In this chapter, the researcher is intended to present the conclusions of the research and the researcher ‟s recommendations. The conclusions are based on the results of the questions which are stated in the research problems. Meanwhile, the suggestions are addressed to the English teachers at SMK Negeri 2 Depok who will implement the designed materials in Self-Access Centre and future researchers who will conduct the similar research.

A. Conclusions

The purpose of this research is to design a set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students. There are two questions formulated in the research problems. The first question is how a set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students is designed. The second question is what the set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok for the tenth grade students looks like. In order to answer the first question, the researcher used the eight steps of Kemp‟s Instructional Design Model. The first step was conducting needs survey. In this step, the researcher distributed a questionnaire to the tenth grade students and interviewed an English teacher and one student of each class that had been 70 observed by the researcher. The aimed of the questionnaire and interview were to obtain the information about students‟ characteristics and needs toward the materials of Self-Access centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok. The second step was stating goal, topics and general purposes. The researcher stated the goals, topics and general purpose based on the result of the need survey. The third step was stating learning objectives. In this step, the researcher decided the objectives of each topic explicitly and clearly. The fourth step is listing the subject contents. In this step, the researcher listed the subject contents based on the three cycles of Task-Based Learning. The fifth step was selecting teaching and learning activities. The researcher select the learning activities based on the data gathered from the questionnaire. However, the researcher did not select the teaching activities because in Self-Access Leaning the students were demanded to learn English independently. Therefore, they had to do everything by themselves. The sixth step was designing materials. After finishing the previous steps, the researcher designed the materials based on the data gathered from the questionnaire and interviews. The seventh step was conducting materials evaluation. In this step, the researcher distributed the materials evaluation questionnaire to the three participants. They are an English teacher of SMK Negeri 2 Depok and two lecturers of English Language Education Study Program at Sanata Dharma University. The feedback was used to revise and improve the designed materials to be better. The last step was revising the designed materials. In this step, the researcher made the last revision and improvement which were based on the participants‟ suggestions and opinions. 71 In order to answer the second question, the researcher presented the final version of the designed materials. The designed materials consisted of four units, they are What do They Look Like?, Show Me the Way, This is What I Want to Be, and Attention Please. Besides, there were three sections in each unit, they are Let’s Get Ready, Challenge Yourself and Let’s Focus.

B. Recommendations