Writing Self-Access Center SAC The Tenth Grade Students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok

10 planning which decides how something looks and works with three essential elements in it. Thus, with designing the researcher can arrange a set of English materials appropriately. In this study, the researcher design a set of integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre for the tenth grade students in SMK Negeri 2 depok.

2. Integrated Skill

According to Oxford 2001, integrated skill is the combination of two or more skills within a communicative task. In line with the theory, the researcher concludes that integrated skill is two or more skills that are connected to each other. In this study, the researcher designs materials which integrate the reading and writing skills.

3. Reading

Grabe and Stoller 2002 state “Reading is an ability to find out the meaning of words in printed page and interpret this information appropriate ly” p. 9. Hence, in reading, the readers are expected to be able to get the main idea of the text in order to get some information in the text. In line with the theory, the researcher concludes that reading is about how the readers are able to obtain information in the text accurately. In this study, the researcher gives more emphasis on reading comprehension and writing as the follow-up activities.

4. Writing

According to Sokolik as cited by Nunan 2003: 88, “Writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to reader s.” It means that in 11 writing, the writers are expected to be able to express their ideas through their written texts. Besides, the writers then have to choose the best topic to give impression to the readers. In line with the theory, the researcher concludes that writing is an ability to express the writers‟ ideas in the statements or paragraphs clearly. In this study, the researcher tries to integrate reading and writing which are closely related to each other.

5. Self-Access Center SAC

According to Benson as cited by Nunan 2003: 291, “Self-Access Center SAC is an open access resource center containing authentic print, audio, and video target language materials.” In line with the theory, the researcher concludes that SAC is a place outside the classroom where the students might learn English as the target language through those media as the materials. The provided media is used to help the students to improve their ability in learning English independently. Therefore, each material provides language focus in order to help the students to learn about some useful information on the activities and some curricular objectives. Besides, the materials provide answer key in order to help the students to check their work and at last assess their work. Thus, the students can learn from their mistakes by checking the answer key and language focus. In this study, the researcher is going to design integrated reading writing materials to be implemented in SAC. 12

6. The Tenth Grade Students of SMK Negeri 2 Depok

In this study, the researcher conducted the research in SMK Negeri 2 Depok, an engineering institution, which formerly called as STM Pembangunan Yogyakarta. This school provided four years education period with 15 classes and 32 students for each class. The tenth grade students of vocational school are those who are in the first year of SMK , which stands for “Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan”. The students reach this level after graduating from Elementary school and Junior High School which is called as nine years basic education. 13


This chapter is aimed to review some theories related to the study. Hence, the researcher divides this chapter into two major sub-headings namely Theoretical Description and Theoretical Framework. Theoretical Description provides the theoretical issues related to the problems, while the Theoretical Framework explains further about theories in order to formulate the orientation of the study.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher discusses some related theories in designing integrated reading writing materials of Self-Access Centre in SMK Negeri 2 Depok. The review on the related literature covers Instructional Design Model, Reading, Writing, Integrated skill, Task-Based Learning and Self-Access Center.

1. Instructional Design Model

The instructional design model used by the researcher as the related literature is Kemp‟s model. It is used to find out the goals, topics, learning objectives of instructional design, teaching learning activities and resources, and evaluation. There are some approaches and procedures described here that will be called as instructional design. According to Kemp 1977, this model is designed to answer three questions; they are What must be learned? Objective, What procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning levels? Activities and resources, and How will we know when the required learning has