Research Method Data Collecting Method Data Analysis Method


3.1 Research Method

In this thesis, descriptive qualitative method is applied because the result of this thesis will describes the use of Illocutionary act in the movie entitled Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Bogdan and Taylor 1975:5 define qualitative method as research procedure to gain the descriptive data which is fulfilled with written or spoken language from a certain source that will be observed. According to Moleong 1994:6, “Deskriptif menjadi salah satu ciri pada metode penelitian kualitatif di mana data yang dikumpulkan berupa kata-katakalimat dan gambar. Sehingga, pada laporan penelitiannya berisi kutipan-kutipan untuk memberikan ilustrasi dari laporan penelitian. Data bisa berupa novel, dialog, wawancara, foto-foto, rekaman, dokumen pribadi dan dokumen sah lainnya”. It means that the research aim is to describe all the facts as it is without any subjective improvisation.

3.2 Data Collecting Method

The data are collected by applying the library research method. The data are collected from utterances of the main characters of Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl movie, Jack Sparrow which is focused on the illocutionary act. Firstly, the movie is watched. Then the Script of the movie was obtained from the Internet. Next, the utterances of Jack Sparrow will be marked to be analyzed using descriptive qualitative method and then will be classified into the Illocutionary act category.

3.3 Data Analysis Method

Some steps that are used to analyze the data are as follows: 1. Collecting the data: picking out all the utterance of the main character of the film from the movie script that was obtained from the internet. 2. Classifying the data: classifying the utterancebased on the scope of the analysis. 3. Identifying the data: characterizing the utterances that belong to one of the classifications of illocutionary act by using theory of Yule 1996:53. 4. Describing the data: making a brief description from the utterances that had fulfilled the characteristic of Illocutionary act classification. 15 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING

4.1 Data Analysis