Object of the Study Type of the Data Source of the Data Procedures of Collecting Data



The methods that are used for this final project will be explained in this chapter. This chapter is divided into five sub chapters. The first is object of the study. Second describes type of the data. Then, the third presents source of the data. The fourth is procedures of collecting the data, and the last is method of analyzing the data.

3.1 Object of the Study

The object of the study is the film entitled A Beautiful Mind directed by Ron Howard and released in December 21, 2001. This film was made based on the book with the same name by Sylvia Nasar. This is a biographical film about John Nash, the Nobel Laureate Economics mathematician. However, despite his success, he suffered from schizophrenia and lives under his hallucinations. This challenges me to study and analyze the film.

3.2 Type of the Data

The type of the data in this analysis is descriptive qualitative. It is a kind of method which involves such analysis, interpretation and description about what I analyzed supported by accurate references. In this case, the data will all be in the form of words, phrases and written dialogues implied in the script. 28

3.3 Source of the Data

In this analysis there are two types of data sources. The first source was called primary source. It was source from which the main data were taken. The object of the study was A Beautiful Mind movie. The second source was called secondary source. It was the source which the supporting data were taken. Those data were taken from books, dictionaries and websites.

3.4 Procedures of Collecting Data

There are some steps I used to collect the data. a Watching the movie. In this step I watch the movie gradually to comprehend the story itself. b Reading the script. It purposed to make it easier to understand the detail of the story including the plot, character, main idea, and conflict of the story. c Identifying data Here the word identifying means the activity of separating between data and non-data by marking, underlining, breaking and numbering. Once I found a datum, I wrote the datum. The purpose of this activity was to enable me to review the datum for the inventorying process. d Inventorying the identified data. Inventorying means to list all the identified data and put them in a table. The table consisted of columns data number, the data, types of data, time 29 and a number of problems to answer. I classified data into a table as below: Movie script and VCD No Data Types of Data Time Answering question number e Classifying data. Classifying data based on the related variable. The data are classified based on the statement of the problem. The first data is the overall data that refer to the hallucinations, the second data is the meaning of hallucinations of the main character, the third data is to what extent the main character makes use of his hallucinations for achieving his success, and the last data is the script of the film itself. f Selecting. Selecting the relevant data. As list was done, the next thing to do is to select all of the listed data which will be dealing with the topic of analysis using the dialogues of the film. 30 g Reporting. After selecting, the data are then reported in the appendices. The appendices will help the readers to find out the overall data analysis, easily.

3.5 Method of Analyzing the Data