Research Setting Research Participants

36 4. Preliminary Field Testing In this step, the researcher used a questionnaire as the instrument in order to obtain the evaluation of the educational products. The questionnaire was distributed to the two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program at Sanata Dharma University and an English teacher at SMK Negeri 2 Depok. From the questionnaire, the researcher got feedback and suggestions in order to improve the designed materials. 5. Main Product Revision In this step, the researcher revised the designed materials based on the result in the Preliminary Field Testing.

B. Research Setting

The study took place in SMK Negeri 2 Depok located at Mrican, Caturtunggal Depok in Yogyakarta. The data collection was done in SMK Negeri 2 Depok and Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. The time needed for conducting need survey and evaluating the designed materials was on Mei to August 2013.

C. Research Participants

There were two groups of participants in this study. The first group was the participants of Research and Information Collecting that were the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok and their English teacher. The second group was the participants of Preliminary Field Testing. 37 1. Participants of Research and Information Collecting The participants of the interviews were an English teacher of SMK Negeri 2 Depok and one student of each class that had been observed by the researcher. From the interviews, the writer obtained some information about the goal and the use of SAC toward the stu dents, the materials provided in SAC, students‟ characteristics, and students‟ difficulties in learning reading and writing. Furthermore, the researcher also asked about the materials provided in SAC, especially reading and writing, by interviewing one student of each class that had been observed by the researcher. It was conducted after distributing the questionnaire in order to gain more information that could not been figured out in the questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed to the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok. The population of the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok was 480 students from 15 classes. The researcher used 128 students as the sample of need survey that was chosen randomly in order to know the students‟ needs, interests, and difficulties in learning reading and writing. 2. Participants of Preliminary Field Testing In Preliminary Field Testing, the participants were two lecturers of the English Language Education Study Program at Sanata Dharma University and an English teacher at SMK Negeri 2 Depok. They were expected to give feedback and suggestions of the designed materials through the materials evaluation questionnaire. Thus, the researcher improved the materials design based on the result of the questionnaire. The researcher chose those participants because they 38 experienced in designing materials. The table below represented the description of the participants. Table 3.1 The Description of the Participants Respondents ∑ Educational Background Teaching Experiences Year S1 S2 S3 0-10 10-20 20 Lecturers English Teacher

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique