Word Bank and Story Collections

53 The teacher would find difficulty in implementing the original steps of LEA since it is a new approach. Besides, the students’ level of English skill is still poor. They still need help in building the sentences. Therefore, this materials design provides incomplete texts, as the modification of LEA, which helps the students record their personal experiences through several techniques. Later, when they attained a better English skill, the time will come for independent text production. After the students finished their writing, they read the reading text that they produced previously to make sure that what was recorded is exactly what they wanted to say. The teacher and the students read the text several times, so that they can begin to become familiar with the newly dictated words.

3. Explore Your Story

This section aims to comprehend the texts and improve reading skills. The teacher helps the students make correction in grammar and wording. They learn to comprehend the content of reading materials. It also provides numerous fun activities which give reinforcement after the reading section, such as games, song or mini role play.

4. Word Bank and Story Collections

This section gives more time to personal activities such as filling in the word bank with words or phrases the students want to learn and are having difficulty with. A number of known and favorite words should also be included. Those words can be 54 written as personal dictionary. The student can also rewrite the story that most impresses him. Therefore, he can find his own value. Stage 5: Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Materials In order to accomplish the objectives, the writer formulated teaching learning activities and materials. The activities selected should draw students to an enjoyable learning environment in order to enhance students’ reading motivation. Therefore, the writer formulated the learning activities based on the concept of Language Experience Approach by considering the results of needs survey. The students learn English by exploring their experiences. They will do some interview and observation. The student s should feel free to tell their personal experience. Some activities such as songs, games, mini role play will be presented. They will also learn to do the activity individually, in pairs as well as in group and to have sharing time and group discussion. The learning materials are needed to help the students to learn effectively and in an interesting way. Pictures, cards, newspapers, magazines, real objects, song and lyrics can be the interesting materials. At last, the materials design is ready to present. Stage 6: Designing the Materials The results of the previous five stages are useful as the basis for designing the materials. For this project the writer also took some sources from several learning English books, encyclopedia, and magazines and also from the internet. All those sources were used to develop the contents as well as the design of the layout. The 55 writer designed a set of materials for students which is called “Student’s Book” and a book for teacher which corresponds to the one that the students have. The book is called “Teacher’s Manual”. Stage 7: Evaluating the Designed Materials In order that the designed materials best facilitate the learning, the writer evaluated the proposed materials design by distributing a questionnaire to four English teachers of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta and one lecturer of the English Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. The writer expected corrections, suggestions and also criticisms from the respondents. The evaluation of the designed materials will be discussed in the second and third part of this chapter. Stage 8: Revising the Materials The last step was to revise the proposed materials design. The revision is based on the feedback given by the respondents. This step is important to do in order that the designed materials are able to facilitate the students to achieve the goals of the program. After finishing the revision, the final version of supplementary reading materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 8 Yogyakarta could be well- presented.

B. The Findings of the Designed Materials Evaluation