Material and methods Directory UMM :Data Elmu:jurnal:S:Soil Biology And Chemistry:Vol32.Issue13.Nov2000:

hydrolytic and transport systems should form a closely related unit a ‘complex’ to ensure the efficient utilisation of substrates. Although the transport of small molecules through membranes is believed to be not a limiting step for the system Chrost, 1989; Mu¨nster and Chrost, 1990, both components of a complex can become saturated. Compar- ison of the kinetics of the extracellular enzymeuptake complex could give an insight into the ecology and substrate utilisation in aquatic and soil systems. The highest extracellular enzymatic activities are usually found during the period after phytoplankton bloom when algae are dying and being lysed e.g. Chrost, 1989. During this time bacterial uptake of the products of hydrolysis, rather than algal exudates as during the bloom are believed to support metabolism and growth. Extracellular enzymes may not have great importance during the period of active phytoplankton growth as most of the newly produced organic carbon available to bacteria originates directly from the release of photosynthesis products Chrost and Overbeck, 1990; Middelboe et al., 1995 and zooplankton grazing of algae Vrba et al., 1992. However, during the period after the phytoplankton bloom, production of extra- cellular enzymes is the response of bacterioplankton to carbon sources of different type which become available. The objectives of the present study were to follow both the uptake of two readily utilisable substrates, glucose and leucine, and the extracellular enzymatic activities of the b- glucosidase and leucine aminopeptidase, both during and after the cyanobacterial bloom. Several other bacterioplank- ton parameters, such as biomass and production, phyto- plankton biomass, chlorophyll concentration, and the physico-chemical properties of water were also followed.

2. Material and methods

Samples were collected over a period of a week from Lake Vo˜rtsja¨rv, a shallow, highly eutrophic lake in Central Estonia area, 270 km 2 ; maximum depth, 6 m; and mean depth, 2.8 m. Lake water was collected at the surface and then at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 m depth 2 l of each sample using a Ruttner sampler. These samples were mixed in a sterile plastic barrel in order to get vertically integrated plankton samples. The total number of bacteria was determined by fluorescence microscopy on DAPI stained 0.22-mm black membrane Osmonics Inc., Livermore, USA filters Porter and Feig, 1980. The productivity of bacteria was estimated using the 3 H-leucine incorporation method Simon and Azam, 1989. The colony forming units CFU were measured as plate counts on standard method agar SMA, Becton Dickinson. Samples of 0.2–0.5 ml undiluted water were inoculated on two replicate Petri dishes containing growth medium and incubated for 7 d at 20 8C Ott et al., 1997. 2.1. Kinetics of hydrolytic enzymes Extracellular enzyme activity was measured from the increase in fluorescence due to the products of the non- fluorescent substrates. Methyl-umbelliferyl glucose MUF- glucose and leucine amino-methylcoumarin Leu-AMC hydrolyses b-Gluc and LAP activities were measured according to Hoppe 1983 and Chrost et al. 1986. Fluorescence was measured at 450 MUF and 440 nm AMC for emission and at 365 MUF and 315 nm AMC for excitation Perkin–Elmer 203 spectrofluorometer. Quantification of MUF and AMC was achieved by calibra- tion with standard solutions MUF 30 nM–20 mM; AMC 50 nM–2 mM. Stock solutions of the substrates 2.5 and 25 mM MUF-glucose; 1 and 10 mM AMC were stored at 2258C. Triplicate water samples, 5 ml, were supplemented with different amounts of the stock solution to give a 5 mM– 4 mM concentration range of MUF-glucose and 0.8– 200 mM of Leu-AMC. Samples were incubated for 4 h at 25 8C. Michaelis–Menten kinetics parameters of enzyme reactions K M and V max were calculated using non-linear regression analyses from original experimental data. Kinetics parameters were used to estimate changes in enzyme activity. 2.2. Monomer substrate uptake kinetics Substrate uptake was measured in 5-ml duplicate water samples by addition of different amounts of radiolabelled glucose 1–50 nM, 180 mCimmol, Sigma and leucine 3– 277 nM, 59.0 Cimmol, Amersham Ltd.: 1–50 and 3– 277 nM, respectively. Samples were incubated at 25 8C for 1 h leucine or 2 h glucose. Incubation was terminated by adding formaline final conc. 2 vv and the samples were filtered through 0.2-mm pore-size cellulose acetate filters Millipore. The vials were rinsed once with 1 ml and filtered six times with 1 ml of 0.8 NaCl. Kinetics para- meters were calculated as for the enzyme reactions. 2.3. Other parameters Primary production PP part of phytoplankton and the release of phytoplankton products into the extracellular dissolved fraction PP diss were estimated on the basis of the 14 C assimilation method Kisand et al., 1998. In brief, primary production PP was estimated in situ by NaH 14 CO 3 final activity 0.07 mCi ml 21 , VKI, Denmark assimilation. Samples were incubated for 2 h at six depths in the lake. For measurements of phytoplankton PP PP part , water was filtered through membranes of 0.45 mm pore-size Millipore HA, for measurements of dissolved PP PP diss the filtrate and total PP PP tot water was acidified pH ,2 by HCl Niemi et al., 1983; Hilmer and Bate 1992; Lignell 1992. The radioactivity of water, filtrate and filters was assessed using a scintillation counter LSC RackBeta 1211, Wallac, Finland. Non-photosynthetic carbon fixation was measured in dark incubations and subtracted from light assimilation. V. Kisand, H. Tammert Soil Biology Biochemistry 32 2000 1965–1972 1966 Samples for phytoplankton biomass were preserved and fixed with Lugol’s iodine. Species were identified and the biomass was determined using an inverted plankton micro- scope Olympus IMT-2, magnification of 400 × Uter- mo¨hl, 1958. Algal pigments chlorophyll a, pheopigments were extracted with 90 vv acetone and analysed spectrophotometrically Strickland and Parsons, 1972. Zooplankton samples were preserved in the 4 vv formaldehyde solution and studied by conventional quanti- tative analysis Kiselev, 1956. Chemical analyses were performed in depth integrated water samples, using the methods described by Grasshoff et al. 1983. 2.4. Statistics For comparisons of independent groups, Wilcoxon signed rank non-parametric tests were used. Comparing differences between single samples in one time series, known distribu- tion Poisson distribution for counting measurements, normal distribution for others and independence of single samples was assumed. Absolute difference between samples was compared using confidence intervals of each single measurement.

3. Results