In this chapter, the researcher discusses the research results and discussions to present the outcome of the implementation of arranging jumbled paragraphs activities. The implementation of the planned action was divided into two cycles. The cycles were conducted on April 30 th , 2012 and May 7 th , 2012. In order to conclude the improvement of the students’ paragraph writing skill, the researcher analyzed data in the form of questionnaire, interview, and students’ writings. This discussion is divided into two parts. The first thing to discuss is the description of the implementation of arranging jumbled paragraphs activity. In this part, the researcher describes the implementation in the first and the second cycles. Then, the researcher presents the contribution of the activity. To describe the contribution, the researcher provides the students’ writing results in the observation, the first cycle, and the second cycle. 4.1 The Description of the Implementation of Arranging Jumbled Paragraphs Activity in the First Cycle The result of the observation on April 18 th , 2012 confirmed that the students found difficulty in organizing their texts. In order to help the students improve their paragraph writing skills, the researcher made interventions in the teaching and learning process. 39

4.1.1 Planning

Since all XA students in SMA Santo Mikael failed to organize their ideas to write, the researcher planned to use arranging jumbled activity. The teaching and learning activity was designed based on the writing cycle suggested by Callaghan and Rothery as cited in Knapp et al., 2005, pp. 78-81. The activity began with arranging jumbled paragraphs as the activity of modelling a text. After the students arranged the paragraphs to identify the elements of a text, they discussed the correct order of the text and the elements. This activity was included in joint negotiation of a text. The purpose of joint negotiation of a text was to show how a good text was organized. From the two stages, the students acquired the knowledge of information organization and used it to write as the last writing cycle.

4.1.2 Act and Observe

The first cycle of the research was conducted on April 30 th , 2012. In this cycle, the students learned about news item as written in the syllabus designed by the English teacher. News item itself was a new topic for the students. Therefore, the researcher still guided the students to identify the generic structure. The meeting of the first cycle started from 11.30 to 12.50 PM after the break. There were fifteen students in the class. The students were tired of studying, so they looked not enthusiastic to learn. It took several minutes to let the students prepare themselves to join the lesson. Since the students were not enthusiastic to learn, the researcher needed to gain their attention. To gain their 40 attention, the researcher invited the students to talk about the issues of crime they watched from the news on TV. For five minutes, the students busily discussed the issues of crime they heard from the news. Some students mentioned several cases of robbery they watched on TV. All students were enthusiastic to share the news they heard. The class became so noisy for a while because all students competed to mention the cases of crime they knew. The activity of discussing the news about crime introduced the students to the topic learned that day. This would help the students to prepare themselves to learn and focus on the topic about crime. After discussing the news, each student arranged jumbled paragraphs. Arranging jumbled paragraph activity was done twice in this meeting. The first arranging jumbled paragraphs activity was about a case of robbery in a jewelry exhibition in Hongkong. In this activity, the students were expected to work independently.The researcher provided a list of new vocabularies and the meanings for each student. The purpose of giving the list of new vocabularies was to reduce their difficulty in understanding the text which became one of the obstacles in identifying the generic structure. When the students arranged the jumbled paragraphs independently, the researcher found that three students could not arrange the paragraphs correctly. This problem appeared because these students still saw partial ideas in the paragraphs. As a result, they could not connect the paragraphs because they did not know the main idea of each paragraph. Therefore, the researcher asked them to read the paragraphs again. Then the students realized that they misplaced the paragraphs.