Code-Mixing Used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts










I am FIQRI WIRADIKA HANAFIAH, declare that I am the sole author of this paper. Except where the reference is made in the text of this paper, this paper contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a paper by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree.

No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this paper. This paper has not been submitted for the award of another degree in any tertiary education.

Signed :




Title of Paper : Code Mixing Used by X-Games Indonesia Host Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya

Study Program : English

I am willing that my paper should be available for reproduction at the direction of the Librarian of the Diploma III English Department Faculty of Culture Study USU on the understanding that users are made aware of their obligation under law of the Republic of Indonesia.

Signed :



This paper entitled “Code-Mixing Used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts”. Code mixing is the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech. The objective of this paper are to analyze types of code mixing and the type of code mixing dominantly used by X-Games Indonesia hosts. Based on the study of this paper there are two types of code mixing, they are Intra-sentential code mixing and extra-sentential code mixing. Intra-sentential code mixing may range from the alternation of single words or phrases to clauses within a single sentence or utterance while extra-sentential code mixing occurs between sentences. The writer found 203 code mixing utterances out of 2170 words used by X-Games Indonesia presenter. Those are 86 words, 82 phrases, 6 clauses and 29 sentences. The percentage of code mixing from the data is Intra-sentential mixing 85,7% and Extra-sentential mixing 14,3%.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “Code-Mixing Used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts”. Campur kode adalah percampuran dari dua bahasa atau lebih atau variasi bahasa dalam cara berbicara. Tujuan dari kertas karya ini adalah untuk menganalisis tipe campur kode yang digunakan pembawa acara X-Games Indonesia dan untuk menganalisis tipe campur kode yang secara dominan digunakan oleh pembawa acara X-Games Indonesia. Beradasarkan studi pada kertas karya ini, ada dua tipe campur kode, yaitu campur kode intra-sentential dan campur kode extra-sentential. Campur kode intra-sentential biasanya ditemukan dalam selingan pada kata-kata, frasa-frasa ke klausa dalam sebuah kalimat atau ucapan, sementara campur kode extra-sentential biasanya terdapat diantara kalimat-kalimat. Penulis menemukan 203 campur kode dalam 2170 kata yang digunakan oleh pembawa acara X-Games Indonesia. Campur kode tersebut terdiri dari 86 kata, 82 frasa, 6 klausa dan 29 kalimat. Persentasi campur kode dari data tersebut adalah campur kode intra-sentential 85,7% dan campur kode Extra-sentential 14,3%.



First of all, I would like to thank to Allah SWT, for giving me health, strength and ability to finish this paper as one of the requirements to get Diploma III from English Departement, Faculty of Culture Studies, University of North Sumatera.

Then, I would like to express my deep gratitude to:

1. Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A., as the Dean Faculty of Culture Studies University of Sumatera Utara.

2. Dr. Matius C.A. Sembiring, M.A., as the Head of English Diploma Study program, who has given me so much knowledge during my study.

3. Drs. M. Syafi’i, M.A.,as my supervisor, who has taught me a lot of things to finish this paper.

4. Dr. Hj. Masdiana Lubis, M.Hum., as the reader of this paper, who has corrected this paper perfectly.

5. My great parents, Sutrianto and Sri Sulistya Dewi who have given me such a big support, advice and love.

6. My lovely sibling Shafira Winona who always loves me and gives me a lot of support.

7. My best of the best friends Indah Wiyani Putri who has been accompanying and supporting me for the last 3 years. I can not explain how I must give back all of her goodness.


8. The best and the sexiest girls of Faculty of Cultural Study : Annisa, Claudia Soraya, Nina Fitriani, Intan Karunia, Lisha Tantina and Elsha Gustika. Thank you for all your kindness during our study.

9. My best futsal team during 3 years as the students of english diploma : Onward Fellix, Eka Wardana, Putra Andika, Riko Syahputra, Gilang Tirta, Rahmat Fuad, Budi Halim, and Jefry Andreas. I will never forget our time on the pitch and the trophies that we have got.

10. My friends 2012 registered students, Ferdinan, Yogi, Dhuha, Lara, Yuni, Shella, Nanda, Una, Bonifasia, Anglika, Shella Burviana, and all of 2012 registered students that I can not mention one by one. And all of my friends 2013 and 2014 students. Thank you for your supports and alot of respects that you have given. I wish you all luck at your study.

Finally, I realize this paper is still far from being perfect. Hence, I welcome all constructive critics and suggestions towards this paper.

Medan, July 2015 The writer,

Reg. No. 122202028 Fiqri Wiradika Hanafiah





ABSTRACT ... iii

ABSTRAK ... iv




1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Problem of Study ... 2

1.3 The Purpose of the Study ... 2

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 3

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 4

1.6 Method of the Study ... 4


2.1 Sociolinguistics ... 5

2.2 Bilingualism ... 6

2.3 Code ... 7

2.4 Code Switching ... 8

2.5 Code Mixing ... 11

3. THE ANALYSIS ... 14


4.1 Conclusion ... 29

4.2 Sugestion ... 29



This paper entitled “Code-Mixing Used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts”. Code mixing is the mixing of two or more languages or language varieties in speech. The objective of this paper are to analyze types of code mixing and the type of code mixing dominantly used by X-Games Indonesia hosts. Based on the study of this paper there are two types of code mixing, they are Intra-sentential code mixing and extra-sentential code mixing. Intra-sentential code mixing may range from the alternation of single words or phrases to clauses within a single sentence or utterance while extra-sentential code mixing occurs between sentences. The writer found 203 code mixing utterances out of 2170 words used by X-Games Indonesia presenter. Those are 86 words, 82 phrases, 6 clauses and 29 sentences. The percentage of code mixing from the data is Intra-sentential mixing 85,7% and Extra-sentential mixing 14,3%.



Kertas karya ini berjudul “Code-Mixing Used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts”. Campur kode adalah percampuran dari dua bahasa atau lebih atau variasi bahasa dalam cara berbicara. Tujuan dari kertas karya ini adalah untuk menganalisis tipe campur kode yang digunakan pembawa acara X-Games Indonesia dan untuk menganalisis tipe campur kode yang secara dominan digunakan oleh pembawa acara X-Games Indonesia. Beradasarkan studi pada kertas karya ini, ada dua tipe campur kode, yaitu campur kode intra-sentential dan campur kode extra-sentential. Campur kode intra-sentential biasanya ditemukan dalam selingan pada kata-kata, frasa-frasa ke klausa dalam sebuah kalimat atau ucapan, sementara campur kode extra-sentential biasanya terdapat diantara kalimat-kalimat. Penulis menemukan 203 campur kode dalam 2170 kata yang digunakan oleh pembawa acara X-Games Indonesia. Campur kode tersebut terdiri dari 86 kata, 82 frasa, 6 klausa dan 29 kalimat. Persentasi campur kode dari data tersebut adalah campur kode intra-sentential 85,7% dan campur kode Extra-sentential 14,3%.



1.1 The Background of the Study

Language contact is a sociolinguistic circumstance where two or more languages, elements of different languages, or varieties within a language, used simultaneously or mixed one over the others. The concept has been used to cover a situation where people choose to switch from using a language to another for particular reasons as well as for no obvious reasons.

Contacts between people living in different communities have been progressing more rapidly since the industrial era. And today modern advanced technology (computers, cellular phones, and the internet) is intensifying the contacts. This situation has kept the importance of having a competence in understanding and using more than one language.

In many parts of the world an ability to speak more than one language is not remarkable. In fact, a monolingual individu would be regarded as a misfit, lacking an important skill in society, the skill of being able to interact freely with the speakers of other languages with whom a regular contact is made in the ordinary business of living. It is just a normal requirement of daily living that people speak several languages: perhaps one or more at home, another in the village, still another for purposes of trade, and yet another for contact with the outside world of wider social or political organization. The various languages are usually required naturally an unselfconsciously, and the shifts from one to another language are made without hesitation.


It is possible to refer to a language or a variety of a language as a code. The term is useful because it is neutral. Terms like dialect, language, style, standard language, and pidgin are inclined to arouse emotions. In contrast, the ‘neutral’ term, code can be used to refer to any kind of the system that two or more people employ for a communication.

Code is a term for any variety of language. There are two kinds of codes, those are code-mixing and code-switching. If an utterance is switched from one language to another language supporting a distinctive function, it is called code-switching. Conversely if an utterance, either phrase or clause, consists of a clause or phrase does not support a distinctive function, it is called code mixing. In conclusion, it is clear that code mixing is a mixture of word, phrases, and clauses of several languages while code switching is a switching the use of language from a language to another language.

The concept of code-mixing is used to refer to a more general form of language contact that may include cases of code-switching and the other form of contacts which emphasizes the lexical items.

Muysken (2000) says, “I am using the term code mixing to refer to all case where lexical item and grammatical from two languages appear in one sentence”.

With the scope as found in the quotation above, code-mixing can be used to identify almost any linguistic mixed forms resulted from language contacts.

X-games Indonesia is one of television programs on Net TV in Indonesia. It shows extreme sports. It is hosted by Claude Hutasoit, Yosi Mokalu and Mario Lawalata. In hosting the program, the hosts usually mix English into Indonesian


language. For example : “Heyoo what’s up? Kalian semua pasti sudah ga sabar pengen ngeliat aksi para rider x-games.” That mixed-language is called code mixing. The use of code mixing is caused by many factors such as the setting, the participant in interaction and the topic.

1.2 The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, there are problems of the study formulated such as :

1) What types of code mixing are used by X-Games Indonesia hosts on


2) What type of code mixing is dominantly used by X-games Indonesia hosts? 1.3 The Purpose of the Study

In writing this paper, there are two purposes, they are :

1) To find out the types of code-mixing used by X-Games Indonesia hosts. 2) To find out the type of code mixing dominantly used by X-Games Indonesia


1.4 Scope of the Study

In writing this paper, the writer limits the analysis of code mixing used by X-Games Indonesia hosts. The writer is focused on describing the types of code mixing used by X-Games Indonesia hosts and also the type of code mixing dominantly used by the hosts on X-Games Indonesia program on Youtube entitled Xgames – Skateboard 5 Riding Legends, Shred The Street X-Games, and XGames Chart – Best Action Skateboard.


1.5 Significance of the Study

There are some significance of the study, such as follows :

1) It will provide explanation about code mixing and the use of code mixing to the English students, so the students can understand more about the types of code mixing.

2) To get information and to increase knowledge about types of code-mixing and the use of code-mixing to the reader, so the reader can be able to identify code mixing.

1.6 Method of the Study

This study is conducted by using descriptive quantitative design. Descriptive quantitative design is not intended to find a new theory, but to find new evidence to prove the truth of the theory.

Firstly, the writer watched X-games Indonesia program on Youtube and noted the usage of code mixing. After watching the program and taking a note, the data was analyzed according to these steps :

1) Counting occurrences of code-mixing. 2) Identifying the use of code mixing.



Spolsky (1998) says that Sociolinguistics is the field that studies the relation between language and society, between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live.

Longman (1992) states that sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society. He also adds that sociolinguistics is when people learn about the society, the culture, and language. The way of someone to speak out has a big relationship with his culture and also his environment.

Hudson (1996) says that I defined sociolinguistics “the study of language in relation to society”, implying (intentionally) that sociolinguistics is part of the study of language. Thus, the value of sociolinguistics is the light which it throws on the nature of language in general, or on the characteristics of some particular language.

Fishman (1967) says that as a social phenomenon, language and language usage is not only determined by the linguistic factors but also by nonlinguistic factor, among others, social factor. The social factors that affect language use are social status, level of education, age, economic, gender and so on. In addition, the use of language is also influenced by situational factors, that is who speaks the language of what, to whom, when, where and on what issues, as succinctly.

Holmes (2001:1) says that sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society. It is aimed in explaining why people speak


differently in social contexts, and it also concerned with identifying the social function of language and ways it is used to convey social meaning.

Wardhaugh (1986) sociolinguistics is concerned with investigating the relationships between language and society with the goal of a better understanding of the structure of language and how is language functioned in communication. 2.2 Bilingualism

Bilingualism and multilingualism, whether in an individual speaker or in a social groups, are the most obvious and salient cases of variation to observe. A bilingual, or multilingual, situation can still produce other effects on one or more of the languages involved.

There is an argument that a person should be only called bilingual when he or she can use two or more languages in the same level of performance. But, a more moderate view suggests that a person does not need to command two or more languages in the same level to be called a bilingual.

People who are bilingual or multilingual do not necessarily have exactly the same abilities in the languages (or varieties); in fact, that kin of parity may be exceptional. Sridhar (1996:50) says, “Multilingualism involving balanced, native like command of all the languages in the repertoire is rather uncommon. Typically, multilinguals have varying degrees of command of the different repertoires. The differences in competence in the various languages might range from command of a few lexical items, formulaic expressions such as greetings, and rudimentary conversational skills all the way to excellent command of the grammar and vocabulary and specialized register and styles.” Sridhar adds:


“Multilinguals develop competence in each of the codes to the extant that they need it and for the contexts in which each of the languages is used.”

Singh (2001:43) states that bilingual ability at the level of predominance that is how far a bilingual is able to use two languages, would affect one another in using languages. In fact, two languages possibly affect one another. I can occur when a bilingual uses second language continually in long period. When the first language is used again, both languages will be mixed automatically. This behavior creates new issues in linguistics for instance code switching and code mixing.

Weinrich (1998:53) says that bilingualism is understood to begin at the point where the speaker of one language can produce complete meaningful utterances in the other language. There are two kinds of code those are code mixing and code switching.

2.3 Code

According to Marjohan (1988:48), “Code is a terms which refers to a variety”. Thus a code maybe an idiolect, a dialect, a sociolect, a register or a language. A speaker has a linguistic repertoire which consists of various codes. Thus he usually has a set of codes, each code having certain functions or maybe some of them have similar functions. In a monolingual situation, the use of different code depends on the variability of the languages and specifications of their uses as agreed upon by people. When the speakers have two codes with each having specific functions, the speakers have a stable diglossia.

Holmes (2001:23) says “Three important social factors in code choice – participant, setting and topic.” He also states “there are other factors that


contributes to the appropriate choice of code; they are social distance, status formality, and function or goal of the interaction.” The particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communication between two or more parties. People are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak, and they may also decide to switch from one code to another; or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code. The phenomenon in switch or mix code called code switching and code mixing.

Pateda (1990:84) says coding through a process that occurs to the speaker and conversation partner. The codes generated by the speech should be understood by both parties. In the encoding process if the conversation partner or the audience understands what is encoded by the other person, then he would make decision and act in accordance with what is suggested by speakers. That such action may include termination of speech or repetition statements.

According to Suwito (1985:67-69) code is to mention one of the variants in the hierarchy of language, such as regional variants, social class, sports, style, usability and so on. From another angle, often referred to as a dialect variant that can be divided geographically into local dialects and regional dialects.

Based on the opinion above it can be concluded that a language or a variety of a language is possible to be referred as a code.

2.4 Code Switching

There is a situation where speakers deliberately change a code being used, namely by switching from one to another. The change is called code switching.


Pietro (1875) says that code switching is the use of more than one language by a communicant in the execution of a speech act.

Wardaugh (2010:98) says that code switching is a conversational used to establish, cross or destroy boundaries; to create, evoke or change interpersonal relations with their rights and obligations. Dell H Hymes (1875) says that code switching has become a common term for alternate use of two or more language, or varieties of language, or even speech styles.

Chaer and Agustina (2011:17) state that bila dalam suatu peristiwa tutur terjadi peralihan dari suatu klausa suatu bahasa ke klausa bahasa lain, maka peristiwa yang terjadi adalah alih kode (when there is a switching from one clause of a language to another clause of a language to another clause of other language occur in a conversation, so it is called code switching).

From the definitions above, it is learned that code switching is found more with bilingual or multilingual speakers, although monolinguals may actually be said to switch from a variety or style to another.

There are several reasons why bilinguals do code switching. Among the most obvious factors are namely, quoting someone, making emphasizing group identity or solidarity, including or excluding someone from a conversation, raising status, and showing language expertise.

Code switching is classified in accordance with two different classification, those are grammatical and contextual classification. The grammatical classification is based on where in the sentence or utterance the


switching appears while the contextual classification is based on the reasons why a bilingual switches.

There are three types of grammatical classification in code switching, namely tag-code-switching, inter-sentential code-switching and intra-sentential code-switching.

1) Tag code switching

A tag code switching happens when a bilingual inserts short expressions (tag) from different language at the end of utterances.

2) Inter-sentential code switching

An inter-sentential happens when there is a complete sentence in a foreign language uttered between two sentences in a base language.

3) Intra-sentential code-switching

An intra-sentential code switching is found when a word, a phrase, or a clause, of a foreign language is found within the sentence in a base language.

Unlike the grammatical classification, which is based on the position of the different codes found in the utterances, the contextual classification is based on the reasons why people switch. The classification divides two types of code-switching, namely the situational and methaporical code switching.

1) Situational code switching

A situational code-switching appears when there is a change in the situation that causes the bilingual switches from one code to the other.


2) Methaporical code switching

A metaphorical code switching happens when there is a change in the perception, or the purpose, or the topic of the conversation. In reference with the factors, this type of switching involves the Ends, the Act Sequences, or the Key, but not the situation.

2.5 Code Mixing

Suwito (1983:76) explains that traits code mixing is the elements to insert language or variations in other languages no longer having its own function. Those elements have been fused with the inserted language and overall supports only one functions.

Wardaugh (1998:103) argues that code mixing occurs when conversant uses both language stogether to the extent which they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Thus if someone mixes two codes in one sentence by inserting other elements of language, it means that he uses code mixing.

Chaer and Agustina (2004:115) says that “Campur kode adalah digunakannya serpihan-serpihan dari bahasa lain dalam menggunakan suatu bahasa, yang mungkin diperlukan dengan tanpa disadari, sehingga tidak dianggap suatu kesalahan atau penyimpangan”. (code mixing is using pieces of another language, maybe needed unconsciously, so that is not accepted as amistake).

Nababan (1993:32) says bila seseorang melakukan campur kode dengan bahasa asing bertujuan untuk menunjukkan “keterpelajaran” (if someone used code mixing in foreign language (outer code mixing), it is to show that he is well


educated”). Nababan (1933:33) says “Bilamana orang mencampur dua atau lebih bahasa dalam suatu tindak bahasa (speech act atau discourse) tanpa ada sesuatu dalam situasi berbahasa itu yang menuntut pencampuran bahasa itu. Dalam keadaan yang demikian, hanya kesantaian penutur atau kebiasaannya yang dituruti. Tindak bahasa yang demikian disebut campur kode”. (When people mix two or more language (speech act or discourse) without something that demands to use the mixing language. Such as for a leisure of speaker, or an habit. We can categorize the speech as code mixing).

According to Siregar (1996:50), code mixing divide into two types, intra-sentential mixing and extra-intra-sentential mixing.

1) Intra-sentential Mixing

Intra-sentential mixing may range from the alternation of single words or phrases to clauses within a single sentence or utterance. The examples of this type of mixing are as follows :

a. Evan Dimas adalah pemain yang memiliki kemampuan passing yang bagus. (Passing as code mixing of word in the sentence)

b. Semuanya akan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana kita, so believe me to do this business.

(So believe me to do this business as code mixing of clause)

c. Sepertinya dia akan memberikan kado itu kepada someone special. (Someone special as code mixing of phrase)

From the examples above it can be concluded that intra-sentential code mixing can be found in word, clause and phrase.


2) Extra-sentential Mixing

Normally extra-sentential mixing occurs between sentences. Because it occurs at sentence boundaries, it requires less complex syntactic interaction between two languages involved in code mixing.



The writer transcribing the data from 3 X-games Videos on Youtube that show code mixing in the form of word, phrase, clause and sentence. Then the writer analyzes it using the theory as described in BAB II.

Title : Xgames – Skateboard 5 Riding Legends Data 1

Host : Claude Hutasoit & Mario Lawalata

Claude : Heyo what’s up guys (1), welcome backto X-Games (2) dan kali ini nih claude akan ditemeni oleh seorang kawan yang dulunya saya main skate(3) bareng dia di sekolah sampe dimarahin guru-guru. Siapa kah dia? The one and only(4) Mario Lawalata.

Mario : Yoo Claude gilaa, udah lama banget kakak kelas gue nih udah lama ga ketemu.

Claude : Ini adek kelas gue sebelum dia terkenal sebagai seorang pembasket jago dia tuh main skate(5) bareng saya dan kita di marahin guru terus tau gak.

Mario : Ga boleh bawa skate(6) ke sekolah.

Claude : Ga boleh, tapi gapapa guys (7), skateboarding (8) dan extreme sports(9) lain itu keren dan di sini nih di Indonesia tuh banyak banget yang jago termasuk ketiga young heroes panther (10). Nah pengen

tau siapa mereka? Gampang banget guys (11) buka aja

mereka siapa. Ada 3 orang yang keren-keren banget dan selain


extreme sports (12), website (13) ini adalah wadah untuk anak-anak muda yang kreatif dan berprestasi.

Mario : Bener banget Claude. Claude : That’s right (14).

Mario : Pokoknya di

ketiga aksi mereka dengan tiga olahraga yang berbeda. Mau tau siapa aja? yang pertama ada Hamy Pratama dengan parkournya, yang kedua ada Didi Triya dengan BMXnya, dan yang ketiga beh ni gue udah pernah ketemu ni orang emang gila tapi jago banget Indra Kubon dengan skateboardnya. Lo pasti tau dia dong.

Claude : Tau man (15). He’s one of the best (16) tentunya. Nah guys (17)

sebelum kita meneruskan membicarakan tentang panther young

heroes(18) ini nih saya punya satu chart(19) yang keren banget yang

pengen saya share (20) sama Mario. Ini dia X-games chart

skateboard 5 riding legends (21), check this out! (22) Oke guys (23) ini dia X-games chart (24) langsung saja kita mulai dari nomor 5, it’s Rodney Mullen(25).

Mario : Itu dia bisa pake pinggiran skate(26) gitu gimana caranya claude? Claude : Itu dia man (27), wajar aja sih dia itu pelopor dari semua trick

skateboard(28) mar.

Mario : Tapi itu ga ada ilmunya gua ga pernah itu zaman dulu diajarin gaada pake pinggiran ujungnya begini skateboard (29) nya miring.


Mario : Oke kalo gitu sekarang kita punya nomor 4. Claude : Siapa nih?

Mario : Nomor 4 ini jago juga ada Ryan Sheckler Claude : I get it man(31), itu gokil banget.

Mario : Itu dia antara skateboard(32) sama pelompat tinggi gue rasa. Claude : Iya kali tinggi-tinggi banget tadi ya.

Mario : Iya tadi tinggi banget tapi tadi dia jatoh tapi kayaknya ga masalah buat dia.

Claude : Ga masalah ya, karma of course(33) dia itu udah tau cara jatoh dan of course (34) dia juga workout(35) makanya itu biar bisa nahan jatoh dari papan skateboard(36) gitu loh.

Mario : Oh berarti emang kalo skateboard(37) harus workout(38) juga Claude : Harus workout(39) juga seperti Mario ini.

Mario : Yoi udah lama nih gue ga skate(40) nih. Claude : Oke. Nomor 3 kali ya.

Mario : Gila keren banget, dan sekarang kita punya nomor 2 nih. Everybody knows him (41) ah udah deh God of skaters(42) kayaknya nih God of skateboard(43) lah.

Claude : I know who (44), I know who (45)

Mario : Tony Hawk!

Ga perlu dibahas kayaknya.


Mario : Bener-bener God of skate(48) gila sih jago gila udah deh salut Tony Hawk.

Claude : Salut. Wih salut banget. oke tapi masih ada satu lagi nih di nomor satu nih. Oke number one the five top skateboard(49) di X-games chart (50) adalah Mark Gonzales.

Mario : Gila emang dia bener-bener number one (51).

Claude : Bener-bener number one (52). Selain skate(53) dia juga artistic(54) sekali dan inget gak sih kita dulu kan main street (55) tuh di sekolahan kan, kalo ga ada dia si Mark Gonzales ini kita ga bakal main street(56) karena dia pelopornya mar.

Mario : Gila dari jaman dulu dari umur berapa mereka tuh ya.

Claude : dulu sih mereka masih muda-muda, sekarang sih udah 50an tapi still extreme (57), still extreme (58).

Mario : True legend (59).

Claude : Gokil nah kalau misalnya kemaren ini kita sempet kedatangan tamu Ami Pratama nah dari ini masih ada satu orang skateboarder(60). Nah you know who, right? (61)

Mario : Gua tau nih orang yang gua bilang tadi gila jago banget. Claude : Itu dia.

Mario : Siapa dia claude?

Claude : Indra Kubon. Nah kalau misalnya pengen melihat aksinya Indra

Kubon, don’t go anywhere guys (62), karena cuplikannya ada


Mario : Wah Kubon!

Claude : You’re right man!(64) Itu gokil banget aksinya luar biasa.

Mario : Dia emang gokil dan bener-bener extreme (65) banget orangnya, tapi dia energinya itu loh yang gue suka man (66).

Claude : Of course man (67), energinya itu energi panther, energi gue gaya gue. Nah kalau misalnya penasaran lagi dengan Indra Kubon kita punya info nih, dia kan bakal bikin coaching clinic (68).

Mario : oh iya gue juga mau tuh, gue udah lama nih ga latian skate(69). Claude : Of course man(70). Pengen tau kapan nih?

Mario : Pengen tau dong gimana caranya.

Claude : Nah tunggu dulu. You guys (71) itu harus pantengin terus X-Games karena infonya bakal ada di situ dan kalu pengen tahu kapan sih coaching clinic (72) ini. Buka website (73) nya langsung di dan kalau suka main social media (74) mungkin Twitter, Youtube atau Instagram. Oke guys di follow (75) aja @youngheroesid dan like aja Facebook page(76) nya Indonesian Young Heroes (77). Oke guys (78) jangan lupa di follow (79) dan dibuka website (80) nya dan jangan lupa Indra Kubon bakal kita datengin ke X-Games minggu depan. Oke guys (81) jangan kemana-mana karma bakal banyak banget aksi ekstrim yang akan muncul, so guys (82), stay tune (83), don’t go anywhere only on X-Games (84).


Title : Shred The Street X-Games Data 2

Host : Yosi Mokalu & Claude Hutasoit

Yosi : What’s up Claude? (85)

Claude : What’s up Yosi? (86)

Yosi : Kita kembali lagi di skatepark puink ancol, bersama kita berdua host (87) ngocol. Asik ya. Dan hari ini sebelum kita kasih tau kita akan menyaksikan apa, saya juga mau mengingatkan pada adik-adik karma udah siap untuk menonton extreme sport(88) di sini semua

tayangannya extreme (89) jadi selain mengencangkan sabuk

pengaman buat yang ingin mencoba atau melatih gerakan-gerakan extreme (90) yang ada di sini harap berhati-hati harus dengan pengawasan orang yang profesional. Oke itu dia ya. Dan jangan lupa juga untuk follow (91) twitter kita yaitu @xgamesindonesia karena selain info-info terbaru dan juga kuis yang bisa diikuti di setiap episodenya.

Claude : Keren banget sih.

Yosi : Ya namanya juga anak muda

Claude : Ini juga gerakan ekstrim, dan gerakan ini juga harus dicontoh untuk ikutan kuis dimana caranya gampang banget tweet (92) aja twitpict kamu ke @xgamesindonesia dengan hash tag (93) nontonxgames dan jangan lupa syaratnya harus ada tayangan X-Games di belakangnya.


Yosi : Alright (94), tadi kita udah highlight(95) di awal acara artinya hari ini kita akan menyaksikan kelanjutan dari.

Claude : Motocross Free style LA two thousand thirteen. (96)

Yosi : Yes, round (97) keduanya round (98) pertamanya kemaren jagoan saya Taka Higashino masih memimpin, ini buat pemanasan kan, bagaimana kalau kita menyaksikan highline.

Claude : Apa tuh?

Yosi : Ini bukan highline (99) yang biasa ini adalah highline (100) yang diadakan di sebuah air terjun yang kita kenal namanya Sahalie Falls. Claude : Alright (101), check it out! (102)

Yosi : Welcome back to X-Games (103), what’s up Claude? (104)

Kenapa nih kayaknya mau pergi kemana gitu?

Claude : What’s up Yosi (105). Enggak bukan begitu kan mau liputan dulu pengen main-main ke acara Shred the Street (106). Keren banget itu.

Yosi : Tapi jangan lama-lama ya.

Claude : Ga lama-lama janji oke. See you (107), Bye-bye (108) Yosi : Loh kok lo cepet banget sih.

Claude : Lama kali.

Yosi : Oh lama ya? kok lo lama banget sih?

Claude : Ya namanya juga kan kita naik skateboard (109) dari sini ke Sudirman jauh bro.


Claude : Tapi tadi ga percuma man jauh-jauh karma acaranya amazingly cool (110).

Yosi : Oh seru banget ya, nyesel banget saya ga bisa ikutan tapi karma skateboard (111) nya juga cuma satu. Oke tapi komunitas motocross free style (112) udah ga sabar untuk ngeliat kelanjutannya nih.

Claude : Wah ini keren banget pasti nih.

Yosi : Alright (113) kita lanjutkan saja pertandingan inilah dia

pertandingan motocross free style (114). Check it out!(115)

So We have confirmation at least (116), setelah menyaksikan akhirnya siapa gold medalist(117) nya?

Claude : Taka Higashino.

Yosi : Thank you(118), thank you (119) jagoan saya itu anak murid saya, tapi di silver medalist (120) nya ada Adam Jones dengan point (121) yang sama 90 dan net adams 88.

Claude : Sayang sekali adam jones harusnya tuh pas run (122) pertama ngedapetin 90. Karna kalo dia dapet 90 duluan dia yang menjadi gold medalist (123).

Yosi : That’s the rules(124) ya. Claude : Tetapi ternyata tidak.

Yosi : And what happened with Jackson Strong? (125)

Claude : Iya Jackson Strong sih ga pengen diomongin karma sakit hati. Dia jatoh di run (126) nya.


Yosi : Iya di run (127) ke 2 dia jatoh. Tapi dia membuktikan bahwa dia Strong(128) dia gapapa. At least (129) itu ya, ternyata pembuktian dia bukan di gold medal (130) dia pembuktian dia lebih ke bahwa dia strong (131) kalo jatuh gua tetep strong (132). Alright (133) kita sudah melihat bahwa olahraga ekstrim ini mempunyai resiko yang berbahaya seperti Jackson Strong tadi yang jatoh, jadi buat adik-adik di rumah sekali lagi kita ingatkan untuk berhati-hati kalo mau latihan harus dengan pengawasan atau ditemani oleh orang yang profesional sebaiknya.

Claude : Atau orang yang lebih tua.

Yosi : Alright (134) dan sekarang ini kita mengingatkan untuk jangan lupa eh keasikan nonton malah lupa foto, aduh jadi lupa ikutan kuis aduh acaranya udah mau abis.

Claude : Jangan lupa ikutan kuis itu gampang banget pokoknya foto aja

langsung dan twitpict ke kita @xgamesindonesia dan hash tag(135) nontonxgames dibelakangnya harus ada tayangan X-Games dan fotonya ga boleh biasa harus ekstrim dan gokil banget.

Yosi : Alright that’s all for today (136) tapi jangan berpindah channel (137) dulu karna kita masih punya sastu cuplikan ekstrim ini menarik sekali. Tau siapa yang punya mega ramp(138) terbesar di dunia?


Yosi : Tapi you’re not gonna watch that first, we need to signing out first, right (139). Yosi’s out the house (140).

Claude : and Claude’s out here too (141).

Yosi : Yes keep watching X-Games (142). Thank you for watching

(143). see you on the next X-Games, bye! (144)

Title : XGames Chart – Best Action Skateboard Data 3

Host : Mario Lawalata & Claude Hutasoit

Claude : Heyoo guys (145). What’s up? (146) Welcome back to X-Games (147) dan kali ini saya kedatangan tamu lagi nih. Dia itu memang seorang legend (148) di dunia basket Indonesia, tetapi dia itu dulu main skate (149) bareng saya. Percaya gak di sekolah? Nah siapakah dia? It’s Mario Lawalata. (150)

Mario : Claude, I’m here. (149)

Claude : Wahh cari carian kita bro haha

Mario : Gue lagi di Skatepark(150), lagi main-main olie-olie

Claude : Sorry man (151), ganggu jadinya ya? Oke guys, this is Mario here and of course as usual (152) kali ini saya akan memberikan sedikit info yang keren banget. Kalo kamu suka extreme sport (153) terutama mungkin parkour, skateboard (154) dan BMX ada website (155) yang keren banget. Karena di situ ada 3 panther heroes (156) yang luar biasa mainnya mereka itu keren banget. Pengen tau mereka


siapa? Langsung you check out (157) karena di situ lo bisa dapetin informasi yang keren banget plus (158) itu adalah wadah buat anak-anak muda dan kreatif. Keren banget kan? Di mana lagi bro. nah kalo kamu suka sosial media of course (159) mereka punya Youtube, mereka punya Twitter dan Instagram itu ada di YoungHeroesID dan Facebook langsung di like (159) page (160) nya di Indonesian Young Heroes. Nah siapakah mereka? Mungkin Mario tau?

Mario : Masa gue ga tau siapa aja, makanya sering-sering tuh cek website

(161) nya di

aksinya keren banget gayanya keren banget di 3 olahraga yang berbeda. Yang pertama ada Hamy Pratama dengan parkournya, terus juga ada Indra Kubon dengan Skate (162) nya dan ada juga Didi Triya dengan BMXnya. Beh itu keren banget pokoknya mereka bertiga. Claude : The best of the best(164) tuh.

Mario : Top(165) banget pokoknya.

Claude : If you wanna see something the best of the best (166) ada lagi nih khusus buat Mario.

Mario : Apa?

Claude : Kita ada X-Games chart (167), Pengen tau yakan? check it out! (168)

Let me start this with Dave Bachinsky (169) melakukan kickflip (170) dari ketinggian 20 tangga.


Mario : Itu jauh banget Claude : Jauh dan tinggi

Mario : Semua langsung tepuk tangan

Claude : Tapi kita mesti ngigetin don’t try this at home (171) Mario : Kalo belom bisa jangan, bahaya.

Claude : Iya belajar dulu sama komunitas, belajar dulu sama temen-temen. Mario : Dua tangga dulu lah jangan langsung 20 yakan

Claude : Mungkin entah 3, 4, 5. Dua puluh nanti aja ya gak sih? Itu dia nomor 4 sekarang nih. Special for Mario (172). Mario : I love it!(173)

Claude : I love it (174), itu keren sekali.

Mario : Gila itu keren banget sih. Gue pengen banget gue kayak gitu. Claude : Tapi man (175) ada yang lebih hebat lagi.

Mario : Apa lagi?

Claude : At number 2! (176) Mario : That’s crazy (177)

Claude : Tapi ada yang lebih crazy (178) lagi ternyata. At number one(179). Nah ini sangking spesialnya harus kita sebut sama-sama. It’s Bob

Burnquist with the fakie to fakie nine hundred (180).

Mario : Nine Hundred!(181) Ini orang sering gue pake kalo lagi main game. (182)

Claude : Oh gue juga.


Claude : Ini dia Number one(183). Mario : Wah itu memang jagoan kita.

Claude : Man (184). Sempurna banget. That’s perfect.

Mario : The best (185) tapi itu mereka kan jago-jago, kita juga punya di Indonesia yang ga kalah jagonya.

Claude : I believe that man (189) Mario : Lo tau kan si Indra Kubon itu? Claude : Oh tau, hafal banget.

Mario : Itu orang prestasinya dia udah pernah juara di mancanegara, di Macau dia udah pernah juara, di Perancis, di Guangzhou, dan lain-lain masih banyak lagi.

Claude : Wah luar biasa hebat banget. Gue pengen banget sih liat dia.

Mario : Lu pengen liat? Lu semua pengen liat juga gak? Gue punya nih

videonya. Check this out(190) Indra Kubon.

Claude : Thank you for that video man (191). Itu keren abis bangga banget gue ngeliatnya tuh keren banget. Nah misalnya kamu seorang pecinta Indra Kubon sperti Mario dan Saya, nah dia bakal ada di X-Games minggu depan. Jadi stay tune (192) minggu depan lagi dan ada lagi nih info yang berbeda dan seru. Ada coaching clinic (193) dari Indra Kubon.

Mario : Widih kapan tuh kapan?

Claude : Wait man (193), you (194) mesti buka ke


X-Games dan kalau suka sosial media jangan lupa di follow (195) aja @YoungheroesID ada Youtubenya, ada IGnya dan ada juga twitternya. Kalo suka main Facebook buka page (196) nya langsung di Indonesian Young Heroes (197) di like Facebook page (198) nya itu karena banyak sekali informasi yang ada. Oke guys (199) langsung aja buka website (200) nya sekarang dan don’t go anywhere (201), because X-Games will be back right after these messages (202). Stay tune on X-Games (203).

From the data the writer found 86 words, 82 phrases, 6 clauses and 29 sentences, so it can be concluded that there are 203 utterances of code mixing out of 2170 words in conversation between the hosts of X-Games Indonesia Program. The following table will show the types of code mixing used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts.

No. Intra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing

1. Words 86

2. Phrases 82

3. Clauses 6

Total 174

No. Extra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing

1. Sentence 29

Total 29

From the tables above, it can be concluded that the types of code mixing used by X-Games Host are Intra-sentential mixing and Extra-sentential


The following tables will show the use percentage of code-mixing that has been analyzed from the data.

No. Intra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing Percentage

1. Words 86 42,4%

2. Phrases 82 40,4%

3. Clauses 6 2,9%

Total utterances of code mixing = 203 85,7%

No. Extra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing Percentage

1. Sentence 29 14,3%

Total utterances of code mixing = 203 14,3%

N x100%

Intra-Sentential Mixing % = x 100% = 85,7%

Extra-Sentential Mixing % = x 100% = 14,3%

From the percentage above, it can be concluded that the type of code mixing dominantly used by X-games Indonesia hosts is Intra-sentential mixing which has 85,7% of code mixing.



4.1 Conclusions

Based on the data analysis which has been analyzed in the previous chapter, the conclusions are mentioned as the following :

1) From the data, the writer found 203 utterances of code mixing. Those are 86 words, 82 phrases, 6 clauses and 29 sentences.

2) There are 2 types of code mixing used by X-Games Indonesia Host. Those are Intra-sentential code mixing and Extra-sentential code mixing.

3) The percentage of code mixing from the data is Intra-sentential mixing 85,7% and Extra-sentential mixing 14,3%.

4) The type of code mixing dominantly used by X-games Indonesia hosts is Intra-sentential mixing which has 85,7% of utterances.

4.2 Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, the suggestions are drawn as the following :

1) It is suggested to English students in doing research about code mixing in order to find more and learn more about usage of code mixing in Indonesia. Code mixing not only can be found in conversation between individuals, but it also can be found in novels, magazines or articles. So the writer hopes that students are able to do the research about code mixing from other media as mentioned.


2) It is suggested to readers not too often use code mixing. There are some disadvantages for development of Bahasa Indonesia if people often mix Bahasa Indonesia with foreign language, As Indonesian let us keep our identity for the future of our next generation.



Fishman, J.A. 1972. The Sociology of Language, Newburry: Rowley, Mass. Hudson, R.A. 1996. Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jendra, M.I.I. 2010. Sociolinguistics: The Study of Societies’ Language.

Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Longman. 1992 Dictionary of language teaching & applied linguistics. Malaysia: Malaysia VVP.

Muysken, P. 2000. Bilingual speech. A typology of Code Mixing.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sembiring, M.C.A. 2014. Buku pedoman Program D-3 Studi Bahasa Inggris. Medan: Universitas Sumaera Utara.

Sembiring, M.C.A. 2014. Kompilasi Bahan Kuliah. Medan.

Siregar, Bahren Umar. 1995. Code Alternation in Bilingual Speech Behaviour. Medan: North Sumatera University.

Spolsky, Bernard. 1998. Sociolinguistics. Bristol : Wyvern 21 Ltd.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2002. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Padstow : T. J. International Ltd.


Claude : Ini dia Number one (183). Mario : Wah itu memang jagoan kita.

Claude : Man (184). Sempurna banget. That’s perfect.

Mario : The best (185) tapi itu mereka kan jago-jago, kita juga punya di Indonesia yang ga kalah jagonya.

Claude : I believe that man (189) Mario : Lo tau kan si Indra Kubon itu? Claude : Oh tau, hafal banget.

Mario : Itu orang prestasinya dia udah pernah juara di mancanegara, di Macau dia udah pernah juara, di Perancis, di Guangzhou, dan lain-lain masih banyak lagi.

Claude : Wah luar biasa hebat banget. Gue pengen banget sih liat dia.

Mario : Lu pengen liat? Lu semua pengen liat juga gak? Gue punya nih videonya. Check this out (190) Indra Kubon.

Claude : Thank you for that video man (191). Itu keren abis bangga banget gue ngeliatnya tuh keren banget. Nah misalnya kamu seorang pecinta Indra Kubon sperti Mario dan Saya, nah dia bakal ada di X-Games minggu depan. Jadi stay tune (192) minggu depan lagi dan ada lagi nih info yang berbeda dan seru. Ada coaching clinic (193) dari Indra Kubon.

Mario : Widih kapan tuh kapan?

Claude : Wait man (193), you (194) mesti buka ke


X-Games dan kalau suka sosial media jangan lupa di follow (195) aja @YoungheroesID ada Youtubenya, ada IGnya dan ada juga twitternya. Kalo suka main Facebook buka page (196) nya langsung di Indonesian Young Heroes (197) di like Facebook page (198) nya itu karena banyak sekali informasi yang ada. Oke guys (199) langsung aja buka website (200) nya sekarang dan don’t go anywhere (201), because X-Games will be back right after these messages (202). Stay tune on X-Games (203).

From the data the writer found 86 words, 82 phrases, 6 clauses and 29 sentences, so it can be concluded that there are 203 utterances of code mixing out of 2170 words in conversation between the hosts of X-Games Indonesia Program. The following table will show the types of code mixing used by X-Games Indonesia Hosts.

No. Intra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing

1. Words 86

2. Phrases 82

3. Clauses 6

Total 174

No. Extra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing

1. Sentence 29

Total 29

From the tables above, it can be concluded that the types of code mixing used by X-Games Host are Intra-sentential mixing and Extra-sentential


The following tables will show the use percentage of code-mixing that has been analyzed from the data.

No. Intra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing Percentage

1. Words 86 42,4%

2. Phrases 82 40,4%

3. Clauses 6 2,9%

Total utterances of code mixing = 203 85,7%

No. Extra-Sentential Mixing Number of Code Mixing Percentage

1. Sentence 29 14,3%

Total utterances of code mixing = 203 14,3%

N x100%

Intra-Sentential Mixing % = x 100% = 85,7%

Extra-Sentential Mixing % = x 100% = 14,3%

From the percentage above, it can be concluded that the type of code mixing dominantly used by X-games Indonesia hosts is Intra-sentential mixing which has 85,7% of code mixing.



Based on the data analysis which has been analyzed in the previous chapter, the conclusions are mentioned as the following :

1) From the data, the writer found 203 utterances of code mixing. Those are 86 words, 82 phrases, 6 clauses and 29 sentences.

2) There are 2 types of code mixing used by X-Games Indonesia Host. Those are Intra-sentential code mixing and Extra-sentential code mixing.

3) The percentage of code mixing from the data is Intra-sentential mixing 85,7% and Extra-sentential mixing 14,3%.

4) The type of code mixing dominantly used by X-games Indonesia hosts is Intra-sentential mixing which has 85,7% of utterances.

4.2 Suggestions

Related to the conclusions above, the suggestions are drawn as the following :

1) It is suggested to English students in doing research about code mixing in order to find more and learn more about usage of code mixing in Indonesia. Code mixing not only can be found in conversation between individuals, but it also can be found in novels, magazines or articles. So the writer hopes that students are able to do the research about code mixing from other media as mentioned.


2) It is suggested to readers not too often use code mixing. There are some disadvantages for development of Bahasa Indonesia if people often mix Bahasa Indonesia with foreign language, As Indonesian let us keep our identity for the future of our next generation.



Fishman, J.A. 1972. The Sociology of Language, Newburry: Rowley, Mass. Hudson, R.A. 1996. Sociolinguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jendra, M.I.I. 2010. Sociolinguistics: The Study of Societies’ Language.

Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.

Longman. 1992 Dictionary of language teaching & applied linguistics. Malaysia: Malaysia VVP.

Muysken, P. 2000. Bilingual speech. A typology of Code Mixing.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sembiring, M.C.A. 2014. Buku pedoman Program D-3 Studi Bahasa Inggris. Medan: Universitas Sumaera Utara.

Sembiring, M.C.A. 2014. Kompilasi Bahan Kuliah. Medan.

Siregar, Bahren Umar. 1995. Code Alternation in Bilingual Speech Behaviour. Medan: North Sumatera University.

Spolsky, Bernard. 1998. Sociolinguistics. Bristol : Wyvern 21 Ltd.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. 2002. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Padstow : T. J. International Ltd.