Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study Definition of Terms Feminism

Humm, 1995: 94. In general, feminisms is the ideology of women’s liberation since intrinsic in all its approaches is the belief that women suffer injustice because of our sex. Humm, 1995: 94 Patriarchy According to Peter Barry, Patriarchy is cultural thought of men or women in the society about sexual inequality where the men have more power and control the women Barry, 2002: 122. And according to The Dictionary of Feminist Theory, Patriarchy is a system where the men have an authority to control and oppress the women in the society Humm, 1995: 200 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6


A. Review of Related Studies

Feminist criticism is a theory that focuses in the image of women and it is used to analyze the struggle of women right under men ’s domination. I will provide the review from other studies that also use feminist approach to analyze the story. It is from Amanda Rindu Dyah Perdana in Patriarchy, Woman Suffering, and the Ideas of Feminism Reflected Through the Character in Maria Irene Fornes’s: The Conduct of Life.In the story, there is a male character named Orlando, he described as a powerful man with maximum authority and he also reflects patriarchal value by his characteristics. Orlando has several servants; one of their servants is Olimpia. Olimpia is one of the victims that experience Orlando’s violence. Perdana states: At this time Olimpia does not see Orlando as her employer but as a man who always abuses her verbally and also a man who treats her unkindly. She has to rebel and what Olimpia has done is her form of rebellion. Perdana, 2008:50 In that statement, the researcher agrees that Olimpia has reflected the idea of feminism toward Orlando man, she wants to rebel and be free from Orlando domination. Then, in this study, rebellion is not just toward a single man. The women can fight back towards society rule, and it proves that feminism can do more than struggling towards one man but also a society that has wider scope. There is also a research by F.X. Risang Baskara about the novel When The Pelican Laughed. In his undergraduate thesis entitled The Indigenous Struggle Of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Aborigines In Western Australia In The 19 th Century As Reflected In Alice Nannup’s Life In When The Pelican Laughed, Baskara also discusses about the major character’s Alice Nannup struggle, but he focus more on the idea of postcolonialism that is revealed by the characters. He states: The second part of the analysis will study the indigenous struggle in Western Australia in 19 th cent ury that are reflected through Alice Nannup’s characteristics in When The Pelican Laughed. The theory of indigenous struggle is used to help the writer to analyze what kind of struggle emerge in the characteristics of Alice Nannup. Besides, the writer also uses the postcolonialism approach to see what happened in Australia during the colonialism period Baskara, 2010:68. We can see in the quotation above, the researcher has almost the same object of the study with Baskara, but the approach that the researcher uses to analyze the characters is different. Baskara uses postcolonialism approach to analyze the characters, while the researcher uses feminism approach in his research.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Characterization According to Characterization theory in Thomas R Arp and Greg Johnson’s Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, there are some ways to describe a human character in a story. First the author of the story will decide whether he or she uses a Direct Presentation by tell the reader about the character or Indirect Presentation by show the reader the character through the actions Arp and Johnson, 2006: 162. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI