Students’ Perception Based on the Observations of Students’ Behavior in

38 doing something that was unrelated to the English lesson while their friends were retelling the video content. The last activity in this section was singing a song. The video showed the song text and all students sang the song together. From the observation above, there was information that could be analyzed and concluded. The information focused on the students’ behavior since from the students’ behavior, it could be seen what the students’ perception was. Below was the analysis. According to Piaget as cited in Barry, 2003, Senior High school students like to learn something using visual aids, illustration, simple graphs and diagrams. They like to be taught using step by step explanation. They like to share their ideas through question and answer session and discussion. They also like to work in pairs or groups. Based on the observation, the use of video gave the students visual aids and illustration. The activities used in the teaching and learning process were done step by step and the students sometimes had to do the works in pairs or groups. The students were also given many chances to share their ideas about the video content. The students’ behavior before viewing was considered positive. They were active in answering teacher’s questions about the topic they were going to learn. Most students also paid attention to the teacher’s explanation about the material. The students’ behavior during viewing was also considered positive. All students really paid attention to the video. Moreover, at the first viewing, the 39 video was played with the sound off. Therefore, they watched the video seriously, some students frowned their forehead that showed that their mind was thinking about the video that was played. Even some students took notes. Sometimes they laughed when the story was funny. Sometimes they gave comments directly about the happening in the video. It meant that all students were interested in the video. When they finished watching the video with the sound off, they did the focus viewing assignment seriously. The researcher observed that they remembered what the story told from the focus viewing assignment. When they watched the video with the sound on, they paid more attention to it since they were curious whether their ideas about the video were right or wrong. They could also answer the teacher’s questions related to the video that they watched. It meant that they understood the story in the video. They were more curious when the video did not play until the end. They were quite active in sharing their ideas about the ending. Then, when they watched the ending and in fact their ideas were different from what was played in the video, they were surprised and laughed. The researcher really observed that all students were enthusiastic and enjoyed the teaching and learning process using video. The students’ behavior after viewing was quite positive. They listened to the teacher’s instruction. They did the conversation in pairs using the video topic. Most students were active. However, the researcher observed that three to four students did not do the conversation seriously. They had another topic that was chatted to their friends. In the first observation, no students looked sleepy. However, in the second observation, the researcher found two students who 40 yawned. There were also some students who were writing or drawing something that was unrelated to the English lesson while their friends were retelling the video content in front of the class. Perhaps, they became bored since they did nothing only listening to their friends’ speech. It meant that students preferred being active to passive. On the other hand, the students who were retelling the video content in front of the class were enthusiastic. They spoke in loud and clear voices. Although they made some mistakes, they tried to correct them and continue speaking. It meant that students who did the speaking did not feel bored. They were happy since they could obtain the chance to retell the video content. From the analysis of the students’ behavior in the observation above, the researcher could obtain some conclusions. First, Senior High students enjoyed learning English using videos. Second, they liked active activities such as having a conversation or a group work that asked them to have an interaction with other students. Third, they liked to have video songs. The last, in general, Senior High students were interested in learning English using video since they showed positive behavior toward the use of videos in the teaching and learning process. Based on the theory from Bootzin 1983: 120 that perception can influence students’ behavior and motivation, it can be said that if students have positive perception, it will lead them to have positive behavior. It meant that students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Yogyakarta, Teknik Komputer Jaringan class, based on the observations, had positive perception because they have positive behavior toward the use of videos in learning English. 41

2. Students’ Perception on the Activities, Motivation and Implication on

the Use of Videos in Learning English Based on the Questionnaire The researcher distributed the questionnaire on October 20 th , 2008. There were thirty-one questionnaires that were distributed. The total students of Teknik Komputer Jaringan class actually were thirty-two. One student did not come since he had to attend an OSIS meeting, therefore, only thirty-one students filled in the questionnaire. As presented in the methodology, there were twenty-five statements in the questionnaire. The students’ responses to each statement are presented in the form of data frequency and data percentage that could be seen in Appendix C. There were five numbers of values that the students could choose. They are 5 for very often, 4 for often, 3 for sometimes, 2 for rarely, 1 for never. The frequencies and percentages that were showed in Appendix C were obtained from the students’ responses to each statement. There were three parts in the questionnaire. The first part was Part A that was perception on the activities. The data that were obtained showed that the students’ perception on the activities using video was positive. There was some evidence which showed that students’ perception on the activities using videos was positive. Figure 1 showed that students gave positive response to the first statement that said “The activities that are used in the class are various. Students who chose very often were 9.7, and students who chose often were 58.0. The rest of the students who chose sometimes were 29.0 and 42 students who chose rarely were 3.2. It meant that most students often experienced varied activities in learning English using videos. Figure 1 Students’ responses to “The activities used in the class are various” Figure 2 Students’ responses to “The activities help me to improve my English skills” Figure 2 showed that students gave positive response to the second statement that said “The activities that are used help me to improve my English skills.” It could be seen that there were 16.1 students who chose very often, and 9.7 58 29 3.2 10 20 30 40 50 60 5 4 3 2 1 percentage 16.1 48.4 35.5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 5 4 3 2 1 percentage 5 = very often 4 = often 3 = sometimes 2 = rarely 1 = never 43 48.4 students who chose often. The rest of the students who chose sometimes were 35.5. It meant that they were often helped in improving their skills by the activities used. The students also gave positive response to the third statement that said “The activities that are used are suitable to improve my English skills.” There were 12.9 students who chose very often, and 64.6 students who chose often. The rest of the students who chose sometimes were 22.5. It meant that they experienced that the activities were suitable to improve their English skills. Figure 3 Students’ responses to “Watching videos with the sound off activates my mind to think what the videos tell about” Figure 3 showed that students gave positive response to the fourth statement that said “Watching videos with the sound off activate my mind to think what the videos tell about.” It could be seen that there were 35.5 students who chose very often, and 58.0 students who chose often. Only 6.5 students chose 35.5 58 6.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 5 4 3 2 1 percentage 5 = very often 4 = often 3 = sometimes 2 = rarely 1 = never 44 sometimes. It meant that most students liked to watch videos with the sound off since it could activate their mind to think about the content of the videos. In order to enhance their comprehension on the video content, they agreed that watching videos with the sound on was the appropriate activity. Figure 4 showed that students gave positive response to the fifth statement that said “Watching videos with the sound on enhance my comprehension.” It could be seen that there were 29.0 students who chose very often and 64.6 students who chose often. The rest of the students who chose sometimes were 3.2 and students who chose rarely were 3.2. It meant that they gave positive response to the fifth statement. Figure 4 Students’ responses to “Watching videos with the sound on enhances my comprehension” In the sixth statement that said “Discussing the video topic in pairs is better than in groups”, the students who chose very often were only 16.1. There 29 64.6 3.2 3.2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5 4 3 2 1 percentage 5 = very often 4 = often 3 = sometimes 2 = rarely 1 = never 45 were 32.3 students who chose often and 48.4 students who chose sometimes. The rest of the students who chose rarely were 3.2. It meant that students sometimes felt better to have a paired discussion but sometimes did not. The students’ responses to the seventh statement that said “Retelling the topic to friends improves my speaking skill” were positive. There were 9.7 students who chose very often, 58.0 students who chose often, 25.8 students who chose sometimes, and 6.5 students who chose rarely. In the eighth statements that said “I enjoy learning English through the activities”, the students also gave positive response. There were 6.5 students who chose very often, 61.3 students who chose often, and 32.2 students who chose sometimes. It meant that the students enjoyed learning English through the activities. The second part of the questionnaire was Part B that was students’ perception on the motivation after learning English using videos. The data that were obtained showed that the students’ perception on the motivation after learning English using videos was positive. There was some evidence which showed that students’ perception on the motivation after learning English using videos was positive. Figure 5 showed that students gave quite positive response to the ninth statement that said “I am active in answering questions from my teacher.” There were 3.2 students who chose very often, 12.9 students who chose often, 61.3 students who chose sometimes and 22.6 students who chose rarely. From the percentages, it could be concluded that the students sometimes active in answering the teacher’s questions but sometimes did not.