Sa Density Measurement Microtomography Method

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1. Sa

Se were selec site was lo obtained f Th 7 years ol 11m, and Sengon an a. his research té du Bois, tarting from ample Prep ngon Para cted from th ocated at Su from a plant he s ample tr ld. Sengon a diameter nd 38cm for 3 MATE Location was carried INRA Cha m February 2 T aration aserianthes he plantatio ukabumi reg tation forest rees having and Jabon h r at breast h r Jabon. Figure 2 a ERIALS AN n and Perio d out at Lab ampeneux, N 2013 to July ools and M falcataria on site as rep gion, West J t planted by straight ste had a heigh height level Sengon Tre ND METH od of Resea oratory of W Nancy, Fran y 2013. Materials and Jabon presentative Java, Indon y community ems and bot ht of branch l 1.3m abo b. ee; b Jabo HODS arch Wood Quali nce. The stu n Anthocep e specimens nesia. The sa y in 2005. th of sengon h-free stem ove ground on Tree ity Labora udy lasted fo phalus cada s. The plant ample trees n and jabon range from level 36cm toire or six amba tation were were m 8 to m for After felling the trees, one disk from log section in length of 2m bottom part and 6m upper part was taken from each tree of the tree stem. The juvenility sample disks Figure 3 were cross cut from the middle part of the sample logs and prepared from pith to bark through using a band saw. The sample were also resawed in 2mm thick from pith to bark for specimens of density with microtomography method specimen A and 20mm for specimen of anatomical measurements specimen B. Considering that distinct growth rings are absent both in Jabon and Sengon trees, segmented ring was considered to be practically useful for characterizing variation and patterns of variation along the tree radius. A specified width of segmented rings 1cm was made from pith to bark and numbered consecutively Figure 3. Figure 3 Sample Preparation

2. Density Measurement Microtomography Method

Density profiles from pith to bark were measured using X-ray densitometer from the Xylosciences platform of the INRA-Lorraine center in Champenoux, France. The specimen A Figure 4 were air-dried ±12 and scanned to estimate the air-dried wood density for each segmented ring from the pith to bark. Each segmented ring 1cm from pith to bark was determined based on the intra-ring microdensitometric profiles. In this study, wood density is expressed in gcm 3 . Figure 4 Sample of density measurement

3. Anatomical Measurements