Penambahan Kacang-Kacangan Dalam Formulasi Makanan Pendamping Air Susuibu (MP-ASI) Berbahan Dasar Pati Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr) Vol XVIII, No 2, 2007

Hasil Penelitian

Jurnal.Teknol. dan Industri Pangan, Vol, XVIII No. 2 Th, 2007

BERBAHAN DASAR PATI AREN (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr)
[Addition of Legumes in the Formulation of Supplementary Food Based on
Palm Starch ( Ar en ga p i n n a ta (Wu t mb ) M e r r ) ]
Aryani Kusumaningrum1) dan Winiati P. Rahayu 2)

Alumni Departemen ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, FATETA-IPB

2)Staf Pengajar Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, FATETA-IPB

Diterima 14Mei 2007/Disetujui 27November 2007

Food diversification is one of the governmental programs to reduce rice demand. Palm starch (Arenga pinnate (Wurmb) Merr) has a good
potency as carbohydrate source tor supplementary food.

Supplementary food from palm starch enriched with 4 legumes (red bean, green bean, soy bean, and peanut) as sources of protein were
formulated. This weaning food was made by wet mixing all substances, then cooked at temperature 750C for 10 minutes. The dough was then dried
using drum dryer and milled The flour was fortified by vitamin premix (vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin C), mineral premix(Na,Zn,Fe, Ca, and I) and
vanilla flavor (0,05; 0,10) 0,15; 0,20; and 0,25%) to improve their nutritional and sensory qualities.
Result obtained from hedonic test indicated that soy bean is the most suitable bean and 0,05 percent of vanilla flavor gave the best
formula. Supplementary food from sugar palm starch contained 170 kkal energy, 4 g protein, 33 g carbohydrate, and 3 g fat per serving (42 g). If the
formula was consumed three times per day it will fulfill 60 percent of AKG (Angka Kecukupan Gizi (Nutritional Daily Requirement)) of the baby and
child's protein. The protein digest of such supplementary food from sugar palm starch was 86,29 percent of casein and comply this with SNI
01-7111.4 - 2005 and Codex (J976J standard.
Key words: Palm starch, legumes, weening food