Reading Tasks as Learning Needs

other tasks did not reveal any need as the learners rated themselves highly as opposed to the importance attached to the tasks. Students felt that listening to obtain gist and take notes were important tasks that had to be internalized if at all they were to attain the target needs that needed this skill. Listening is an important language skill and the listening tasks should be internalized well by the students because failure to listen and grasp what is being said can lead to communication breakdown. Any communication that may not be clear between the teacher and the student may affect the internalization of the target needs because learning needs are the means through which learners get to the target situation.

4.2.3 Reading Tasks as Learning Needs

The means of the reading tasks categorized as learning needs range between 4.29 – 2.99 and the tasks with the highest importance were reading intensively 80.5, reading for note taking 75 and skimming 65.3. The tasks with the lowest importance were referencing 34.8, guessing the meaning of unknown words from context 33.4 and synthesizing 30.5. The table below shows the importance given to reading tasks as learning needs by students. Table 4.5 Means and Standard Deviation Scores of Reading Tasks as Learning Needs READING TASKS N IMPORTANCE MEAN SD SELF RATING MEAN SD Predicting 72 3.50 .99 3.47 .90 Scanning 72 3.72 .90 3.33 .96 Skimming 72 3.75 .98 3.14 .82 Reading intensively 72 4.29 1.06 3.40 1.03 Guessing the meaning of unknown words 72 3.01 1.01 3.82 .81 Referencing 72 3.00 1.04 3.86 .75 Analyzing 72 3.60 .98 3.54 .79 Synthesizing 72 2.99 1.04 3.58 .76 Making inferences 72 3.14 1.13 3.94 .80 Reading for note taking 72 4.00 .93 3.65 .92 Identifying main ideas 72 3.76 .89 3.68 .96 Finding supporting ideas 72 3.47 1.12 3.72 .85 Paraphrasing 72 3.60 .95 3.72 .82 Summarizing 72 3.57 1.05 3.54 .83 Transferring information 72 3.33 1.06 3.71 .89 Responding critically 72 3.42 1.13 3.86 .82 Speed reading 72 3.32 1.08 3.81 .76 The tasks of: predicting, scanning, skimming, reading intensively, analyzing, synthesizing, identifying main ideas and summarizing revealed needs. The other tasks did not reveal any needs since the mean difference between the importance attached to the tasks and their self rating did not indicate need for those tasks. With regard to reading, the students need to read and understand the course materials to a considerable degree if at all they want to emerge successful. Tasks such as reading intensively and reading for note taking have been considered very important and the students have rated themselves lowly because they play a critical role in the overall course. The students cannot succeed in the course if their reading culture is poor.

4.2.4 Writing Tasks as Learning Needs