talk to folks who turned out at our rallies and crowded along a rope line in a high school gym or – or saw folks working late at a campaign office in some tiny county far away from home, you'll discover something else. 31

Obama predicts that if people ever speak to folks working late in campaign office so they will find something else and different. Obama estimates what will happen to his people after they talk to folks working and predict about politics.

2. You'll hear the pride in the voice of a volunteer who's going door to door because her brother was finally hired when the local auto plant added another shift. 33


3. You'll hear the determination in the voice of a young field organizer who's working his way through college and wants to make sure every child has that same opportunity. 32

Obama predicts that they would hear the organization work through college and ensure their children have the same opportunity in employment.

4. You'll hear the deep patriotism in the voice of a military spouse who's working the phones late at night to make sure that no one who fights for this country ever has to fight for a job or a roof over their head when they come home. 34

Obama predicts that they would hear the patriotism of military. 5. And you will have the lifelong appreciation of a grateful president. 26

Obama predicts that he was grateful to be president of the U.S and he will feel that all his life. He estimate what will happen in the future about his people.

6. As it has for more than two centuries, progress will come in fits and starts. 57

Obama Obama predicts that after two centuries the progress will start to be created.

7. No matter what you do or where you go from here, you will carry the memory of the history we made together. 25

Obama predicts that his campaign team and volunteers will carry the memory of the history when they made together with Obama. He estimates what will happen in the future about his people.


8. And together, with your help and God's grace, we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth. 105

Obama predicts that he and his people went on ahead each of them live in the greatest in the world.


1. And when we go through tough times, when we make big decisions as a country, it necessarily stirs passions, stirs up controversy. 43

Obama affirms that when they pass time difficult then they will make a big decision as the people of a country. It is a affirms because he support his people to make their decision for the USA.

2. And tonight, despite all the hardship we've been through, despite all the frustrations of Washington, I've never been more hopeful about our future. 92

Obama affirms that he will continue to hope about their future despite many difficulties experienced.

3. That's the vision we share. 53

Obama affirms to his people about vision that they are must be share. After saying about hope and believing in previous sentences, obama declare a fact to support his people about vision of the USA.

4. It moves forward because of you. 5

Obama affirms that his people who moves forward about their destiny in America. By saying “you” which show to his people, Obama tells a fact for support his people.


5. That's why we do this. 35

Obama affirms that the reasons why they do politics. After show the fact and predict about future in previous sentence Obama support his people to do politics.

6. But that common bond is where we must begin. 61

Obama affirms his people that they must begin. After saying facts about his refuses, he supports his people by saying “we must begin”.

7. And whether I earned your vote or not, I have listened to you. 65

Obama affirms that he was listening to the people even if the people voted for him or not. By saying “I have listening to you”, he gives support to his people about the vote.

8. To the best campaign team and volunteers in the history of politics– the best – the best ever – some of you were new this time around, and some of you have been at my side since the very beginning.23

Obama affirms his campaign team and volunteers are the best in the history. He declare fact about his campaign team and give support to them by saying they are “the best ever”.


1. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope, the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are an American family, and we rise or fall together as one nation and as one people. 6


Obama explains that the spirit, hopes and beliefs that led to the American people get the progress in the United States. After support his people in previous sentence, Obama explains about some proof that have done by them to move America forward .

2. These arguments we have are a mark of our liberty, and we can never forget that as we speak, people in distant nations are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the issues that matter the chance to cast their ballots like we did today. 46

Obama explains that their argument is a sign of their freedom. Obama also describes about the people in other countries who fought so that their arguments be heard as the American people do when it. It is a explain because he describe more detail about something with give reason.

3. It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, abled, disabled, gay or straight. 100

Obama explains the suject as varied as having black or white skin, hispanic or asian or native american, rich, poor, able, disable and other. Obama describe more detail about various people in America.

4. What makes America exceptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse nation on Earth, the belief that our destiny is shared that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations, so that the freedom which so many Americans have fought for and died for come with responsibilities as well as rights, and among those are love and charity and duty and patriotism. 80


Obama explains that bond, belief, freedom and the things that happen in the United States conducted by the American people made a tremendous.


1. That's where we need to go. 55

Obama retells that American must go forward from previous sentence. 3. And it shouldn't. 45

Obama retells his statement from previous sentence. 4. Thank you. 2

Obama retells to thanks the audience. He repeats again to said “thank you” from first sentence.

5. Thank you so much. 3

Obama retells to thanks the audience. It is twice repeting after he says thank you for two times and he add “so much” to express that he really thanking to audience.

6. Each of us has deeply held beliefs. 42

Obama retells about democracy and politics which each of their belief.


1. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own desti


Obama informs that in antiquity there were colonies that won the right to choose own destiny, and today is the duty of the people to make it more


advanced. Obama gives information to audience about what happened in America 200 years ago.

2. And with your stories and your struggles, I return to the White House more determined and more inspired than ever about the work there is to do and the future that lies ahead. 68

Obama informs that he returned to the White House with more inspired about the future of its people thanks to the struggle of its people.

3. I've seen it in the family business whose owners would rather cut their own pay than lay off their neighbors and in the workers who would rather cut back their hours than see a friend lose a job. 83

Obama informs that he had seen such sacrifices in the family business work better and cut his salary workers who cut his working hours.

4. I've seen it in the soldiers who re-enlist after losing a limb and in those Seals who charged up the stairs into darkness and danger because they knew there was a buddy behind them watching their back. 84

Obama informs that he had seen about soldiers returning to a dangerous place, knowing there is someone who expects him back and help him. 5. I've seen it on the shores of New Jersey and New York, where leaders

from every party and level of government have swept aside their differences to help a community rebuild from the wreckage of a terrible storm. 85

Obama informs that he had seen the leaders along the beach to help the community to clean up storm debris and put aside their differences. 6. And I saw it just the other day in Mentor, Ohio, where a father told the


nearly cost their family everything had it not been for healthcare reform passing just a few months before the insurance company was about to stop paying for her care. 86

Obama informs that in Ohio he saw a father who told him about his eight years old daughter suffer leukemia and insurance company stop to pay for her treatment after a few months financing.

7. I had an opportunity to not just talk to the father but meet this incredible daughter of his. 87

Obama informs that he was not just talking to her father but also her son who suffer leukemia.

8. That's the principle we were founded on. 76

Obama informs about why their principle that they find.

9. And when he spoke to the crowd, listening to that father's story, every parent in that room had tears in their eyes because we knew that little girl could be our own. 88

Obama informs of the events where he visited a father whose daughters suffer leukimia and many people cries after heard that. He inform about something.

10. Tonight, in this election, you, the American people, reminded us that while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our

hearts that for the7

Obama informs that the best is yet to come for USA although they have struggled through a long journey.


11. From George to Lenore to their son Mitt, the Romney family has chosen to give back to America through public service. 12

Obama informs about Romney family chosen too in America’s election. 12. And that provides plenty of fodder for the cynics who tell us that politics

is nothing more than a contest of egos or the domain of special interests. 30

Obama informs that there are provides plenty of fodder who cynical that politics is an ego contest and special interests. He informs to his people about cynicism in politics.

13. We have our own opinions. 41

Obama informs that everybody has their own opinions. Obama give information to his people and to show the proof of democracy.


1. America's never been about what can be done for us; it's about what can be done by us together, through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. 75

Obama concludes that America is not about what has been done people tersediri but together and through hard work.

2. Whether you voted for the very first time or waited in line for a very long time by the way, we have to fix that, whether you pounded the pavement or picked up the phone, whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you made your voice heard and you made a difference. 9


Obama concludes about the things that made people in voting. It is a conclude because Obama bring something to an end that the voice made a difference.


1. And I wouldn't be the man I am today without the woman who agreed to marry me 20 years ago. 16

Obama states that he would not be what it is today without the woman who has been married for twenty years. He expresses about his feeling to his wife definetely.

2. Michelle, I have never loved you more. 18

Obama states that he loved his wife. It is a state because he expresses his feeling definitely and clearly.

3. Democracy in a nation of 300 million can be noisy and messy and complicated. 40

Obama states states that democracy noisy, messy, and complicated. Obama express his feeling about democracy with 300 million people. 4. I have never been more hopeful about America. 93

Obama states he never expects more about America. he express his feeling about America.

2. Directives.

Directives are those kinds of speech acts that represent attempts by the speaker to get the addressee to do something. Some utterances that represent directives illocutionary acts in this speech:



1. You can make it here in America if you're willing to try. 101

Obama suggests doing so in the United States if each of them wants to try. He put an idea to his people.


1. But I will say that, for now, one dog's probably enough. 22

Obama requests that having a dog is enough to his family. Obama act politely to just has one dog for now.

2. Let me say this publicly. 17

Obama requests to states something in general. It is a request because he ask to audience politely.

3. And I ask you to sustain that hope. 94

Obama requests to the people to maintain their hopes.


1. In the weeks ahead, I also look forward to sitting down with Governor Romney to talk about where we can work together to move this country forward. 14

Obama invites to the governor Romney to sit together in order to work with Obama to make America a more advanced. It is a invite because Obama request to Governor Romney.


3. Commisives

Commisives are those kinds of speech acts that commit the speaker to some future course of action. Some utterances that represent directives illocutionary acts in this speech:


1. We want our kids to grow up in a country where they have access to the best schools and the best teachers a country that lives up to its legacy as the global leader in technology and discovery and innovation with all of the good jobs and new businesses that follow. 48

Obama hopes that the children in America grow in the shade of the school and the best teacher, a leader and innovate in their work. Obama hopes that by saying “want”.

2. We want our children to live in an America that isn't burdened by debt, that isn't weakened up by inequality, that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet. 49

Obama hopes that each of them children is not burdened with debt, equity and not gets threatened by global warming. Obama hopes that by saying “want”.

3. We want to pass on a country that's safe and respected and admired around the world, a nation that is defended by the strongest military on Earth and the best troops this – this world has ever known but also a country that moves with confidence beyond this time of war to shape a peace that is built on the promise of freedom and dignity for every human being. 50


Obama hopes that the country would be a safe country and admired other countries, countries that have military defense of the strongest in the world, and countries that build peace on an agreement that respects freedom and human dignity.

4. That's the – that’s the future we hope for. 52 Obama hopes about the future of America..

5. I am hopeful tonight because I have seen this spirit at work in America. 82 Obama hopes he saw the spirit in every workplace in America.

6. And in the coming weeks and months, I am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together – reducing our deficit, reforming our tax code, fixing our immigration system, freeing ourselves from foreign oil. 71 Obama hope that they have a lot of work to be done such as reducing our deficit, reforming our tax code, fixing our immigration system, freeing us from foreign oil. He demand something happen about America.

7. But despite all our differences, most of us share certain hopes for America's future. 47

Obama hopes future of America although their country has differences.


1. I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight. 96

Obama refuses that she spoke of wishful idealism.

2. This country has more wealth than any nation, but that's not what makes us rich. 77


Obama refuses their people rich because their nation wealth.

3. I'm not talking about blind optimism, the kind of hope that just ignores the enormity of the tasks ahead or the road blocks that stand in our path. 95

Obama refuses that he was optimistic that kind of blind hope that just ignores the enormity of the task ahead.

4. Our university, our culture are all the envy of the world, but that's not what keeps the world coming to our shores.

Obama refuses that the world came to their shores because the world jealous of universities and each of them culture. 79

5. By itself, the recognition that we have common hopes and dreams won't end all the gridlock, resolve all our problems or substitute for the painstaking work of building consensus and making the difficult compromises needed to move this country forward. 60

Obama refuses that even though the American people have the same dreams means they will resolve about all problems in America. He refuses that by saying “won’t”.

6. But that doesn't mean your work is done. 73

Obama refuses that people work is done by saying “doesn’t”. 7. It's not small, it's big. 38

Obama refuses that the election is small. By saying “not” Obama unwilling accept it.

8. We have the most powerful military in history, but that's not what makes us strong. 78


Obama refuses their country strong because it has a powerful military in history.

9. That won't change after tonight. 44

Obama refuses if the opinion will change after tonight. It is a refuse because he unwilling to do make change.

10. It's not always a straight line.

Obama refuses if the future is always running straight. He refuses that by saying “not”.

11. It's not always a smooth path. 59

Obama refuses future always run smoothly.

12. The role of citizens in our democracy does not end with your vote. 74 Obama refuses that the role of citizens in the voting does not end only sound that they give.

13. You elected us to focus on your jobs, not ours. 70

Obama refuses that people choose for their interests and not the interests of political.

14. Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual. 69

Obama refuses that the American people chose to see action not politics as usual.

4. Expressives

Expressives are those kinds of speech acts that express a psychological attitude or state of the speaker such as joy, sorrow, and likes/dislikes. Some utterances that represent directives illocutionary acts in this speech:



1. We believe in a generous America, in a compassionate America, in a tolerant America open to the dreams of an immigrant's daughter who studies in our schools and pledges to our flag to the young boy on the south side of the furniture worker's child in North Carolina who wants to become a doctor or a scientist, an engineer or an entrepreneur, a diplomat or even a president. 51

Obama believes that America is a generous, has a sense of compassion, and in American immigrants children can realize his dream even as scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and even president.

2. America, I believe we can build on the progress we've made and continue to fight for new jobs and new opportunities and new security for the middle class. 98

Obama believes that each of them can build on the progress and fight for jobs, new opportunities and a better safety in the middle class.

3. I believe we can keep the promise of our founding, the idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love. 99

Obama believes that each of them may hold the promise of its predecessor to work hard no matter who they are, each of them origins, what they see and they love.

4. I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better


awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting. 97

Obama believes that something better awaits us as long as we are still working and struggling.

5. And I know that every American wants her future to be just as bright. 89 Obama believes the American people that America who wants a bright future.

6. I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggests. 102

Obama believes that each of them will seize the future each of them are not divided.

7. God bless you. 107

Obama believes that the Lord blesses his people. He belief about something.

8. God bless these United States. 108

Obama believes that God bless the United States. This utterance shows that Obama belief about something.


1. And I am so proud of you guys. 21

Obama complement that he proud of his daughters. It is a state because he express about praise and admiration to his daughter.

2. I have never been prouder to watch the rest of America fall in love with you too as our nation's first lady. 19


Obama complements his wife. By saying he is proud of his wife as a woman made number one in the nation. It is a express of praise.

3. Sasha and Malia before our very eyes, you're growing up to become two strong, smart, beautiful young women, just like your mom. 20

Obama complements his daughters because by saying each of them smart and beautiful women like their mother. He express his admiration to his daughters.

4. And that is a legacy that we honour and applaud tonight. 13

Obama complements Romney family by declaring it an honor and a legacy of the family. Obama also asked the audience to clap their hands as a form of praise. It is a complement because Obama praise to Romney’s family.

5. You lifted me up the whole day, and I will always be grateful for everything that you've done and all the incredible work that you've put in. 28

Obama complements his people and he feel proud of the people who have lifted up him the whole day. Obama praise his people by saying “always be grateful”.

6. And you've made me a better president. 67

Obama complements people by saying each of them make Obama a better president. He praise his people.

7. That's the country I'm so proud to lead as your president. 91

Obama complements the people, say that he was proud to be their president.



1. I just spoke with Governor Romney and I congratulated him and Paul Ryan on a hard-fought campaign. 10

Obama congratulations to Paul Ryan as it has struggled in the America presidential election campaign in 2012. He express about his praise to him.


1. Thank you. 1

Obama thanks the audience was present to witness the triumph and await a speech and thanked him to audience applause for coming to speak about his victory.

2. I want to thank every American who participated in this election. 8

Obama expressed his feelings which want to thank in the elections and for having chosen.

3. I want to thank my friend and partner of the last four years, America's happy warrior, and the best vice-president anybody could ever hope for, Joe Biden. 15

Obama express his feelings of gratitude to his partner Joe Biden as vice president of her best ever expected.

4. Thank you for believing all the way to every hill, to every valley. 27

Obama express his gratitude to all the people of America who believe him.


Obama thanks to the America nation. He express his feeling about gratitude.

5. Declarations.

Declarations (or declaratives) are those kinds of speech acts that effect immediate changes in some current state of affairs.

1. A decade of war is ending. 63 Obama declares decade has ended.

2. We are, and forever will be, the United States of America. 104

Obama declares American people will always be a part of the United States.

3. A long campaign is now over. 64

Obama declares that the long campaign has ended. 4. But all of you are family. 24

Obama declares that his campaign team and volunteers are family.

4.2 Direct and Indirect Speech Acts

Direct Speech Acts

1. A long campaign is now over. 64

This is a direct speech act because it is a declarative used to make statement. Obama declares about statement that long campaign is over. 2. A decade of war is ending. 63

This is a direct speech act because it is a declarative used to make statement. Obama declares about statement that decade of war is ending. 3. But all of you are family. 24


This is a direct speech acts because it is a declarative used to make statement. Obama declares about statement that campaign team and colunteers are family.

Indirect Speech Acts

1. We are, and forever will be, the United States of America. 104

This is indirect speech act becasue it is a declarative used to make request to his people that they will be the United States of America.

After analyzing each of the utterances of the speech in Barack Obama Victory 2012, it is found 108 utterances which can be included as illocutionary acts and determined into its own category. Below is the conclusion of each illocutionary act category:

a) Representatives : 57 times

• Asserting : 7 times

• Claiming : 5 times

• Predicting : 8 times

• Affirming : 8 times

• Explaining : 4 times

• Retelling : 6 times

• Informing : 13 times

• Concluding : 2 times


b) Directives : 5 times

• Suggesting : 1 time

• Requesting : 3 times

• Inviting : 1 time

c) Commisives : 21 times

• Hoping : 7 times

• Refusing : 14 times

d) Expressives : 21 times

• Believing : 8 times

• Complementing : 7 times

• Congratulating : 1 time

• Thanking : 5 times

e) Declaratives : 4 times

• Declaring : 4 times

From the conclusion above, representatives is the dominant category in the utterances of speech Barack Obama’s victory speech 2012. The writers will show in a Table 1.

There are 5 direct speech acts and 2 indirect speech acts which are done by Obama in his Victory Speech 2012.


Table 1. The Dominant Category of Illocutionary Acts in Barack Obama’s Victory Speech 2012.

No Types of Illocutionary Acts Total %

1 Representatives 57 52.77%

2 Directives 5 4.62%

3 Commisives 21 19.44%

4 Expressives 21 19.44%

5 Declaratives 4 2.7%




5.1 Conclusions

Having analyzed the speech acts in Barack Obama’s victory speech 2012, the writer comes to following conclusions.

There are five categories of illocutionary acts found in the utterance of Obama in his speech. They are representatives, directives, commisives, expressives, and declaratives.

The conclusion of each category are : representatives 57 times (52,77%), directives 5 times (4,62%), commisives 21 times (19,44%), expressives 21 times (19,44%), declaratives 4 times (2,7%).

The subcategory that are found in each category are:

a. Representatives consist of asserting occurs 7 times, claiming occurs 5 times, explaining occurs 4 times, predicting occurs 8 times, affirming occurs 8 times, retelling occurs 6 times, informing occurs 13 times, concluding occurs times, and stating occurs 4 times.

b. Directives consist of suggesting occurs 1 time, requesting occurs 3 times, and inviting occurs 1 time.

c. Commisives consist of hoping occurs 7 times, and refusing occurs 14 times. d. Expressives consist of believing occurs 8 times, complementing occurs 7

times, congratulating occurs 1 time, thanking occurs 5 times. e. Declaration consist of declarating occurs 4 times.


From the analysis found that the dominant category of Illocutionary acts in Obama’s victory speech 2012 is representatives with 57 times (51,85%). It is because representative has most kind of paradigmatics than another category like asserting, claiming, predicting, affirming, explaining, stating, retelling, informing and concluding.

There are also 3 direct speech acts and 1 indirect speech acts in this speech which found in this speech.

5.2 Suggestion

After reading this thesis, the readers will more understand about pragmatics especially illocutionary acts. There are more objects of study that the readers can inquire such as novel, short story, film, and other objects. The writer suggest the readers do more researchers in this subject to developent of linguistics.



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2. Thank you

Obama thanks to audience who present his speech and applause for him when he walks to speech.

3. Thank you

Obama retells to thanks the audience. He repeats again to said “thank you” from first sentence.

4. Thank you so much.

Obama retells to thanks the audience. It is twice repeting after he says thank you for two times and he add “so much” to express that he really thanking to audience.

5. Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own desti

Obama informs that in antiquity there were colonies that won the right to choose own destiny, and today is the duty of the people to make it more advanced. Obama gives information to audience about what happened in America 200 years ago.

6. It moves forward because of you.

Obama affirms that his people who moves forward about their destiny in America. By saying “you” which show to his people, Obama declare a fact for support his people.


7. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over war and depression, the spirit that has lifted this country from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope, the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are an American family, and we rise or fall together as one nation and as one people.

Obama explains that the spirit, hopes and beliefs that led to the American people get the progress in the United States. After support his people in previous sentence, obama explains about some proof that have done by them to move America forward.

8. Tonight, in this election, you, the American people, reminded us that while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our hearts that for the Obama informs that the best is yet to come for USA although they have struggled through a long journey.

9. I want to thank every American who participated in this election.

Obama expressed his feelings which want to thank in the elections and for having chosen.

10.Whether you voted for the very first time or waited in line for a very long time by the way, we have to fix that, whether you pounded the pavement or picked up the phone, whether you held an Obama sign or a Romney sign, you made your voice heard and you made a difference.

Obama concludes about the things that made people in voting. It is a conclude because Obama bring something to an end that the voice made a difference.


Obama refuses that the role of citizens in the voting does not end only sound that they give.

76. America's never been about what can be done for us, it's about what can be done by us together, through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government.

Obama concludes that America is not about what has been done people but together and through hard work.

77. That's the principle we were founded on. Obama informs about principle that they find.

78.This country has more wealth than any nation, but that's not what makes us rich.

Obama refuses their people rich because their nation wealth.

79.We have the most powerful military in history, but that's not what makes us strong.

Obama refuses their country strong because it has a powerful military in history.

80.Our university, our culture are all the envy of the world, but that's not what keeps the world coming to our shores.

Obama refuses that the world came to their shores because the world jealous of universities and each of them culture.

81.What makes America exceptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse nation on Earth, the belief that our destiny is shared that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations, so that the freedom which so many Americans have


fought for and died for come with responsibilities as well as rights, and among those are love and charity and duty and patriotism.

Obama explains that bond, belief, freedom and the things that happen in the United States conducted by the American people made a tremendous. 82.That's what makes America great.

Obama asserts that America is a great county. He state a fact after he show some proofs in the previous sentence and he says that confidently and forcefully.

83.I am hopeful tonight because I have seen this spirit at work in America. Obama hopes he saw the spirit in every workplace in America.

84. I've seen it in the family business whose owners would rather cut their own pay than lay off their neighbors and in the workers who would rather cut back their hours than see a friend lose a job.

Obama informs that he had seen such sacrifices in the family business work better and cut his salary workers who cut his working hours.

85. I've seen it in the soldiers who re-enlist after losing a limb and in those Seals who charged up the stairs into darkness and danger because they knew there was a buddy behind them watching their back.

Obama informs that he had seen about soldiers returning to a dangerous place, knowing there is someone who expects him back and help him. 86. I've seen it on the shores of New Jersey and New York, where leaders

from every party and level of government have swept aside their differences to help a community rebuild from the wreckage of a terrible storm.


Obama informs that he had seen the leaders along the beach to help the community to clean up storm debris and put aside their differences. 87. And I saw it just the other day in Mentor, Ohio, where a father told the

story of his eight-year-old daughter whose long battle with leukemia nearly cost their family everything had it not been for healthcare reform passing just a few months before the insurance company was about to stop paying for her care.

Obama informs that in Ohio he saw a father who told him about his eight years old daughter suffer leukemia and insurance company stop to pay for her treatment after a few months financing.

88. I had an opportunity to not just talk to the father but meet this incredible daughter of his.

Obama informs that he was not just talking to her father but also her son who suffer leukemia.

89.And when he spoke to the crowd, listening to that father's story, every parent in that room had tears in their eyes because we knew that little girl could be our own.

Obama informs of the events where he visited a father whose daughters suffer leukimia and many people cries after heard that.

90.And I know that every American wants her future to be just as bright. Obama believes the American people that America who wants a bright future.

91.That's who we are.


92.That's the country I'm so proud to lead as your president.

Obama complements the people, say that he was proud to be their president.

93.And tonight, despite all the hardship we've been through, despite all the frustrations of Washington, I've never been more hopeful about our future.

Obama affirms that he will continue to hope about their future despite many difficulties experienced.

94.I have never been more hopeful about America.

Obama states he never expects more about America. He express his feeling about America.

95.And I ask you to sustain that hope.

Obama requests to the people to maintain their hopes.

96.I'm not talking about blind optimism, the kind of hope that just ignores the enormity of the tasks ahead or the road blocks that stand in our path. Obama refuses that he was optimistic that kind of blind hope that just ignores the enormity of the task ahead.

97.I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight.

Obama refuses that she spoke of wishful idealism.

98.I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.


Obama believes that something better awaits us as long as we are still working and struggling.

99.America, I believe we can build on the progress we've made and continue to fight for new jobs and new opportunities and new security for the middle class.

Obama believes that each of them can build on the progress and fight for jobs, new opportunities and a better safety in the middle class.

100. I believe we can keep the promise of our founding, the idea that if you're willing to work hard, it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love.

Obama believes that each of them may hold the promise of its predecessor to work hard no matter who they are, each of them origins, what they see and they love.

101. It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, abled, disabled, gay or straight.

Obama explains the suject as varied as having black or white skin, hispanic or asian or native american, rich, poor, able, disable and other. Obama describe more detail about various people in America.

102. You can make it here in America if you're willing to try.

Obama suggests doing so in the United States if each of them wants to try. He put an idea to his people.

103. I believe we can seize this future together because we are not as divided as our politics suggests.


Obama believes that each of them will seize the future each of them are not divided.

104. We are greater than the sum of our individual ambitions and we remain more than a collection of red states and blue states.

Obama claims that the American people would become great on their individual ambitions and they are part of the blue states and red states. He doesn’t show a proof in this speech.

105. We are, and forever will be, the United States of America

Obama declares his people will always be a part of the United States. 106. And together, with your help and God's grace, we will continue our

journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest nation on earth.

Obama predicts that he and his people went on ahead each of them live in the greatest in the world.

107. Thank you, America.

Obama thanks to the America nation. He express his feeling about gratitude.

108. God bless you.

Obama believes God blesses his people. 109. God bless these United States.