Students’ Perceptions on Mind Mapping as Prewriting Strategy Students’ Perceptions on Mind Mapping to Foster Students’ Writing

There were 16 of the respondents who strongly agreed, 67 of the respondents who agreed, 17 of the respondents who disagreed and none of the respondents who strongly disagreed responded on the selection towards prewriting strategy affected their writing results.

b. Students’ Perceptions on Mind Mapping as Prewriting Strategy

There were four statements in the questionnaire which related to the feature of students’ perceptions on mind mapping as prewriting strategy. The respondents’ answer of each statement was presented in some figures then. There were 12 of the respondents who strongly agreed, 61 of the respondents who agreed, 23 of the respondents who disagreed and 4 of the respondents who strongly disagreed towards the statement that they were familiar with mind mapping as a strategy before writing. There were 5 of the respondents who strongly agreed, 35 of the respondents who agreed, 50 of the respondents who disagreed and 10 of the respondents who strongly disagreed towards their frequency on using mind mapping as a prewriting strategy.

c. Students’ Perceptions on Mind Mapping to Foster Students’ Writing

Skills There were 9 of the respondents who strongly agreed, 52 of the respondents who agreed, 39 of the respondents who disagreed, and no one who strongly disagreed towards the statement that mind mapping was an easy strategy to use. There were 9 of the respondents who strongly agreed, 54 of the respondents who agreed, 37 of the respondents who disagreed, and no one who strongly disagreed towards the statement that they could build their ideas easily in prewriting using mind mapping. Based on the opened-form question in the questionnaire, most of the respondents agreed that mind mapping was a helpful prewriting strategy which was able to foster students’ writing skills. They thought that mind mapping helped them to classify the ideas and develop into some detailed ideas easily. However, some of the respondents disagreed that mind mapping was a helpful strategy in prewriting for the reasons that the strategy needed a lot of time thus mind mapping was not effective to use. They were also not accustomed to the use mind mapping strategy in prewriting. Hence, they thought that mind mapping was not helpful for some students.

d. Students’ Suggestions on the Implication of Using Mind Mapping