Designing a set of supplementary integrated english materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen based on national curriculum 2006.



Kusumastuti, Bety. 2011. Designing A Set of Suplementary Integrated English Materials for the Seventh Grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen Based on National Curriculum 2006. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Curriculum 2006 (School Based Curriculum) stated that the four skills are taught in integrated way to facilitate the students. Teaching language in integrated way will enable the students to achieve their English mastery and ability in communicating using English easily. From the observations result, it was found that SMP N 2 Sidoharjo did not have enough integrated English materials. Therefore, this study was aimed to design a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen based on National Curriculum 2006. This study concerned to one research question, which was: How does the design of a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo based on national curriculum 2006 look like?

In answering the question, this study adapted Kemp’s instructional design model and employed R & D (Research and Development method). There were five steps conducting in this study. The steps were: (1) Research and Information Gathering. Identifying learners characteristics to gain data needed was conducted in this study. (2) Planning. In this step, the writer defining goals, topics, and general purposes for the designed materials. (3) Develop Preliminary Form of the Product. In this step, the materials were designed based on the result of planning. (4) Preliminary Field testing. The questionnaires were distributed to English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and English Language Education Lecturers of Sanata Dharma University to check the designed materials. (5) Main Product Revision. The data from Preliminary field testing were analyzed in this step. The result of the analysis indicated that the designed materials were suitable and acceptable to be applied in the school.

This study presented the final version of the designed materials. It consist of four units. Those were (1) Greeting, (2) Commanding, (3) Asking and giving information, (4) Apologizing. Each unit in the designed materials is divided into three main sections, namely: (1) Pre - Activity, (2) Whilst – Activity, (3) Post – Activity. Each unit contains of several activities, namely: Get Started, Listen and Speak Up, Get the Idea, Grammar Stage, and Learning Essential.

Hopefully, the designed materials can help the English teachers to teach English in integrated way. Then, the designed materials can facilitate the students to improve their English mastery and ability.





Kusumastuti, Bety. 2011. Designing A Set of Suplementary Integrated English Materials for the Seventh Grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen Based on National Curriculum 2006. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP) menyatakan bahwa empat keahlian diajarkan secara terintegrasi. Mengajar bahasa dengan cara terintegrasi akan memungkinkan siswa mencapai kemampuan dan penguasaan Bahasa Inggris serta kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan lebih mudah. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen belum cukup memiliki referensi materi bahasa Inggris yang terintegrasi. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk merancang seperangkat materi Bahasa Inggris yang terintegrasi untuk siswa kelas 7 SMP N 2 Sidohajo Sragen berdasarkan kurikulum nasional 2006. Studi ini fokus dengan satu pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu: Bagaimana bentuk seperangkat materi tambahan bahasa Inggris terintegrasi untuk siswa - siswi kelas tujuh SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen berdasarkan kurikulum nasional 2006?

Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, studi ini mengadaptasi model perancangan dari Kemp dan metode yang diterapkan adalah R & D (metode penelitian dan pengembangan). Ada lima tahapan yang dilaksanakan dalam studi ini. Tahapan tersebut adalah: (1) Pengumpulan Penelitian dan Informasi. Dalam studi ini dilakukan identifikasi karakteristik pelajar untuk memperoleh data – data yang dibutuhkan. (2) Perencanaan. Dalam tahap ini, penulis menentukan tujuan, topic, dan tujuan umum dari materi yang disusun. (3) Pengembangan Bentuk Awal Produk. Dalam tahap ini, materi dirancang berdasarkan hasil dari tahap perencanaan. (4) Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Kuesioner dibagikan kepada guru bahasa Inggris SMP N 2 Sidoharjo dan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta untuk memeriksa materi yang sudah dirancang. (5) Perbaikan Produk Utama. Data dari pengujian awal lapangan dianalisa pada tahap ini. Hasil dari analisa tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa rancangan materi sesuai dan bisa diterima untuk diterapkan di sekolah tersebut.

Studi ini menyajikan hasil akhir dari materi yang sudah dirancang. Materi tersebut terdiri dari empat unit. Masing-masing adalah (1) Greeting, (2) Commanding, (3) Asking and giving information, (4) Apologizing. Masing - masing unit dalam rancangan materi dibagi menjadi tiga bagian utama, yaitu: (1) Kegiatan Awal, (2) Kegiatan Inti, (3) Kegiatan Penutup. Masing – masing unit terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan, yaitu: Get Started, Listen and Speak Up, Get the Idea, Grammar Stage, and Learning Essential.

Harapannya, rancangan materi ini bisa membantu guru bahasa Inggris mengajar dengan cara terintegrasi. Rancangan materi bisa memfasilitasi siswa siswi untuk mengembangkan penguasaan dan kemampuan bahasa Inggris.




Presented as Partial fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bety Kusumastuti Student Number: 051214005









Presented as Partial fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Bety Kusumastuti Student Number: 051214005





G. Punto Aji


i, S.Pd., M.H



By y Kusumastu Number: 051 Approved by RY INTEG ADE STUDE IONAL CU uti 1214005 y Date 25 GRATED EN ENTS OF S URRICULU

5 July 2011










(Winston Churchill)

This thesis is dedicated to my beloved parents:

Hadi Sukarto and Sukarni





I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotation and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 19 August 2011

The Writer

Bety Kusumastuti 051214005





Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Bety Kusumastuti

Nomor Mahasiswa : 051214005

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Universitas sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya secara terbatas di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalty kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 19 Agustus 2011 Yang menyatakan

(Bety Kusumastuti)




Kusumastuti, Bety. 2011. Designing A Set of Suplementary Integrated English Materials for the Seventh Grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen Based on National Curriculum 2006. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Curriculum 2006 (School Based Curriculum) stated that the four skills are taught in integrated way to facilitate the students. Teaching language in integrated way will enable the students to achieve their English mastery and ability in communicating using English easily. From the observations result, it was found that SMP N 2 Sidoharjo did not have enough integrated English materials. Therefore, this study was aimed to design a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen based on National Curriculum 2006. This study concerned to one research question, which was: How does the design of a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo based on national curriculum 2006 look like?

In answering the question, this study adapted Kemp’s instructional design model and employed R & D (Research and Development method). There were five steps conducting in this study. The steps were: (1) Research and Information Gathering. Identifying learners characteristics to gain data needed was conducted in this study. (2) Planning. In this step, the writer defining goals, topics, and general purposes for the designed materials. (3) Develop Preliminary Form of the Product. In this step, the materials were designed based on the result of planning. (4) Preliminary Field testing. The questionnaires were distributed to English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and English Language Education Lecturers of Sanata Dharma University to check the designed materials. (5) Main Product Revision. The data from Preliminary field testing were analyzed in this step. The result of the analysis indicated that the designed materials were suitable and acceptable to be applied in the school.

This study presented the final version of the designed materials. It consist of four units. Those were (1) Greeting, (2) Commanding, (3) Asking and giving information, (4) Apologizing. Each unit in the designed materials is divided into three main sections, namely: (1) Pre - Activity, (2) Whilst – Activity, (3) Post – Activity. Each unit contains of several activities, namely: Get Started, Listen and Speak Up, Get the Idea, Grammar Stage, and Learning Essential.

Hopefully, the designed materials can help the English teachers to teach English in integrated way. Then, the designed materials can facilitate the students to improve their English mastery and ability.




Kusumastuti, Bety. 2011. Designing A Set of Suplementary Integrated English Materials for the Seventh Grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen Based on National Curriculum 2006. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP) menyatakan bahwa empat keahlian diajarkan secara terintegrasi. Mengajar bahasa dengan cara terintegrasi akan memungkinkan siswa mencapai kemampuan dan penguasaan Bahasa Inggris serta kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan lebih mudah. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen belum cukup memiliki referensi materi bahasa Inggris yang terintegrasi. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk merancang seperangkat materi Bahasa Inggris yang terintegrasi untuk siswa kelas 7 SMP N 2 Sidohajo Sragen berdasarkan kurikulum nasional 2006. Studi ini fokus dengan satu pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu: Bagaimana bentuk seperangkat materi tambahan bahasa Inggris terintegrasi untuk siswa - siswi kelas tujuh SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen berdasarkan kurikulum nasional 2006?

Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, studi ini mengadaptasi model perancangan dari Kemp dan metode yang diterapkan adalah R & D (metode penelitian dan pengembangan). Ada lima tahapan yang dilaksanakan dalam studi ini. Tahapan tersebut adalah: (1) Pengumpulan Penelitian dan Informasi. Dalam studi ini dilakukan identifikasi karakteristik pelajar untuk memperoleh data – data yang dibutuhkan. (2) Perencanaan. Dalam tahap ini, penulis menentukan tujuan, topic, dan tujuan umum dari materi yang disusun. (3) Pengembangan Bentuk Awal Produk. Dalam tahap ini, materi dirancang berdasarkan hasil dari tahap perencanaan. (4) Pengujian Awal di Lapangan. Kuesioner dibagikan kepada guru bahasa Inggris SMP N 2 Sidoharjo dan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta untuk memeriksa materi yang sudah dirancang. (5) Perbaikan Produk Utama. Data dari pengujian awal lapangan dianalisa pada tahap ini. Hasil dari analisa tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa rancangan materi sesuai dan bisa diterima untuk diterapkan di sekolah tersebut.

Studi ini menyajikan hasil akhir dari materi yang sudah dirancang. Materi tersebut terdiri dari empat unit. Masing-masing adalah (1) Greeting, (2) Commanding, (3) Asking and giving information, (4) Apologizing. Masing - masing unit dalam rancangan materi dibagi menjadi tiga bagian utama, yaitu: (1) Kegiatan Awal, (2) Kegiatan Inti, (3) Kegiatan Penutup. Masing – masing unit terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan, yaitu: Get Started, Listen and Speak Up, Get the Idea, Grammar Stage, and Learning Essential.

Harapannya, rancangan materi ini bisa membantu guru bahasa Inggris mengajar dengan cara terintegrasi. Rancangan materi bisa memfasilitasi siswa siswi untuk mengembangkan penguasaan dan kemampuan bahasa Inggris.





First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty Allah for love, grace, and bless that is given in my life. I believe that because of his guidance I can finish my thesis.

My gratitude goes to Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum., my thesis sponsor, for his willingness and patience in helping me to finish my thesis. I really thank him for his support, guidance and suggestions that were given to me. In addition, I would like thank Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. and Fidelis Chosa Kastuhandani, S.Pd., M.Hum. for their willingness spending their time in evaluating my designed materials. I am deeply grateful to all lecturers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University for guiding and teaching me during my study in Sanata Dharma University. I would also like to address my sincere gratitude to the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, Mrs. Dwi and Mrs. Tiar, for their help, advice, guidance, and suggestions to my designed materials. My special thanks go to the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, especially for grade VII A, for their help and cooperation during the interview and filling the questionnaires.

My deepest gratitude is addressed to my beloved parents, Hadi Sukarto and Sukarni. I thank them for their prayer, support, patience, advice, and love they have given to me. My gratitude also goes to my beloved brother, Setiyanto, for his care and patience in supporting and encouraging me to accomplish my



study. I thank for always picking me up when I just came from Sragen to consult my thesis.

My special thanks also go to all SDN SBI Kroyo staff especially for MM. Sri Rahayu, S.S.,M.Pd. as the principal, for her cooperation and giving me a day off to go finish my thesis. My gratitude also goes to all teachers and my beloved students in SDN SBI Kroyo Sragen. I thank them for giving me a great opportunity to develop myself. My special thanks go to my beloved friends: Ganish, Phia, Mita, mbak Anik, and Ms. Etis for their love and care. I hope our friendship will be everlasting. Last but not least, my gratitude also goes to all PBI 2005 students, for the unforgettable moments during the study in Sanata Dharma University, and to all the people whose names cannot be mentioned one by one here. May God bless us forever.

Bety Kusumastuti











ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Research Background... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 4

D. Research Objectives ... 5

E. Benefits of the Study ... 5

F. Definition of Terms ... 6


1. Models of Instruction Design ... 10

2. Integrated Materials ... 13

3. School Based Curriculum 2006 ... 14



5. Communicative Language Teaching ... 16

a. The Characteristic of CLT ... 16

b. Theory of Language ... 18

c. Theory of Language Learning ... 19

d. The Syllabus ... 19

e. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities ... 22

f. Teachers’ and Learners’ Role in Communicative Activities ... 23

B. Theoretical Framework ... 24

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 28

B. Research Participants ... 31

C. Research Instruments ... 33

D. Data Gathering Techniques ... 34

E. Data Analysis Techniques ... 37

F. Research Procedures ... 39


B. Goals, Topics, and General Purposes ... 45

C. Learning Objectives ... 49

D. Subject Content for the Designed Materials ... 52

E. Teaching Learning Activities and Resources of the Designed Materials 53 F. Materials Feedback and Evaluation ... 55


B. Suggestion ... 62







3.1 Types of Data ... 35

3.2 Points of Agreement ... 38

3.3 The Blue Print of the Form of the Result of Respondents’ Questionnaires . 39 4.1 The Result of the Questionnaires for Learners Characteristics in the Form of Numbers ... 43

4.2 The Result of the Questionnaires for Learners Characteristics in the Form of Percentage ... 43

4.3 The Competence Standard and Basic Competencies for the First Semester 46 4.4 The Selected Topics ... 48

4.5 The Indicators ... 49

4.6 The Subject Content ... 52

4.7 The Description of the Respondents of the Preliminary Field Testing ... 55




1. Kemp’s Instructional Design Models... 8 2. The Framework in analyzing communicative task ... 9 3. The relationship between R & D and ID ... 12





Appendix A ... 65

Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo ... 66

Letter of Official Statement from SMP N 2 Sidoharjo ... 67

Appendix B ... 68

Questionnaire of Information Gathering ... 69

The Interview Result ... 71

Questionnaires of Preliminary Field Testing ... 72

Appendix C ... 76

General Description ... 77

Gambaran Umum ... 80

Appendix D ... 83

Syllabus ... 84

Lesson Plan ... 101





In this chapter, the writer would like to present the introduction of this study. It includes the background of the study, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, the benefits of the study, and the definition of terms.

A. Research Background

The existence of international school has become a phenomenon in our education. Nowadays, international schools take much public attention and interest. Many parents choose to register their children to an international school in order to get better education. International school is a school that is categorized as an autonomous school. The difference between international and public school is on the curriculum. Public school applies the curriculum that is governed by the government, whereas international school applies both the national curriculum and adopted curriculum from foreign country. They combine those two curricula and use them as guidance to hold teaching learning activity.

Besides international schools, we are also familiar with the term of National Standard School (SSN). SSN is one step that must be passed by a school before it is considered as an International school. Based on PP nomor 19 pasal 11 ayat 2, the government categorizes a school as a National Standard School when it has already fulfilled the requirements. There are two kinds of requirements; those are internal and external support. Internal support covers the accreditation grade of



the school, which must be an A, has its own curriculum, and the human resources. In addition, external support includes participation and support from school committee, parents, and department of education. Those two requirements enable the school hold SSN (National Standard School). SSN must prepare good human resources to face the world. The fundamental issues are all about language. An SSN should start to use English language in their teaching learning process. All subjects should be delivered in English. This situation will not be easy for the students and teachers also. For the teachers, not all teachers have the capability to explain the materials in English, because they come from different background. The Students also face the same problem. Students in Indonesia find this language as a difficult subject. It is because English is not their mother tongue. To make them understand and accomplish this language, teachers should help the students be familiar with this language.

Teaching learning process in SSN is not only pays attention on the intellectual aspect, but also create activities and environment which is enable to develop the dimension within education, like character, behavior, intellectual, emotional, and social. All of those dimensions are expected to be developed in order to obtain the balance all of those dimensions. To obtain those expectations, a school must have good and appropriate curriculum. This case will affect all of the activities within a school. SSN applied Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) or School Based Curriculum (SBC) as their curriculum. In this case, those schools have their own right to develop the syllabus, which means the schools are assigned to develop the components of the curriculum itself. The developments of



the component are appropriated with the school condition. School-based Curriculum (SBC) of the English Subject for Junior High Schools expects the students to be able to understand and express information, thoughts, and feelings, and develop knowledge, technology, and culture (Pendidikan Nasional, 2006).

Those are called communicative competences. It is realized through the four English skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Those four skills must be achieved by the students.

SMP N 2 Sidoharjo is located in Sragen. It is one of schools in Sragen which has already categorized as SSN. Related with the materials, especially for English subject, SMP N 2 Sidoharjo already has good English materials. Yet, they still need English additional materials which able to dig the potential of the students. We know that in mastering English, we have to accomplish four skills. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The existing material only covered on certain skill. Moreover, it could not facilitate the students to be an active learner. The English teachers also say that some of their students find difficulties to speak in English. Most of them feel ashamed. Hence, the writer proposes to design integrated material which covered the four skills that must be achieved by the students. The designed material will apply communicative approach as the basic in designing the material. This approach is appropriate for them. Hence, these integrated materials are expected to help the students build their communicative ability since they are in the beginning level. Furthermore, the designed materials are expected to facilitate the students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, especially for the first grade to strengthen their English mastery. The demand of



the new era, people is expected to be able to communicate using English fluently when they meet foreign people. That is why, mastering English is really important and it would be better if it is done since in the beginning level. The designed materials will covered the four skills in which the topics will derived from the English syllabus applied in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo.

B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulated in this study is: How does the design of a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo based on national curriculum 2006 look like?

C. Problem Limitation

To specify this study, the writer decided to limit the study in some cases. First, this study only focuses on designing a set of supplementary integrated materials, not on implementing and evaluating the materials. Second, the writer applies communicative language teaching in designing the materials. Communicative language teaching gave the students opportunity to study in a communicative way. They could freely express their ideas in order to get better understanding. Third, this study was conducted in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen. It was chosen because that school needs English additional materials which are able to dig up their potential during teaching learning activities. Fourth, this study is intended for the first grade students from that school. Fifth, the design material is designed based on national curriculum applied in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen.



D. Research Objectives

This study is intended to answer the problems that are stated in the problem formulation. There are two objectives of this study:

1. to design a set of supplementary integrated materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen based on national curriculum. 2. to verify the design of supplementary integrated materials for the seventh

grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen.

E. The Benefits of the Study

The writer hopes that this study will be able to give benefits for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen, and for the other researchers. The benefits can be described as follows

1. For the students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen

For the students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, especially for grade seventh students, the designed materials will help them study English easier. It also helps them to get better understanding. The communicative language teaching that is applied in the designed materials will be able to encourage their motivation in learning English and make them be more active and express their ideas communicatively.

2. For the teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen

The designed materials can be additional materials for the teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. It can be an alternative material for the teacher in



choosing different kind of teaching learning activities. Teacher can also still modify the designed material based on their needs.

3. For the other researchers

For the other researchers, this study can be a reference to conduct further research which related to the topic. Through this study, the other researchers may gain beneficial information that can be used to support their research.

F. Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding for the reader, there are some terms that are needed to be clarified. Those terms are School-Based curriculum, seventh grade students of junior high Schhol, SMP N 2 Sidoharjo, integrated, materials, and integrated materials.

1. School-Based Curriculum

School-Based Curriculum is the newest curriculum applied in our education system. This curriculum gives autonomy for each school to arrange their syllabus in order to fit with their needs (Muslich, 2007: 10). According to School-Based Curriculum, the purpose of learning English in Junior High School is to develop communication competence spoken or written and to achieve informational literacy level. The scope is to be able to have the comprehension ability or to produce written or spoken texts in the form of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.



applied in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo becomes the basic in designing the integrated materials. The purpose is to encourage the students to be more familiar with those skills.

2. Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School

The integrated materials are made for the seventh grade students of Junior High School. In this study, seventh grade students are the first grade in Junior High School who are usually 11 – 13 years old and now they are studying in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen. The designed materials are presented to grade seventh students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo.

3. SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen

SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen is located in Ngemplak village. It is a National Standard School. This school has fifteen classes which are divided into grade seven, eight, and nine students. In addition, there is a language laboratory provided by the school. It can facilitate the students to learn English language better and to make them be more accustomed towards this language. 4. Integrated

The definition of integrated is to be united into a body or a system, where each of the parts in relationship with others. Integrated is a combination of four skills in learning language in the same time. It means to make the students develop their language competence actively (Oxford, 2001: 2). Since the English subject is delivered in integrated way, the English skills and elements are taught in integrated way too. This study is aimed at integrating four skills, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. So, in this study, a set of



integrated materials is a set material which integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

5. Instructional Materials

Materials are the content to be learned in learning process, written in textbooks or papers. According to Bridge and Gagne (1979: 3), instruction is a set of events which affect learners in such a way that learning is facilitated. Sauvignon (1977: 132), states that a set of instructional materials can be resources in pursuing the language activities at hand. In this study, instructional materials refer to a set of units used by the teachers or instructor and the students as the focus of discussing in teaching learning process in order to develop students’ English skills.

6. Integrated Materials

Integrated materials are the materials that focus on the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). The four skills are needed in learning English language. Those are interconnected each other. Richards and Rodgers (2001: 8) state that the students are often involved in activities that link the skills. This study tries to integrate those four skills into a set of supplementary integrated materials and present the design materials for the first grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo.





In this chapter, the writer would like to present the review of related literature that becomes the basis for the discussion. The purpose of this chapter is to obtain the better understanding about the basic principles of this study, so that the problems stated in the previous chapter can be answered.

In this chapter, there are two major points that are discussed. First, is theoretical description that discusses the related theories which become the basis of the study, and second is theoretical framework that explains the steps in designing the materials.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the writer elaborates key points that are used in this study. They are the theories of Instructional Design Model, Research and development, Integrated Materials, School-Based Curriculum 2006, Communicative Task, and Communicative Language Teaching.

1. Models of Instructional Design

Developing a set of integrated materials needs an instructional model to be followed. In this study, the writer referred to Kemp’s instructional model as the main instructional model for the designed materials. The model will be discussed further in the following discussion.



Kemp’s Instructional Design Model

The instructional model proposed by Kemp is a flexible model. The development process may start from any step and then move back and forth to the other steps whenever the designer is ready. There are three important questions needed in instructional design stated by Kemp (1977: 68), namely:

1. What must be learned? (the objectives)

2. What procedures and resources will work best to reach the desired learning levels? (activities and resources)

3. How will we know the required learning has taken place? (evaluation) The writer should consider those three elements as the basic of creating an instructional design. If one of them is missing, it means that the writer fails to make a good design.

In Kemp’s model (1977: 8), they are eight interdependent elements that must be considered in designing instructional materials, those are:

Step 1: Determining the Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

In this step, the writer should decide the goals of the system, select the topic to be taught, and then specify the general purposes of each topic. In other words, this step determines what the teacher wants to accomplish in teaching each topic (Kemp, 1977: 13 – 16).

Step 2: Mentioning the Learners’ Characteristics

The aim of this step is to find out information about students’ needs, interests, and ability. This is a crucial step, because the students’ characteristics will influence the emphases in instructional planning including the selection of topics and the



level at which topics are introduced, the choice and sequencing of objectives, the depth of treatment, and the variety of learning activities (Kemp, 1977: 18 – 22). Step 3: Specifying the Learning Objectives

The writer determines the learning objectives in order to achieve certain students’ performances. It should be measurable and unambiguous so that the students are able to accomplish the objectives. This step determines what the students should do or should be able to do (Kemp, 1977: 23 – 42).

Step 4: Listing the Subject Content

In this step, the writer lists the subject content such as selecting and organizing the specific knowledge and skill to support each objective. Subject content includes the organization of the content and task analysis. By doing task analysis, the designer can make sure that all elements of a procedure are considered in the planning and will therefore be treated properly during instruction (Kemp, 1977: 43 – 49).

Step 5: Developing Pre-Assessment

The aim of develop pre-assessment is to determine the learners’ background and to present level of knowledge about topic. Pre-assessment has two kinds of tests; they are pre-requisite testing and pre-testing. A pre-requisite test is to determine whether the students have the appropriate background preparation for the topic. Pre-testing is to determine which of the objective students may have already achieved (Kemp, 1977: 50 – 54).



Step 6: Selecting the Teaching/ learning Activities and Instructional Resources

In this step, the writer selects the teaching or learning activities and instructional resources that will treat to the subject content, so learners will accomplish the objectives (Kemp, 1977: 55 – 83).

Step 7: Coordinating Support Services

The support services include budget, personnel, facilities, equipment, and schedules to carry out the instructional plan. If one of the elements is missing, it will affect the other elements. This shows that those elements have to be prepared to prevent any possible constraints in designing the plan (Kemp, 1977: .84 – 90). Step 8: Evaluating the Students’ Learning

The evaluation is conducted to test whether the materials are successfully implemented for the students and whether they have already met the objectives of the study or not (Kemp, 1977: 91 – 100).

The figure which shows the relationship between one step to another steps is presented below:



Figure 1: Kemp’s Model (1977: 9)

From the instructional model above, the writer would not use all of those steps, some steps will be used and others will not be used.

2. Integrated Materials

Learning a language means that students should mastery the four skills, those were listening, speaking, reading, and writing. On the learning process, those skills cannot be separated.. It means that students cannot learn listening or reading while the other skills are not being used. For example, when the students listen to a recorded material, they need to take a note to memorize what is being told and to answer the questions. Another example is when students are reading a narrative text, they also need to write the main idea of that text. These examples show the importance of integrated material in teaching a language.

Goa ls, Topics, a n d

Ge n e r a l Pu r pose s

Le a r n e r Ch a r a ct e r

-ist ics

Su bj e ct Con t e n t Te a ch in g/

Le a r n in g Act ivit ie s, Re sou r ce s

Pr e - Asse ssm e n t


Le a r n ing Obj e ct iv e s Su ppor t

Se r vice s


Ev a lua t ion




Integrated materials are the materials which cover the four skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing). Those are interconnected each other. As stated by Richard and Rodger (2001: 208), that language use is perceived as involving several skills together. In this case, students are often involved in activities that able to link the skills, because this is the way how the skills involve in real world. Moreover, the students have certain characteristics in studying. They have their own style in learning. Sometimes, they are take notes while they are listening, and make summary while they are reading, or give their respond orally to things or something that they have already read or written. Combining those four skills in one material is a good way to help the students in mastering a certain language. Besides, students are also able to learn the language easily.

3. School-Based Curriculum 2006

KTSP or School-Based Curriculum is the newest curriculum applied in Indonesia. Department of education in Indonesia expected that all of school in Indonesia has already applied School Based Curriculum within 2010. According to Muslich (2007: 10) School Based Curriculum is the improvement of 2004 curriculum, which was Competency-Based Curriculum. School Based Curriculum requires every school has their own right to develop the syllabus and lesson plans. On the other words, the schools themselves should be able to develop the component of the curriculum itself which is suitable and appropriate with the school’s need. As quoted in Muslich (2007: 17), Badan Nasional Pendidikan states that the School-Based Curriculum 2006 is the operational curriculum which is managed and done in each school. This curriculum was recommended to help



the students to reach the standard of the students’ competencies. Therefore, the materials that are used must be adjusted with the regional characteristics, school level, students’ characteristic, and social cultural.

4. Communicative Task

Communicative task is a piece of classroom work which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing, or interacting in the target language while their attention principally focuses on meaning rather than form (Nunan, 1989: 10). This task helps the students to perform the target language in a real life situation. The students can express their idea freely and broadly. According to Nunan (1989: 11), some components were included in analyzing communicative tasks. They are goals, input, activities, teacher role, learner role, and setting.

Goals Teachers’ role

Input Learners’ role

Activities Settings

The framework in analyzing communicative task

(Nunan, 1989: 11)




Those components would become the basis in analyzing communicative task in designing the integrated materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo.

5. Communicative Language Teaching

In teaching learning process, students need a model or a facilitator to help them learn easily. In this case, teachers’ roles are really important. Teachers are considered as the model for their students. Teachers are expected to provide a good material and deliver the material with appropriate method, technique, strategies, and approaches. Approach is considered as how language is used and how it’s chosen. Further, approach describes as how people acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statements about the conditions which will promote successful language learning. In this study, the writer would like to elaborate the approaches that are used in teaching foreign language that is Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The writer considers this approach as the appropriate approach for junior high school students.

a. The Characteristics of CLT

Finocchiaro and Brumfit (1983) as mentioned in Richard and Rodgers (2001: 156 – 157) specifies CLT into 22 characteristics. Those would be discussed further below.

1) Since the focus of CLT is on meaning rather than structure and form, so that meaning is paramount.

2) Dialogues, if used, center on communicative function and are not normally memorized.



3) Contextualization is a basic premise in CLT.

4) The language learning in CLT is learning to communicate. 5) Effective communication is sought.

6) Drilling may occur, but peripherally. 7) Comprehensible in pronunciation is sought.

8) Any device that helps the learners is accepted. It is varying according to their age, interest, etc.

9) Attempts to communicate may be encouraged from the very beginning. 10) Judicious use of native language is accepted where feasible.

11) Translation may be used where students need or benefit from it. 12) Reading and writing can start from the first day, if desired.

13) The target linguistics system will be learned best trough the process of struggling to communicate.

14) Communicative competence is the desires goal (i.e., the ability to use linguistic system effectively and appropriately).

15) Linguistic variation is a central concept in materials and methodology. 16) Sequencing is determined by any consideration of content, function, or

meaning that maintains interest.

17) Teachers help learners in any way that motivates them to work with the language.

18) Language is created by the individual, often through trial and error. 19) Fluency and acceptable language is the primary goal: accuracy is judge

not in the abstract but in context.



20) Students are expected to interact with other people, either in the flesh, through pair and group work, or in their writings.

21) The teacher cannot know exactly what language the students will use. 22) Intrinsic motivation will spring from an interest in what is being

communicated by the language.

Those 22 characteristics will be used as the reference in developing a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo.

b. Theory of Language

The communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication (Richard and Rodgers, 2001: 159). The primary function of a language itself is for interaction and communication. Thus, the functional and communicative dimensions are more considered than the grammatical and structural views. The goal of a language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as “communicative competence.” It means what speaker needs to know in order to be communicatively competence in a speech community. As quoted by Richards and Rodgers (2001: 160), Hymes describes that language performs seven basic functions.

1) The instrumental function: using language to get things.

2) The regulatory function: using language to control the behavior of others.

3) The interactional function: using language to create interaction with others.



4) The personal function: using language to express personal feelings and meaning.

5) The heuristic function: using language to learn and to discover.

6) The imaginative function: using language to create a world of the imagination.

7) The representational function: using language to communicate information.

c. Theory of Language Learning

As quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 161), Brumfit and Johnson (1979) offers three elements of an underlying learning theory that can be discerned in some CLT practices. The first element is communication principle. It involves real communication promote learning. A second element is the task principle. This element include activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task promote learning. And the third element is the meaningfulness principle. Language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process.

d. The Syllabus

Robertson (1971: 564) as stated in Yalden (1987: 18) defines syllabus as a statement of the plan for any part of the curriculum, excluding the element of curriculum evaluation itself. The syllabus itself should be viewed in the context of an ongoing curriculum development process. Krahnke (1987, 10 – 12) formulated six types of syllabus. They are:



1) A Structural Syllabus – the content of language teaching is a collection of the forms and structures, usually grammatical of the language being taught (structure: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, past tense, and so on)

2) A Notional/ Functional Syllabus – the content of language teaching is a collection of function that is performed when language is used. The examples of function are agreeing, apologizing, informing, requesting, and so on. Whereas information of notion includes age, size, color, comparison, time, and so on.

3) A Skill-based Syllabus – the content of language teaching is a collection of specific abilities that may play a part in suing language. Skills are things that people must be able to do in order to be competent in the language. The purpose of this syllabus is to learn the specific language skill and to develop more general competence in the language, only incidentally any information while applying the language skills. Skill-based syllabus include: linguistic competencies (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, sociolinguistic and discourse) together into generalized types of behaviors, such as writing well-formed paragraph, listen to spoken language to catch the main idea, giving effective oral presentation, reading text for the main ideas, and so on.

4) A Situational Syllabus – the content of language teaching is a collection of real or imaginary situation in which language occur is used. A situation usually involves several participants who are engage in some activity in a specific setting. The purpose of this syllabus is to teach the language that



occurs in the situation. The examples of situation are seeing the dentist, asking direction in a new place, complaining the service, and so on.

5) A Task-based Syllabus – the content of language teaching is a collection of series of complex and purposeful tasks that the students need or want to perform with the language they are learning. The goal of this syllabus is teaching the students to draw on resources to complete some pieces of work. Task that can be used for language learning is task that they have to perform in some cases. The examples of the tasks are applying for a job, talking with social workers, reading a textbook for another course, and so on.

6) A Content-based Syllabus – this is not really a language teaching syllabus at all. The purpose of the instruction is to teach some content or information using the language that the students are also learning. It is more concerned on the information. The example of content-based language learning is a math class taught in the language that the students need or want to learn.

A set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students was designed based on national curriculum that applies in the school. The writer will use three kinds of syllabus. Those are functional, structural, and a skill based syllabus. Functional syllabus is concerned on the function when the language is being used. The use of real life situation like greeting, apologizing, and asking and giving information will help the students’ mastery easily. The syllabus brings the students to use language to



express their feeling in everyday situation. Moreover, structural syllabus helps the students to achieve the target language. Since the designed materials are integrated materials, the use of skill based syllabus is really important. Skills are things that people must be able to do in order to be competent in the language.

e. Types of Learning and Teaching Activities

Littlewood (1981: 20) divides the classroom activities into two main categories. They are as follows:

1) Functional Communication Activities

The activities include identifying pictures, discovering identical pairs, discovering sequences or locations, discovering missing information, discovering missing features, discovering ‘secrets’, and some variation in organization. The main purpose of these activities is that the learners should use language they know in order to get meaning across as effectively as possible. Success is measured primarily according to whether they cope with the communicative demands of the immediate situation.

2) Social Interaction Activities

The learners must still aim to convey meanings effectively, but must also pay greater attention to the social context in which the interaction takes place. Success is now measured not only in terms of the functional effectiveness of the language, but also in terms of acceptability of the form that are used. In the early stages of learning,



the acceptability may mean little more than a reasonable degree of accuracy in pronunciation and grammar. Later, it will increasingly come to include producing language which is appropriate to specific kinds of social interaction. The activities include conversation and discussion session, dialogue and role plays, simulations, skits, improvisation, and debates.

f. Teachers’ and Learners’ Role in Communicative Activities

According to Richards and Rodgers (2001: 166), CLT is emphasis on the process of communication, rather than mastery of language forms. Breen and Candlin (1980: 110) as quoted in Richards and Rodgers (2001, 166), describe the learners’ role within CLT classroom as negotiator between the self, the learning process, and the object of learning. The expectation is that they should contribute as much as they gain, and thereby learn in an independent way.

According to Breen and Candlin in Richards and Rodgers (2001: 167), there are two main roles for the teacher. The first role is to facilitate the communication process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activities and texts. The second role is to act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching group. Other roles assumed for the teachers are need analyst, counselor, and group process manager.



B. Theoretical Framework

In designing a set of integrated materials, the writer adapts Kemp’s models of instructional design. There are as follows:

1. Identifying Learners’ Characteristic

As the initial step in designing the materials, the writer adapts the first phase of Kemp’s model which is called learners’ characteristic. In order to obtain the data, the writer conducts data analysis from teachers’ and students’ point of view. The writer collects the information about the learners’ need, opinion, and wants in learning English. It is conducted by distributing questionnaires to the students and conducting interview to the English teachers in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo.

Besides gaining the data from teachers and students, the writer also conducts review of related literature about reviewing the School Based Curriculum, integrated materials, communicative task, and communicative language teaching. Since the writer designs a supplementary integrated material and the designed material is based on the syllabus that is applied there, the writer needs to analyze the syllabus in order to design the appropriate materials for the learners. The syllabus is also analyzed to know whether the syllabus had already met the goals and objectives which are stated in the School-Based Curriculum.



2. Determining Goals, Topics, General Purposes and Stating the Learning Objectives

After conducting need survey, the writer sets the goal, determine the topics which suitable with the learners’ needs, determine the general purposes of each topics, and stating the learning objectives that should be achieved by the learners in every meeting. In designing the materials, the goals, topics, general purposes are based on School Based Curriculum for Junior High school grade seven. Therefore, the designed materials would have the same topics as stated in the national curriculum.

In School Based Curriculum, term goal is the same as competency standard. Competency Standard is used to mention the performances that must be achieved by the students at the end of teaching learning process. Planning this step is done to state objectives of the materials. The purpose of stating the Competency Standard is to decide what kind of performances students should be able to perform at the end of the instruction.

The learning objectives should be achieved by the learners in every meeting through teaching learning activities. The activities should be based on basic competency and indicator for each topic.

3. Classifying Subject Content

The writer lists and selects subject contents and then develops the materials by referring to the topics chosen and after gathering the data from respondents. This materials selection is aimed at providing learning experiences in order to achieve learning objectives.



In this step, the writer develops syllabus and lesson plans, selecting teaching learning activities, and exercises which support each objective. The writer uses three kinds of syllabus. Those are functional, structural and skill based syllabus. The choice of the syllabus is based on the purpose of this study, which is to design a set of supplementary integrated English materials which emphasizes on communicative function which integrated four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Hence, the designed materials focus on teaching language functions which are performed when language is being used.

4. Choosing Teaching Learning Activities and Materials

The materials consist of various activities and tasks in order to encourage the learner to learn and be more active during teaching learning process. The activities in the designed materials are based on the activities which used in CLT. Whereas the tasks that are being used were based on communicative tasks. These tasks involves the learners in comprehending, manipulating, producing, or interacting in the target language while their attention principally focuses on meaning.

5. Designing the Materials

After selecting the teaching learning activities and materials, the writer designs the materials. The materials will be designed based on the result of the needs survey, School-based Curriculum for Junior High School, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Instructional Design models, and Communicative task.



6. Materials Evaluation

In this study the writer conducts evaluation for the designed materials. In conducting materials evaluation, the writer distributes the questionnaire for the two English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and two lecturers of English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University. It is aimed to get feedback of the materials designed by the writer. Kemp stated that revision is needed to validate the designed materials. Based on the feedback obtained from the questionnaires, the writer will find out which improvement is needed to attain the best materials.






In this chapter, the writer would like to present the methodology of this study. This chapter discusses the research method, the participants of this study, the research instruments, the gathering data techniques, the data analysis techniques, and the procedure of the research.

A. Research Method

The method employed in this study was Educational Research and Development (R & D). It was proposed by Walter R. Borg and Meredith Damien Gall (1983: 772). They stated that educational research and development (R & D) is a process used to develop and validate educational products. The steps of this process are usually referred to as R & D cycle, which consist of studying research findings pertinent to the product to be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing it in the setting where it will be used eventually, and revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage. The reason to choose R & D was there was similarity between the writer’s instructional design with R & D cycle. The writer would not adapt the overall steps. This study only applied five steps of R & D cycle. Those were research and information gathering, planning, developing preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, and main product revision.



1. Research and Information Gathering

The first step was research and information collecting. This step was conducted trough survey. The survey was conducted in order to obtain the data for need analysis. This step was intended to find out the learners’ need, characteristics, problems, and opinions. The data was collected trough conducting interviews and distribute questionnaire to the students. In this step, the writer also indentified the syllabus applied in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo in order to determine the objectives of the designed materials. The result of this step would become the basis for designing the materials. The first step of R & D was the same as the first step of the writer’s model which was need survey. 2. Planning

After conducting research and information collecting, the writer did the next step of R & D cycle which was planning. In this step the writer defined the goal, decides the topic which appropriate with the students needs and interests. General purposes were determined based on each topic. The writer also states the learning objectives that should be achieved by the students.

3. Developing Preliminary Form of the Product

The next step was developing preliminary form of the product. In this step, the writer constructed preparation of the materials, handbooks, and evaluation devices. The designed material was based on the information gathered in the research and information gathering.



4. Preliminary Field Testing

After designing the materials, the next step was preliminary field testing. This step required expert verification to analyze the product. The writer distributed questionnaires for the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and also for one English lecturer in Sanata Dharma University to evaluate the design material. This step was intended to get feedback of the designed materials.

5. Main Product Revision

The last step is main product revision. After receiving some feedback from the English teachers and English lecturer, the writer revised the designed materials in order to get the better result.



R & D cycle The writer’s cycle

Figure 3.1 The relationship between R & D and ID

Continuing step

Providing the basis

Feedback and revision

B. Research Participants

The participants of this study were divided in two groups. The first group Research and information gathering Main product revision Preliminary field testing Planning Developing preliminary form Identifying learners’ characteristics

Determining goals, topics, and stating the learning

objectives Classifying subject

content Choosing teaching learning activities and


Designing the materials

Evaluation Feedback, revision and presenting the main product Main Product



was the participant for need analysis and the second participant was for the evaluation of the designed material.

1. Participants in Research and Information Gathering

The participants for this step were consisted of the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and grade seventh students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. This group was chosen to obtain the data for need analysis. The data would become the basis to design the material in order to match with their need and they could take the benefits from the designed materials. The second reason was they have already familiar with the implementation of school-based curriculum. Since they have experience on that curriculum, they could give their opinion and suggestions about the materials, the appropriate method that could be applied, and interesting activities for the students.

2. Participants for Preliminary Field Testing

The second group was chosen to evaluate the design materials. The participants were the teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and one English lecturer of English Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. All of the participants of the second group have had teaching experience for more than two years. They were asked to evaluate the designed materials. They were free to correct, analyze, and give suggestion for the designed materials. It was required in order to get the feedback for the ideal a set of supplementary integrated materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo based on school-based curriculum.



C. Research Instruments

In this study, research instruments were meant to collect the data. The writer employed two kinds of instruments. They were conducting interviews and distributing questionnaires. It was used on the research and information gathering and preliminary field testing.

1. Instrument used in Research and Information Gathering

Here, the instruments used were distributing questionnaires and conducting interview. Interview was a way of gathering data by asking individuals questions about their feeling or thought. The English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen were interviewed to obtain the data about learners’ need and problems in learning English. The participants were free to answer the questions using their own words, and could answer either briefly or at length. The questions were asked may vary from one participant to another participant. The responses were recorded using mp3 player.

The writer distributed questionnaire to the grade seventh students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. It was intended to find the learners’ need and problems. Data gathered would become the basis in designing the materials.

2. Instrument Used in Preliminary Field Testing

In this phase, the writer used questionnaire as the instrument. It was distributed to the English teachers in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen and to the lecturer of English Education Study Program in order to get feedback of the design a set of supplementary integrated materials for the seventh grade students. The result would help the writer to evaluate and finish her design.



D. Data Gathering Technique

The writer used some kind of techniques in Research and Information Collecting and Preliminary Field Testing.

1. Data Gathering Technique in Research and Information Gathering

In collecting the information, the writer studied some relevant theories in order to get the appropriate theories in designing the material. The relevant theories covered instructional design, school-based curriculum 2006, integrated materials, Research and Development (R & D) method, communicative tasks, and communicative language teaching. These relevant theories would be the base in designing the materials. Then, the writer interviewed the English teachers in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo to know their teaching method, learning style, and their expectation about the design materials.

The writer distributed two kinds of questionnaires. The first one was for the grade seventh students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. It was intended to gain the learners’ need and opinion. It was applied on the research and information collecting. The second questionnaires were distributed to the teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and one English Language Education Lecturer of Sanata Dharma University in preliminary field testing. This technique was intended to gain the feedback, opinions, and suggestions about the design material. From the evaluation, the writer revised a set of integrated materials.



2. Data Gathering Technique in Preliminary Field Testing

In Preliminary Field Testing, questionnaire was distributed to the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen and one lecturer of English Language Education of Sanata Dharma University for the materials evaluation. The materials were revised based on the feedback, opinions, comments, and suggestions from these research participants.

3. Types of Data

In gaining data needed, whether in research and information collecting and preliminary field testing, the writer compose a blue print for the questions which were going to ask for the participants. The blue print was composed based on the data that was needed. The blue print questions are presented below:

Table 3.1. Types of data

No. Steps Data Obtained Participant Instrument

1. Research and

Information Gathering

a. Students’ opinion

toward English subject

b. Students’

difficulties toward English subject

c. Students’ effort

to overcome their problems

d. Their opinion

about the existing materials

Students Questionnaire

a. The way teacher

teach the students

Teachers Interview



No. Steps Data Obtained Participant Instrument

b. Teaching

learning process.

c. The media used

by the teachers.

d. Teacher’s

opinion toward the existing materials

e. The expectation

toward the designed materials.

2. Preliminary


Part A

a. Teachers’

opinion about the goal of the materials

b. The content of

the materials

c. The level

difficulty of the materials

d. The tasks of the

designed materials

e. The layout of

the designed materials Part B

a. Teachers

comment of the designed materials

b. Suggestion and


Teachers Questionnaire

Part A

a. Teachers’

opinion about the goal of the



No. Steps Data Obtained Participant Instrument the materials

b. The content of

the materials

c. The level

difficulty of the materials

d. The tasks of the

designed materials

e. The layout of

the designed materials Part B

a. Teachers

comment of the designed materials

b. Suggestion and


E. Data Analysis Techniques

The writer used two ways in collecting the data. They were interview and questionnaire which would be presented in the form of numerical data and narrative description. The interviews were conducted to the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo for research and information collecting. It was in the form of open ended questions. The data gathered from the interviews would be analyzed in the form of narrative description.

In research and information collecting, the writer distributed questionnaires to the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo in order to gain their opinion toward English subject. The data from questionnaires were calculated using the percentage of respondents’ opinions. The formulation to



calculate the percentage was presented as follows: n

x 100% ∑ n


N = the total number of participants

Σ n = the number of participants who choose certain statements

In preliminary field testing, the questionnaires were distributed to the English teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo and two lecturers of English Language Education Study Program. The questionnaire was the combination of open and closed questionnaire. The formulating data is the same as the previous formula.


x 100% ∑ n


n = the total number of participants

Σ n = the number of participants who choose certain statements

The judgment of the participants’ statement on the questionnaire uses four points agreement. They are:

Table 3.2. Points of Agreement Points of agreement Meaning

1 Strongly disagree/ very poor

2 Disagree/ poor

3 Agree/ good

4 Strongly agree/ very good



respondents’ opinions, statements, and percentage. The format of result of the materials evaluation questionnaire was presented in table 3.3.

Table 3.3. The blue print of The Form of the Result of Respondents’ Questionnaire

No Statement Degree of Agreement Percentage

1 2 3 4 N %


N = Number of respondent

The data from preliminary field testing showed whether the designed material is acceptable or not. To judge whether the designed is good or not, the writer decided the categorization of the point. The maximum points were five. The designed material was called good if the total point is more than seventy-five percent from the maximum point. This meant that the designed material was called good and acceptable if the central tendency is more than 3.75. If the central tendency was fifty percent up to seventy-five percent meant that the material was already good but still need some revision. Whereas, the designed material was poor if the central tendency was below than fifty percent.

F. Research Procedures

This part explained the procedure in conducting the study. The list of the procedure will be explained below:



1. Research and Information Gathering

a. Preparing the questionnaire and interview for the students and the


b. Distributing questionnaire to grade seventh students and three English

teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo

c. Classifying the respondent’s answers by grouping similar answer.

d. Reviewing of literature in order to find the appropriate theories in

designing the materials.

2. Planning

a. Stating the goals, topics, and general purposes of the designed


b. Determining the learning activities.

3. Develop Preliminary Form of the Product

a. Choosing teaching learning activities.

b. Classifying subject content.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

a. Distributing questionnaire for the English teachers of SMP N 2

Sidoharjo and two lecturers of English Education Study Program.



5. Main Product Revision

a. Revising the designed materials based on the result of the preliminary

field testing’s questionnaire.

b. Presenting the main product of the designed materials.







This chapter answers the questions stated in the problem formulation. This chapter presents the result and discussion of the steps in designing a set of supplementary integrated English materials for the seventh grade students of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen based on the National Curriculum 2006.

A. Learners’ Characteristics

Identifying learners’ characteristics was done first. It is considered as a crucial part in this study because it aims at seeking out students’ capabilities, needs, opinions and interests related in English subject. Through this step, the writer would be able to measure the learners’ needs. Furthermore, the writer would make the appropriate plan for the design which is fit to the students’ needs. In gaining the information needed, the writer distributed questionnaires to the students and interviewed the teachers of SMP N 2 Sidoharjo. The gained data would become the basis of developing the materials. The questionnaires will be divided and discussed according to what kind of data is needed. The full versions of the questionnaires and the result of the interview are put in the Appendix.

Grade VII in SMP N 2 Sidoharjo Sragen consists of five classes. Those are grade VII A until grade VII E. Researcher only took grade VII A as the sample of participants. The reason was that their opinions have already demonstrated the students’ opinions about English lesson. There were 37 students of grade VII A,



which consisted of 10 male and 27 female. The result of the questionnaire will be discussed below.

There were ten questions to be asked. In this part, students choose the answers in which statements were considered fit with their condition. Below is the result of the questionnaire:

Table 4.1. The Result of the Questionnaire for Learners Characteristics in the Form of Numbers

No. Statement Agree Disagree Total

1. The students like to learn English 37 0 37 3. Students’ difficulties in learning English

a. The language is difficult b. Mispronounce

c. The material is difficult d. Other (difficult in meaning) e. Other (difficult in memorizing)

23 30 16 13 29 14 7 21 24 8 37 37 37 37 37

4. The students are active learner 31 6 37

5. Do they like to express their idea in

English? 10 27 37

Table 4.2. The Result of the Questionnaire for Learners Characteristics in the Form of Percentage

No. Statement Agree Disagree Total

1. The students like to learn English 100% 0% 100% 3. Students’ difficulties in learning English

f. The language is difficult g. Mispronounce

h. The material is difficult i. Other (difficult in meaning) j. Other (difficult in memorizing)

62% 81% 43% 35% 78% 38% 19% 57% 65% 12% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 4. The students are active learner 83% 16% 100% 5. Do they like to express their idea in

English? 27% 64% 100%



From the results of the questionnaire, the writer found an interesting fact. Though students generally said that English is difficult, they were happy and interested in following the lesson. Because English is not their mother tongue, students find difficulties in understanding this language. Learning a language, learners have to accomplish four skills. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In learning these skills, we cannot do it separately. Based on this result, the writer comes up to one conclusion that learning English can be done effectively in integrated way. That is why, the result of this part will be the base in designing the integrated materials. Seeing students’ feelings toward English subject, the writer hopes that the integrated materials will help student be more interested in learning English and be more active in following the lesson. Their feelings, also, would influence their quality in learning.

Although the English subject is well delivered, we can see from statement number 3 that the students could not understand the language. Some students are difficult to memorize the meaning of the words, and others are difficult to pronounce the words. Therefore, it comes to the conclusion that the more interesting and fun the materials given, the more interested the student will be in learning this language.

In this study, the writer’s purpose is to design the English supplementary integrated materials based on national curriculum (KTSP) so that the students will be more interested and feel fun in learning English subject. The teachers here have an important role in delivering the English materials in integrated way. Teacher should be able to arouse the four skills that must be achieved by the students.


2. Does Tania get up late) No, she doesn’t.

3. Do Tania and her friends have lunch at 12 o’clock? 4. Students don’t do their homework at school.

5. Do you like your new school?

6. Do your friends enjoy studying?

7. Nurul and her friends don’t study in an elementary school.  


Language function 

ö Asking for information  ‐ Can you tell me …  ‐ Where is … 

ö Giving information  ‐ Here it is  ‐ You can ….   



ö Simple present tense  ‐ S + V1 (s/es) + O 

I play football everyday.  ‐ S + do / does + not + V1 

She does not go to school  today. 

Do/ does + V1 + O? 

Do they get up at 5 o’clock?

Learning Essentials









At the end of this unit, the students are expected to be able to: Use the expression of apologizing correctly

Composing sentence using adverb of frequency correctly. Pronounce the words correctly





Task A

This task presents a warming up activity which helps the students to recall their prior knowledge. It also helps them to brainstorm the topics that they are going to learn. Ask the students to identify the expressions and respond to those expressions.






peak up

Task B

This activity is aimed to built students’ listening and reading skills. While they are listening, they have to pay attention on the teacher’s pronunciation.

Tell the students to repeat after teacher read the dialogue. 1.   

Mother : Rudi, can you help me with the


Rudi : Of course, Mom. Mother : Thank you, Dear. Rudi : You’re welcome.  1 

Thank You 

You are welcome 


I’m sorry 


Simon : Erik, can I borrow your book?

Erik : Sure, here it is. Simon : Thanks a lot. Erik : Don’t mention it.



Father : Jody, did you break that glass?

Jody : Yes, I did. I am very sorry. Father : That’s quite all right.





Mother : Santo, have you bought me some sugar?

Santo : I am sorry, Mom. I forgot. Mother : Never mind.

  Taken from: English in Focus page 21 

Note: the italicized sentences are responses to gratitude and apology.  

Task C

This task focuses on speaking and reading skills. Asked the students to practice the dialogue with their classmates, then, tell them to identify the expressions of apologizing and thanking.

1. Diana forgets to feed her dog, Plecky. Her father is upset.

Diana : Dad, I’m sorry, I forgot to feed Plecky.

Father : What? How could you forget? Oh, OK ....


2. Mother needs some sugar for the cake she is baking. She asks Daniel to go to market.

Mother : Daniel, I need some sugar for the cake and

I’m too busy to go to market. Can you help me to buy it?

Daniel : Of course, Mom.

Mother : Thank you.

Daniel : My pleasure, Mom.







Task D

This task helps the students to explore their writing and speaking skills. Tell the students to complete the dialogues below then practice it with their classmates.


1. Fat her : could you t urn off t he light , Edi? Edi : of course.

Fat her : t ha n k you .

Edi : you a r e w e lcom e .

2. Grandm ot her : can you bring m e a glass of wat er? Sopie : here it is.

Grandm ot her : t ha n k you ve r y m uch, dear. Sopie : you a r e w e lcom e , gr a n dm ot h e r .

3. Kasih : did you see m y novel? I lost it yest erday.

Mila : oh , I a m sor r y. I don ’t k n ow . Kasih : n e ve r m in d.

Task E

Tell the students to arrange the words into good sentences.

1. Are you always happy?

2. We seldom go to bed late.

3. I am never angry with my parents.

4. Do you ever swim at the beach?

5. How often you are late for a class?

6. Do you often get up late in the morning?

7. I always do my homework after school.

8. Does she ever go to school by bike?

9. She usually helps her parents after school.


Grammar stage



Task F

Ask the students to work in pairs and then compose sentences based on the utterances given. One become students A who ask the questions, and the other become student B who answer the questions.


The italics words are called Adverbs of Frequency


Adverbs of frequency are used to describe the frequency of our activities. In English, the adverbs of frequency are always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, and never.

100% 0%

Always usually often sometimes seldom never


ö I always listen to BBC.

ö We often go out with our family.

ö They sometimes have lunch in a restaurant near our school.

ö He never drinks milk.

ö She is never angry.

ö Do you often listen to BBC?

ö Are you ever sad?


1. Do you often have breakfast in the morning?       1. Yes, I always have breakfast in the 


2. Do you often come late for class?             2. No, I never come late for class.  3. Do you always do your homework?            3. Yes, I do. 

4. Do you usually help your parents?             4. Yes, I do. 

5. How often do you clean your classroom?           5.  I always clean my classroom everyday.  6. Do you seldom play badminton?             6.   Yes, I do. 

7. Do you ever watching movie?             7.   Yes, I ever watching movie.  8. Do you always sing a song?              8.   Yes, I always sing a song. 



ö Have breakfast 

ö Late for class 

ö Do your homework 

ö Help your parents 

ö Clean your  classroom 

ö Play badminton 

ö Watching movie 

ö Sing a song   


Language Function

ö Saying sorry

‐ I am sorry, I can’t ‐ I would like to, but … ‐ Sorry, I cannot.

ö Thanking

‐ Thank you very much


ö Adverb of frequency ‐ Always

‐ Usually ‐ Often ‐ Sometimes ‐ Seldom ‐ Never


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