Approach of the Study Method of the Study

own life experience, what she felt in any condition that told in the novel, and what she did to struggle against her society domination.

C. Method of the Study

The method that the writer uses in this study is Library Research. The main data or sources for the research were taken from the novel When The Pelican Laughed, and the writer gets secondary sources and some theories to analyze the data from books of literature, related theories, and also the book of feminism since the writer use feminism approach to analyze the novel. There are some steps that the writer did to doing this research. The first step was reading the novel very carefully to understand what the main concern of the novel and find the practice of patriarchy and also the response from the main female characters to the practice of patriarchy. Next, the writer chose the Feminism Approach to analyze the novel When The Pelican Laughed since the main female character that really complex and become the main concern in the novel and also using the theory of characterization to know all about Ngulyi and Alice as major female characters. The writer searched some supportive data and theories through books in the library and e-book. Then, the researcher paid more attention to the major female characters’ characteristics and their life experience including all their suffer in the story and also the society where they belonged. The writer concerned about that in order to find out about the practice of patriarchy that may be experienced by them. Next, the writer began to find out their response to their surrounding that gave her some pressures and the practice of patriarchy itself. Then the writer applied feminist literary theory to answer the problem formulation. Finally the writer made a conclusion from the analysis. That was how this study was finished. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18


In this chapter, the researcher answers the problem formulations which stated on the first chapter of the research. First, the researcher analyzes on how the women experience the practice of patriarchy as reflected by the main character in the novel. Second, the researcher finds out and discuss about the responses of women in facing the practice of patriarchy in their environment.

A. Women and the Practice of Patriarchy in When The Pelican Laughed

In the novel When the Pelican Laughed, there are two main women characters that experienced the practice of patriarchy; they are Alice and her mother , Ngulyi. Alice’s mother experienced the practice of patriarchy in Aborigine society, while Alice experienced it in a bigger scope aborigine and white society. The meaning of the practice of patriarchy itself is anything that the men do to oppress and harm the women.

1. Ngulyi’s Experience of the Practice of Patriarchy

Alice’s Mother whose name Ngulyi is a smart woman, she spoke six languages, Nyamal, Palyku, Kariyarra, Ngarluma, Yindjibarndi, and of course English, she also has an European name, Dot. She was born on Pilbara Station, which is located between Roebourne and Marble and she belong to the Yindjibarndi tribe. She is a quite hard worker, stated in the novel that she travelled from station to station and worked there in the kitchen and doing housework. She married to aborigine man, Old Ned and had a daughter, Mangkayurangu, or Ella. Old Ned is Alice’s stepfather. They stayed in Kangan because Old Ned worked for Tommy, Alice’s father. One day, Old Ned had a terrible ill and needed a medical attention. They took him to Roebourne to get a better medical treatment, but he still cannot be cured, he ended up dying and then he died. He was buried in the Aboriginal cemetery. Not long after the funeral, an aborigine scout came and asked Ngulyi to be at Yule River to fulfill the custom to shave her head, it was necessary for a wife that belonged to YindjiBarndi tribe to shave her head not long after her husband died. Then one night one of the Aborigine scouts came and saw Tommy. He said that Mother had to be at the Yule River by a certain time. You see, it’s a law that when a woman’s nyuba partner dies she’s got to have all her hair cut off to make herself ugly for somebody else. Nannup, 1992: 25 We can see in that paragraph, aborigine society has a law only for women that oblige all women in their society to shave their head immediately after they lost their husband. It is intended to make themselves ugly and not attracted for somebody else. Then, if the women did not want to do that, Aborigine scout who sent by the elders will come over them to give a warning and ask them to go to Yule River to be judged. Alice also mentions about the place where used to organize the judgment by the elders, We got to meeting place, and that evening they made a big fire at two sites. The elders were all there waiting and Mother had to kneel down in a circle of men. We were sitting back from women.Nannup, 1992: 25