Prewriting Step Mind Mapping

3. Future researchers

This research surely still needs further research to provide better understanding about the use of mind mapping as a method to foster students’ writing skills in prewriting step. The research is expected to give inspirations to other researchers to do further discussion related to the topic of using mind mapping in writing subject.

F. Definition of Terms

1. Writing Skill Writing is producing something in written form so that people can read and perform it or use it. Hornby, 2003: 502. It means that in teaching writing the teacher reinforces the students to produce something in written form so that people can read it. Based on Gateways to Academic Writing by Alan Meyers and Harry S. Truman 2005, writing skill is a skill in speaking to others both on paper and on computer screen. In more specific words, writing is such a working process to explore and to organize ideas then put them on the paper, organized as written.

2. Prewriting Step

In writing process, there are three steps to do; they are pre-writing step, writing process and rewriting step Gerson, 2003: 12. However, the researcher is going to concern more in pre-writing step. The reason is that mind mapping is a part of pre-writing step. The objective of pre-writing is to gain what is going to be discussed on the paper or in the essay writing. It is an important step of the writing process to begin collecting a writer’s thought. Then, he can start organizing the thought. The statement supported by Simon and Schuster as they said in their book, entitled Handbook for Writers, is that pre-writing helps a writer to organize the thoughts and knowledge about a topic.

3. Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is one of the pre-writing strategies that enables students to arrange a topic and to correlate the subtopics. Steele 2005 stated in her article on Using Mind Maps to Develop Writing, that a mind map, or spidergram, is a strategy for making notes on a topic, prior to writing. The method is also called webbing or clustering. Mind-mapping is effective to apply in writing class today aims to build up a topic into some interrelated subtopics. The statement is supported by Halen 2009 in his article, entitled Showing the Linkages from an Issue, Concept or Problem with Other Concepts or Issues, that mind mapping is a learning technique tool of visually arranging ideas and their interconnections. 8


This chapter presents all the references and quotations that are used to support the research. There will be two parts of the research. They are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

1. Perception

a. Definition of Perception

Perception is the main term in the research to be discussed firstly to answer the first problem of the research. In this section, the researcher will discuss not only about the definition of perception but also the related theories to the perception. According to Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary Hornby, 1995: 859, perception is defined as a way of seeing, understanding, and interpreting something. In this research, the perception refers to what we feel and think that comes up to the students’ feelings and thoughts about the use of mind mapping as a method to foster students’ writing skills in prewriting step. Szilagyi and Wallace 1980: 70 said, “Perception is defined to process by which individuals attend to incoming stimuli, organize, and then interpret such