To Teach To Mentor To Discover To Publish To Reach Beyond The Wall To Change To Tell The Truth To Inform Character Building Leadership Digital literacy Communication Emotional intelligence Entrepreneurship Global citizenship Problem-solving Team-working


1. To Teach

2. To Mentor

3. To Discover

4. To Publish

5. To Reach Beyond The Wall

6. To Change

7. To Tell The Truth

8. To Inform

9. Character Building

“ The illiterate of the 21 st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” AlvinToffler PROFESSIONAL TEACHERS – READY TO ENGAGE IN LIFE-LONG LEARNING 36

1. Leadership

2. Digital literacy

3. Communication

4. Emotional intelligence

5. Entrepreneurship

6. Global citizenship

7. Problem-solving

8. Team-working

Sumber: Pearson-Learning Curve Report 2014 U RU YA N G P RO FE SIO AN AL Perspektif UNESCO EDUCATION 1.Learning to know 2.Learning to do 4.Learning to live together 3.Learning to be Jati diri 38 di Abad 21: Respon Guru Bagaimana? 1. Perdagangan Bebas 2. Ketergantungan Iptek ICT, Bio-teknologi, Nano teknologi 3. Fenomena Kehidupan Global Speed, Conectivity, Intangable, and Compatibility 4. Demokratisasi politik 5. Isu dan Persoalan HAM 6. Persoalan Lingkungan Hidup 7. Kesetaraan Gender 8. Multikulturalisme kehidupan Guru harus merespon perubahan secara profesional 39 It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. Charles Darwin 40 Guru Profesional Abad 21 Pendidikan Global yang Kompetitif Proses Belajar – Mengajar: To Describe; To Explain; To Illustrate; To Demonstrate; To Inspire; Guru: faktor utama dalam menentukan keberhasilan proses belajar-mengajar : aspek - Learning to Learn. Guru: faktor utama dalam menentukan keberhasilan proses belajar-mengajar : aspek - Learning to Learn. 41 National Training Laboratories for Applied Behavioral Sciences, Alexandria, VA. 41 Reading Hearing words Looking at picture Looking at an exhibition Participating in a discussion Watching video Watching a demonstration Seeing it done on location Giving a talk Doing a Dramatic Presentation Simullating the Real Experience Doing the Real Thing 90 70 50 30 20 10 P A S S IV E A C T IV E TINGKAT MEMORISASI Verbal reciving Visual reciving Partici- pating Doing TINGKAT KETERLIBATAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN 42 Traditional Learning New Learning Teacher Centered Student Centered Single Media Multimedia Isolated Work Collaborative Work Information Delivery Information Exchange Factual, Knowledge-Based Learning Critical Thinking and Informed Decision Making Push Pull Source: ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Teachers sebagaimana dalam Suyanto Asep 2012 Traditional Learning 21 st Century Learning Integration Transformation Schooling Lifelong Learning Knowing Understanding Broadcast Transmission Model Constructivist Learning Traditional ContentContext Contemporary ContentContext Learning Tech Skills Developing 21 st Century Skills Source: ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Teachers USA sebagaimana dalam Suyanto Asep 2012. 45 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mengetahui Memahami Membiasakan Meyakini Melakukan sesuai 1,2,3,4 Memper- tahankan Keteladanan; Pemberdayaan, Habituasi, Pembudayaan; Pembelajaran; Penguatan Siswa Berkarak- ter Terpuji secara Individu maupun Kelompok. Kontribusi Positif Terhadap Keunggulan Sekolah PEMBIASAAN BERLAKU BAIK 46 Siswa memiliki sifat Negatif karena tidak memiliki values karakter • Apathetic, Listless, Uninterested people • Then there are the flighty people • Extreme uncertainty • Then there are very inconsistent people • Others might aptly be called drifters • A large number are overconformers • Some are overdissenters • A group of poseurs or role players Sumber: Rath, Harmin, dan Simon 1978 Generasi penerus bangsa yang berjiwa religius, nasionalisme, kewirausahaan dan dapat menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman serta siap untuk membangun bangsa PROSES PEMBIASAAN BERORIENTASI: 1. Ketaqwaan 2. Nasionalisme 3. Quality learning + problem based learning related to leadership and entrepreneurship 4. Character building 5. Kesehatan jiwa raga 6. Transfer of training 7. Transfer of principles and attitudes 8. Pembelajaran yang seimbang untuk otak kanan dan otak kiri Lulusan memiliki sifat: Inovatif, Kreatif, Leadership, Fleksibel, Imaginatif, Pengambil Resiko Terukur, Pekerja Keras, Percaya Diri, Siddiq, Amanah, Fathonah, Tabligh, Bersih, Sehat Disiplin, Peduli, Suka Menolong, Tangguh, Kompetitif, Toleransi, Dll P K Warga Negara yang Sejahtera dan Bahagia •Personal ValuesCharacter • Good Family Life • Good Job • Good Friendship and Community  It Should have quality in: 1 its aims; 2 its oversight of pupils; 3 its curriculum design, 4 its standards of teaching and academic achievements and; 5 its links with the local community.  What they all have in common is effective leadership and a climate that is conducive to growth. Sumber: REYNOLDS AND CREEMERS 1990 1 Professional Leadership; 2 Shared Vision and Goals; 3 A Learning environment ; 4 Concentration on teaching and learning; 5 Purposeful teaching; 6 High Expectation; 7 Positive reinforcement; 8 Monitoring Progress; 9 Pupils rights and responsibilities; 10 Home-school partnership; 11 A learning organization. Sumber : Sammons, P., Hillman, J., Mortimore, P., 1995 49 CIRI-CIRI PROSES BELAJAR YANG EFEKTIF

1. Active rather than passive 2. Covert rather than overt