Submitted to English Departement Faculty of Languages and Arts State
University of Medan as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of
Sarjana Sastra


Registration Number. 2103220035


Great thank to Jesus Christ, The Almighty, for the immeasurable spirit
given to the writer, so that she is able to accomplish this thesis entitled “CodeMixing Used by the Presenter on VISI FM” as the requirement for achieving
bachelor degree at English Department, State University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and
academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express
her sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Rector of State University of

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts
for her leadership and administrative assistance during the process of writing
this thesis.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department and as
the Thesis Reviewer, Rika S.Pd, M.Hum., as Secretary of English
Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., as the Head of English Literature
Department, and Dra. Masitowarni, M.Ed., as the Head of English

Education Department and as the Thesis Reviewer

Dra.Yunita Agnes Sianipar M.Hum., as her Thesis Advisor.

Prof. Dr. Lince Sihombing., as Thesis Reviewers

Beloved parents, B. Panjaitan and R. br Siallagan, beloved brothers and
sisters, Dhanton Anut Panjaitan, Nira Melanie Panjaitan, Sindy
Panjaitan, and Tompo Panjaitan whose patiently give support and
motivation to finish thesis and also including their prayers, and endless love
for the writer.

State University of Medan Library, North Sumatra University Library,
Faculty of English and Arts Library, UKMKP Library and last for VISI FM
Medan as source of data for the writer.

Maam Euis, for helping the writer in preparing the files for the purposes of
this thesis.

Entire classmate especially Harmit Kaur, Nelly Hutabarat and Lestari
Batubara for having great times during finishing this thesis and for tears and
laugh that our share. They are the great friends that the writer ever has. For
entire friends who always give support and help her, the writer thanks so

UKMKP FBS coordination, for her PKK Ria Mahyani Sigumorong, for her

friends and sisters in KTB, Nelly, Lestari, Novita Shara Naibaho, Rini
Simangunsong, Lita Panjaitan, thanks for your support and motivation.

Vinny Mariana Lubis, Kristin Helen Manik, Ira Situmorang, and
Veronika Gultom. Thanks for all that have you done for me, thanks because
I had have friend like you all. Meto and Monik for sharing in the same
struggle. For waiting together for long time.

Applied linguistics B 2010. Thanks for support me and we have be together
for 4 years old, wish we luck and have a great job until graduation.

The presenter of VISI FM, Deris and Lia.

Best wishes for us

Medan, July 2014
The writer,

Pinta Omasuli Panjaitan
NIM. 2103220035

Panjaitan, Pinta Omasuli, 2014. Code-Mixing Used by The Presenters on
VISI FM. A Thesis, English Department of Faculty of Language and Arts.
State University of Medan.
This study deals with code-mixing used by presenters on VISI FM. The purpose
of the study is to identify the forms of code mixing, which occurredin the
utterances of presenters, to find out the dominantly of code mixing that used by
presenters, to find out the reason of the dominantly of code mixing by the
presenters, and also to find out the differecences between female and male of
using code mixing. The object of this study is VISI FM’s presenters namely Deris
and Lia. The tape recorder is used for collecting the data where the utterence of
presenters were recorded while presenting that program. After collecting the data,
the writer found that forms of code mixing occured in the presenters’s utterances
are code mixing in forms words, phrases, and sentences. Code mixing in form of

word is dominantly used by male presenters namely Deris, where the percentage
of the occurrence of code mixing in his utterances are 255 code mixing, where
there are 29 code mixing in form of sentences, 92 code mixing in form of phrases,
and 133 code mixing in form of words and code mixing in form of sentence is
dominantly used by female presenter namely Lia where the percentage of the
occurrence of code mixing in her utterances are 184 code mixing occured where
there are 82 code mixing in form of sentences, 44 code mixing in form of phrases,
and 58 code mixing in form of words.

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... iv
LIST OF APPENDIX ......................................................................................... vi
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1
A. Background of the Study .......................................................................... 1
B. The Problem of the Study.......................................................................... 3
C. The Objective of the Study ....................................................................... 3
D. The Scope of the Study ............................................................................ 4
E. The Significance of the Study ................................................................... 4

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .............................. 5
A. Sociolinguistics ........................................................................................ 5
B. Bilingualism .............................................................................................. 6
C. Code ......................................................................................................... 7
D. Code-Mixing ............................................................................................ 8
E. Reason for Code-Mixing ........................................................................... 9
F. Types of Code-Mixing .............................................................................. 10
G. Code-Switching ......................................................................................... 15
H. VISI FM .................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGI OF RESEARCH ...................................... 18
A. Research Design ....................................................................................... 18
B. The Object of the Study ........................................................................... 18
C. Technique of Collecting Data .................................................................. 19
D. Technique of Analyzing Data .................................................................. 19
CHAPTER IV DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS .............................................. 20
A. The Data .................................................................................................... 20
B. Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 20
1. The Form of Code-Mixing are Used by VISI FM’s Presenters ........... 21
2. The Form of Code- Mixing is Dominantly Used by VISI FM’s
Presenters.................................................................................. ............ 36

3. The Reason of Using the Dominantly Form of Code-Mixing by the
Presenters of VISI FM .......................................................................... 37
4. The Differences Code-Mixing Choice Used by Male and Female
VISI FM ‘s Presenters ........................................................................ 38

C. Research Findings ..................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...................................... 39
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 39
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 40
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 42

Appendix The Utterances of the presenteers VISI FM ...................................


A. The Background of the Study

Language is a human system of communication that uses arbitrary signals,
such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols. Language also is behaviour
which utilizes body parts: the vocal apparatus and the auditory system for oral
language; the brachial apparatus and the visual system for sign and language body
parts are controlled by none other than the brain for their functions. In daily life,
people never separated from language. Language is the most important aspect in
the life of all beings. When we listen a song, watching the television, read the
book and talking to another people, that is when we enjoy the language. We use
language to express inner thoughts and emotions, make sense of complex and
abstract thought, to learn to communicate with others, to fulfill our wants and
needs, as well as to establish rules and maintain our culture.
There are so many languages in this world and at least people have one
language that we know as mother tongue. The differences of ethnic, region,
background and even differences country of people caused the variety of the
language itself. In interaction, we will find people who can speak two languages
that we call as bilingualism even more than two languages that we call as
multilingualism, because there will be society in one certain community want to
have relation among others by different language.
Nowadays, people always mix their language especially English. It is
unavoidable in this globalization era the fast developing of technology, social and

economic goals of individual in society that are very important in accounting for
speed of language. Rapid shift occurs when people are worried to get on in a
society where knowledge of second language is a prerequisite for success. People
around the world should know English since it has been generally as one major
language of the world and as the international language. Many books, newspaper,
magazine, television program, movie and radio, and other source of information
are written or spoken in English.
It has been noticed that the shift to another language may be led by woman
and man depending on jobs offered. The mixing language also phenomenon in
Radio. Started by the coming of foreigners who use English in their
communication, Indonesian people were initiated to use English and then to
spread it out to the others. Therefore, Indonesian Radio Program also been
influenced by English. If we see the program or talk show, we will hear the
presenters mix their language between Indonesia-English.
The writer chose this topic because Indonesian especially young
generations have low knowledge about English. Learning English in differences
way like music, fashion and entertaiment will make people more interested and
curious to practice English. VISI FM is one of the radio stations in Medan. VISI
FM start to air in November 2001. VISI FM had been trendsetter among youth or

teen in Medan.VISI FM has motto “Today’s Best Music” and can listen in
89,60FM. VISI FM in program Live Broadcasting

give Visi Express

Broadcasting Car(OB VAN) and that is first broadcasting and that only one that
make Outdoor Broadcasting Van in Medan. Usually, the presenters of VISI FM

usually mix their language with English. VISI FM’s presenter usually discuss
about fashion, music, life style and more information abouthot new that happend
around us. The listeners of VISI FM are youth and teens from fifteen to twenty
five years old and are dynamic, innovative, creative, and always follow the
developing in this world. Those matters influence the way the presenters speak.
Besides using Indonesian, her ability in using English and trend terminologies as
language style, this is the reason why the presenter often does code-mixing

B. The Problems of the Study
According to the background above, the problem can be formulated as:
1. What forms of outer code-mixing are used by VISI FM’s presenters?
2. What form of outer code- mixing is dominantly used by VISI FM’s
3. Why do the presenter of VISI FM used the dominantly form of outer code
4. Is there connection female has a good ability of using code mixing with
general human language as a mother tongue?

C. The Objectives of the Study
According to the problems stated above, the objective of the study can be
formulated as:

1. To find out the forms of outer code-mixing, that are used by VISI FM’s
2. To find out the form of outer code- mixing that is dominantly used by
VISI FM’s presenters
3. To find out the purpose of the dominantly form of outer code mixing used
by VISI FM’s presenters.
4. To find out the connection female has a good ability of using code mixing
with general human language as a mother tongue

D. The Scope of the Study
In this research the scope of the study was limited in analyzing of codemixing between English and Indonesia in form of words, phrases, and sentences
that are used by VISI FM presenters. The classification of the form is based on
Malkmkjaer (2001).

E. The Significances of the Study
1. Guiding people who are interested in studying code-mixing.
2. A contribution for people who want to carry out further study of codemixing.
3. A contribution for people in using good language.

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