Effective Learning Theoretical Description 1. Audio-Visual Materials

17 evolved from a behavioristic model, to communicative and integrative models, to include finally a more collaborative approach. Supported by the socio-cognitive view of learning, integrative CALL referred to technology to create authentic learning environments, which integrated reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in a target language. Both integrative and developmental CALL support highly interactive and communicative language learning. CALL focuses on the learning. It is a student-centered learning material in which students take more participation than teachers do. In student-centered learning students are motivated to be active and more creative. Woung and Cadierokaplan, 2004: 141 CALL builds students confidence. The use of media tends to make the class and the learning more interesting, helps students develop their ability, and stimulates students’ thought to think creatively in doing their speech or communication with others. CALL provides an authentic learning. Students can develop their four basic skills by the help from the native speaker. Students can use or produce sentences in real communication situation so that they will feel more confident to communicate with others.

5. Effective Learning

Learning is a process of how we get knowledge, how we develop knowledge, and how we improve our understanding and skills. Learning does not only a matter on what score students get but it is more about how students develop their skill and knowledge. Learning is effective if it focuses on how the students learn and how their achievement is. Teachers always want to provide an 18 entertaining teaching learning process. They are happy if they see that their students enjoy and happy with the way they teach. They often forget about the way to reach the goal of the learning, the appropriate methods that should be implemented, and the strategies that should be used to help their students reach the learning goal. Effective learning focuses on how we learn. It gives invaluable insights into on how you can develop your portfolio of skills and knowledge by managing and improving your ability to learn-positively and systematically. Practical exercises and clear guidance are given on: 1. recognizing the importance of “achieved” learning. 2. understanding the learning process-the learning cycle and learning styles preference. 3. taking best advantage of learning opportunities. 4. creating and implementing personal development plan. 5. encouraging and managing a learning culture. Munford 1999:65 stated that an effective learning provides chances for students to be able to manage and improve their ability so that they can develop their skill and knowledge in a positive and systematic way. Here, students need to recognize the learning achievement they should reach. They should also understand the learning process which is carried out to help them find their learning styles preference so that the learning process will be effective and efficient. If students have the ability to recognize and understand those, they will also be able to take advantages for every opportunity given by the teachers. Finally, they can create and implement their own personal development to encourage their own learning culture for the sake of their success. In Standar Kompetensi Lulusan Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP-SBI, there are six principles used as the learning guidance: integrative language 19 learning, group learning, effective learning without any pressure, independent learning, good model, and creative learning. The indicators of learning achievement are that students are able to develop their four basic skills during the process of learning, students are able to use more than one language skill in their language activity, students are able to build interactions with others in a team work, students are active and creative in developing their language skill, students are able to work individually without any pressure, and students are able to behave intellectually inside or outside classroom.

6. Classroom Action Research