Research Participants Data Gathering Technique

28 be interpreted that the respondents had negative perception.

3. Interview

The third instrument was an interview. The interview questions were similar to the statements in the questionnaire. The interview was conducted to the research participants in order to obtain information about the reason why they gave a certain answer in the questionnaire. Further, the interview also strengthened the data to answer the research questions. According to Kvale, as cited in Cohen, Manion, and Morrison 2000: 267, ”the use of interview in research marks a move away from seeing human subjects as simply manipulable and data as somehow external to individuals, and towards regarding knowledge as generated between humans, often through conversations.” The interview was also aimed to gather information about the students’ perception on the use of videos in their English teaching-learning process and their recommendations to improve and to maximize the use of videos. The interview used in the research was a structured interview. Structured interview, which was used as one of the instruments of the research means that the questions for interviewee were already prepared before the interview was done. There were twenty five questions prepared and asked by the researcher. The interview questions used Indonesian in order to make the students easier in understanding the questions. 29

D. Data Gathering Technique

In gathering the data, the researcher used the three instruments to answer the two research questions. This sub-chapter explained how the instruments worked and also how the data were gathered. There are three steps in gathering the data. In the first step of gathering data from the participants, the researcher maximized the use of observation checklist. The researcher observed the students’ behavior before viewing, during viewing, and after viewing. The observation took about two weeks, one observation each week. The researcher only did the observation twice because of the time availability between the schedule of Teknik Komputer Jaringan English lesson and the researcher. In the second step, the researcher distributed a questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to obtain information about the students’ perception on the activities, motivation and implication of using videos. It was also used to determine the six students who would be interviewed. It took twenty minutes for the students to fill in the questionnaire. The schedule of distributing the questionnaire was chosen by considering the schedule of the English class and the available time of the English teacher and the researcher. In the last step, in order to obtain more information from the students, the researcher interviewed six students who were chosen based on the scores of the questionnaire. The researcher took two students who had high scores, two students who had average scores, and two students who had low scores. The researcher interviewed the students one by one in order to obtain reliable data. 30

E. Data Analysis Techniques

After the data were gathered, the researcher then analyzed them in order to obtain answer to the questions formulated in the problem formulation. The research used three instruments: an observation checklist, a questionnaire and an interview, which strengthened one another. Therefore, the data analyzed were from the three instruments. First, the researcher analyzed the observation results that were related to the students’ behavior before viewing, during viewing and after viewing. The observation helped the researcher to answer the first research question. According to Bootzin 1983:120, if students have positive behavior toward the learning, they will have positive perception on the learning. On the other hand, if students have negative behavior toward the learning, they will have negative perception. Based on that theory, the researcher analyzed the students’ behavior toward the use of videos in learning English. Second, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire. The researcher used Likert scale in analyzing the questionnaire. The range is from ‘never’ column 1, ‘rarely’ column 2, ‘sometimes’ column 3, ‘often’ column 4, and ‘very often’ column 5. This questionnaire was aimed to find students who would be interviewed by the researcher. The researcher counted the scores of the questionnaire then she chose two students who had high scores, two students who had average scores, and two students who had low scores. The scores were based on the data obtained. 31 The students’ total response score to the questionnaire could reflect the students’ perception on the use of videos in English learning Faisal, 1981: 48. a. The students whose scores were 101-125 were considered having ‘very good’ perception. b. The students whose scores were 76-100 were considered having ‘good’ perception. c. The students whose scores were 51-75 were considered having ‘middle’ perception. d. The students whose scores were 26-50 were considered having ‘bad’ perception. e. The students whose scores were 1-25 were considered having ‘very bad’ perception. The categories of making the classification above were based on the consideration: a. The maximum score of column 5 or ‘very often’ was 125 b. The maximum score of column 4 or ‘often’ was 100 c. The maximum score of column 3 or ‘sometimes’ was 75 d. The maximum score of column 2 or ‘rarely’ was 50 e. The maximum score of column 1 or ‘never’ was 25 The students’ responses to the statements indicate the student’s perception. The students who had ‘very good’ and ‘good’ perception were included as students who had positive perception on the use of videos in learning English. The students who had ‘middle’ perception were included as students who had average 32 perception on the use of videos in learning English. The students who had ‘very bad’ and ‘bad’ perception were included as students who had negative perception on the use of videos in learning English. Those responses were used as the data of this research. From those data, the researcher could determine the students who would be interviewed. Third, the researcher analyzed the interview results. The interview questions were quite similar to the questionnaire. However, in the interview, there were questions to ask the reason or background the students gave certain answers. The researcher did the interview twice in order to obtain reliable data.

F. Research Procedures

There were some steps used in the research. Before conducting the research, the researcher first chose the problem to be solved. Then, the researcher decided the school and participants of the research. Next, the researcher did the preparation steps. In these steps, the researcher asked permission letter from the English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. Afterwards, the researcher gave the permission letter to the secretariat of SMK Negeri 2 Depok, Yogyakarta to conduct a research in the school. Then, the researcher had a meeting with the English teacher in order to arrange the appropriate schedule to conduct the research. The researcher, then, did pre-observation and observations on the participants. After the researcher observed twice, she distributed the questionnaire to the participants. Then, the researcher analyzed the questionnaire in order to choose the participants who would be interviewed. The researcher then, 33 interviewed the participants in order to obtain more information needed to answer the research questions. The researcher interviewed the participants twice using the same questions. The second interview was aimed to confirm the participants’ answers in the first interview. The next step was analyzing the data gathered from the observations, and the interview. The first research question was answered through the observations, the questionnaire and the interview. While the second research question was answered through the interview. Afterward, the data gathered were interpreted. After the data were interpreted, the researcher made conclusion based on the interpretation. As the last step, the researcher reported the results of the research. 34


This chapter presents the findings of the research. This research was conducted to find out the students’ perception on the use of videos in learning English and students’ recommendations to improve and to maximize the use of videos in English learning. The findings were divided into two parts. They were part A that explained the students’ perception and part B that explained the students’ recommendations.

A. Students’ Perception on the Use of Videos in Learning English

The data were obtained through three instruments; they were an observation, a questionnaire, and an interview. Each instrument would be analyzed separately. These three instruments were used to answer the students’ perception on the use of videos in learning English while to answer the students’ recommendations to maximize and to improve the use of videos, the researcher only used an interview.

1. Students’ Perception Based on the Observations of Students’ Behavior in

the Teaching-Learning Process Using Videos Bootzin 1983: 120 says that perception is very important because it can influence students’ behavior and motivation toward the teaching and learning process. Based on that theory, the researcher divided the observation into three sections.