Research Method Research Respondents Data Gathering Technique



This chapter discusses the methodology used to conduct the research. There will be six main parts, namely, research method, research respondents, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedures.

A. Research Method

Since the research discussed the students’ perception on using mind mapping as a method to foster students’ writing skill. Therefore, the method which was needed is descriptive research. According to Ary, et. al 2002: 381 “Descriptive research studies are designed to obtain information concerning the current status of phenomena”. To support this research, the researcher conducted survey research. The survey research would involve two major instruments in collecting data. They were distributing questionnaires and interviewing some respondents randomly.

B. Research Respondents

The respondents of both instruments, questionnaire and interview, would be the students of English Language Study Program of Sanata Dharma University who take the Research Paper Writing class B, E, and F in 20092010 academic year. The number of the respondents in each class was between seventeen and twenty respondents. The researcher chose those kinds of students because they should be well-grounded in composition writing. Hence, the questionnaire data would be applicable. The total was four interviewees who took randomly from the respondents of the questionnaire to know further on the use of mind mapping to foster students’ writing skills. The number of the interviewees was adequate to complete the data from the questionnaire data.

C. Research Instruments

The way to gain the data is by asking questions. The questionnaire and the interview are the instruments to gain the information relating to facts, feelings, and so on Ary, et. al, 1979: 173. In this research, the researcher chose both of the means to obtain the data in relation to their views on using mind mapping in prewriting step to foster students’ writing skills. The respondents would fill out the questionnaire afterward the researcher chose four respondents of the questionnaire to be interviewed randomly. The first instrument, questionnaire, would answer the first problem of the research, stated what students’ perceptions on using mind mapping in prewriting step to foster students’ writing skills are. Since the questionnaire consisted of two types of questions, namely closed form question and opened form question, the researcher conducted interview, as the second instrument, to gain further data related to opened form question and closed form question. The interview would achieve the answer of second problem of the research, stated the suggestions of the implementation of mind mapping in Writing class, and gain the further information of closed form question.

1. Questionnaire

Ary, et. al 1979: 178 argues “Questionnaires are of two types: structured or closed form, and unstructured or opened form.” The structured or closed form questions provided the questions and the alternative answers to the respondents. The unstructured form questions did not provide suggested answers. Terms of the questionnaire forms supported the research. Hence, this research mainly used questionnaire that would contain two types of questions, namely closed form question and opened form question. There were seven numbers of closed form questions and three numbers of opened form questions. The closed form questions were to collect the survey results on the use of mind-mapping as a prewriting strategy to foster students’ writing skills. Meanwhile, the opened form questions were to collect information of students’ suggestions in the implementation of mind mapping and their opinions on the use of mind mapping as prewriting strategy. Table 3.1. Questionnaire Blueprint No. Features Item Numbers 1. Perception on prewriting step A B. 1 B. 2 C. 1 2. Perception on mind mapping as prewriting strategy B. 3 B. 4 B. 5 B. 6 3. The use of mind mapping toward fostering students’ writing skills C. 2 4. The suggestions on the implications of mind mapping C. 3

2. Interview

Another instrument for this research was interview. As what Ary, et al 1979: 174 stated that interview was a well-established method of data collection. It was a flexible instrument where the interviewer could elaborate the questions and inquire more explanation in case the respondents are not clear in answering the questions. Interviews would be done in different time for each interviewee in order to obtain further information on the questionnaire data of certain respondents and to keep the confidentiality of the respondents’ answers and biographical data. Table 3.2. Interview Guide No. Questions 1. What was your reason to put the strategy based on the questionnaire as the first number? 2. When did you first time know and use mind mapping? 3. Have you ever used mind mapping as a strategy in prewriting? 4. Can you describe your working with mind mapping in prewriting? 5. What are your suggestions on the use of mind mapping in prewriting or in writing?

D. Data Gathering Technique

This research would use not only the library study but also mainly questionnaire and interview data. The library study was used to look for the theories that supported this research. Another technique was distributing questionnaires in three different classes of Research Paper Writing B, E and F in 20092010 academic year to gather the applicable data. The data was gathered by distributing the questionnaires in Research Paper Writing class B was conducted on May 10 th , 2010. There were twenty respondents in the class. The questionnaire distribution in Research Paper Writing class E and F were conducted on May 14 th , 2010. There were twenty respondents and seventeen respondents in each class. Afterwards, The total was four interviewees who were taken randomly from the respondents of the questionnaire to know further on the use of mind mapping to foster students’ writing skills and to gain the more specific data about their suggestion on the implication on the use of mind mapping in fostering students’ writing skills, to achieve the answer of second problem of the research, and to gain the further information of closed form question

E. Data Analysis Technique