B. Theoretical framework

Some steps are required to design integrated reading and writing materials of SAC in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students. The theoretical description above is seen as a basis to clarify the framework of this study that would guide us into the real discussion. In this study the researcher addresses two research problems. The first is how a set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students designed. The second is what does the set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students look like. In order to answer the first research problems, the researcher use the Kemp‟s instructional design model. There are eight steps used by the researcher in order to design the integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students. The following is the eight steps used by the researcher. 1. Conducting Needs Survey The researcher conducted the need survey by distributing questionnaire to the tenth grade students at SMK Negeri 2 Depok and interviewing an English teacher and one student of each class that had been observed by the researcher. It is aimed to know the students‟ needs, characteristics, and difficulties in learning English, especially reading and writing. Besides, it is aimed to find out deeper information about the materials in Self-Access Center. It is also used to find out the feedback from the English teachers about the idea of instructional material design. 31 2. Stating Goals, Topics and General Purposes In this step, the researcher decides the goals of designing the materials, then selects appropriate topics for the students in order to achieve the goals and states the general purposes of each topic clearly so later it will help the students in learning English through the designed materials. 3. Stating Learning Objectives The researcher develops the objectives of each topic explicitly and clearly. The objectives are activities or behaviors that can be measured and observed clearly. Thus, the students are able to achieve the goals well. 4. Listing the Subject Content In this step, the researcher classifies the appropriate knowledge and skills. The subject con tents are based on the learning objectives and students‟ needs. There are three elements of subject contents based on the Task-Based Learning theory used by the researcher; they are pre-task, task cycle and language focus. 5. Selecting Teaching and Learning Activities After getting the data from need analysis, the researcher selects appropriate activities which support the students in learning English effectively. 6. Designing the materials After determining the previous stages, the researcher proceeds to design materials based on the information from the previous stages. 7. Conducting Materials Evaluation After designing the materials, the researcher conducts materials evaluation. In this step, the researcher distributes questionnaires to one English 32 teacher of SMK Negeri 2 Depok and two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program at Sanata Dharma University. The questionnaire was aimed to get feedback and suggestion related to the designed materials. Moreover, the researcher also knows whether the materials are applicable or not. 8. Revising the Design Materials After getting feedback and suggestion from the questionnaire, the researcher starts to revise and improve the materials based on the result of the questionnaire. Finally, the final revision of the design can be used by the students. The following is the summary of those eight steps described above based on the researcher‟s model. Figure 2.3 The Researcher’s Model Furthermore, in order to answer the second problem formulation, which is what does the set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students look like, the researcher uses Task-Based Learning theory by Jane Willis. Therefore, in designing the materials the researcher uses the procedure of Task-Based Learning; they are pre-task, task cycle and post-task. The types of activities in the designed materials are questions 33 and answers, pictures and picture stories, matching activities and discussion. The designed materials are focused on the integrated reading and writing, in which the reading comprehensions come first and writing as follows. Thus, the reading sections become the model for writing. 34


The purpose of this chapter is to present the method used in order to answer the questions stated in Chapter I. The discussion is divided into six major parts; they are research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

There are two questions in this study that have been stated in the Chapter I. First, how is a set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for tenth grade students designed. Second, what does the set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students look like. In order to answer those questions, this study used the theory of Educational Research and Development RD. Research and Development RD is aimed to develop the instructional materials. According to Borg and Gall 1983: 772, “Educational research and development RD is a process used to develop and validate educational products. ” There are ten major steps in the RD cycle used to develop minicourses Borg and Gall, 1983: 775 but the researcher only used five of it because of the time limitation.