Tot Whooten Merle Cathy Calvert

3.2 THE PERIPHERAL CHARACTERS 3.2.1 Ruby Robinson Ruby is a cute woman, has a high one hundred fifty two centimeter, wears a glasses minus and plus, and she is a nurse. She is ready to help her neighbour when they need. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Ruby Robinson, perempuan mungil setinggi kira – kira seratus lima puluh dua sentimeter, berkacamata minus dan plus yang membuat matanya tampak dua kali lebih besar dari pada aslinya, saat itu tengah sarapan pagi, tetapi begitu mendengar jeritan Tot, dia melompat, dan lari secepat – cepatnya keluar.” The day I die, Fannie Flagg, p.16 The solidarity among nurses is always found there, and also Ruby with her friend, Boots. Ruby will protect her message source with her own soul. It can be seen from the question below: “Selalu ada kesetiaan antarsesama perawat di antara mereka yang bisa diandalkan Boots. Dan memang benar, Ruby pasti akan melindungi sumber beritanya dengan nyawanya sendiri, kalau perlu.” The day I die, Fannie Flagg, p.252

3.2.2 Tot Whooten

Tot whooten is a thin woman, has a red hairy and always wears eye- shadow pale blue, although that color is very lag. She has a parlor in the Elmwoods Spring. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Sebelumnya, tepat pukul 08.02 pagi itu, Tot Whooten, si rambut merah ceking yang selalu mengenakan eye-shadow biru pucat meskipun warna begitu sudah ketinggalan zaman sejak tahun tujuh puluhan, tengah berjalan menuju tempatnya Universitas Sumatera Utara bekerja di salon kecantikan” The day I die, Fannie Flagg, p.15 When Tot is walking to pass by Elners house, she looks her neighbour falls from a ladder, because she is nettled bee. Tot runs to help Elner, and she bawls to call Ruby to investigates Elner.

3.2.3 Merle

Wheeler Merle is Elner’s neighbor who always gives strange things to Elner. Merle gives the very ugly wheel chair, and Elner puts it at her yard. So everybody can see it. Elner likes to gain gift from Merle. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Tetangga Bibi Elner di seberang jalan, Merle Wheeler, dialah yang selalu membawakan benda – benda bertampang menjijikkan. Merle juga yang membawa kursi kulit palsu tua cokelat beroda yang jelek itu, yang diletakkan Elner di teras depan sehingga seluruh dunia bias melihatnya.” The day I die, Fannie Flagg, p.10 Merle Wheeler, Verbena’s husband, is a man who has a big body and belly distended. He always wears a white shirt and a pair of bertel. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Merle Wheeler, suami verbena, lelaki bertubuh besar berperut buncit yang selalu mengenakan kemeja putih dan sepasang bertel.” The day I die, Fannie Flagg, p.86 Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2.4 Cathy Calvert

Cathy is a woman has a tall body, fourty years old, and has a brown hair. She works as editor and the owner of a little company weekly newspaper in the Elmwood Springs. It can be seen from the quotation below: “Cathy, perempuan jangkung kurus berusia awal empat puluhan berambut cokelat tua, adalah editor sekaligus pemilik mingguan kecil daerah itu.” The day I die, Fannie Flagg, p.42 A large part of the job is done by her self. If there is something emergency passed by her office, it means, there is an accident or bad event seriously. She directs takes her camera and the note book to look for the news. After Cathy graduates her college, she teaches about somebody history that submitted according to oral society college at the class, and at that time Elner and Irene Goodnight are Cathy’s students. They are good students with interesting story. Cathy learns so many from her class. Now she knows that the appearance can lie us. When Cathy still studies, she wants to become a writer. At the moment she has a dream that she will be able to write the biggest America novel, but after a few semesters, that idea discards and she is become to journalist. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2.5 Verbena Wheeler