Students’ suggestions on the use of mind mapping to foster students’

planning, monitoring and evaluating. Many of them used the strategy as a planning step, by making mind mapping. Some of them used the strategy as an evaluating step. In other words, the user could use mind mapping as metacognitive strategy in prewriting. However, they did not use it in order, as planning, monitoring and evaluating.

2. Students’ suggestions on the use of mind mapping to foster students’

writing skills either in writing class or their own writing Based on the data gathered, although most of the respondents were familiar enough with mind mapping as the prewriting strategy, but they rarely used the strategy. However, they thought the strategy was effective. The effective side was when the users gained the points of a right understanding on the use of mind mapping. It meant the users knew well how or the step to use mind mapping and surely they had the knowledge on the topic to be written. Since the work of mind mapping was the users had to find a general idea, therefore, from the idea would help the users to have more detailed ideas by creating more branches. When distributing questionnaires, some respondents were confused and they asked actually what was the different between mind mapping and brainstorming or the other strategies, e.g. listing and outline. After interviewing, the researcher could perceive if the users of mind mapping did not know the working system of mind mapping itself, they could not work well with it. Therefore, the users should have the right knowledge of using mind mapping as prewriting step before they worked with it. The way to have this knowledge were by asking to the lecturer, reading some related books and practicing to use mind mapping more and more. Since mind mapping was as a strategy in prewriting that was not a must to use it, thus, not all the writing lecturer taught the strategy. For some respondents who never knew or had not been taught yet about mind mapping suggested that it would be better if the strategy was taught in the earlier semester, since they were in six semester. Since mind mapping had some steps to use it well, thus, the lecturer should tell in detailed how to use mind mapping. It avoided the misleading on how to use mind mapping well. Other suggestions on the use of mind mapping emerged when the users were not used to employ it because they did not know well how to use it, the users could have more practice to employ it. This behavior enabled the users to have a good skill in working with mind mapping. To have an attractive mind mapping in prewriting, students might have pictures and colors on it. That would encourage students to use mind mapping frequently. In conclusion, there was a concept to implement mind mapping in prewriting step to foster students’ writing skills in an appropriate way. First, students had to have background knowledge of the appropriate concept of the use of mind mapping in order that the students were able to use mind mapping effectively. Next, the students should choose a topic as the main topic to write a composition from their own knowledge in their mind. Afterwards, from the main topic, the students made some branches containing subtopics and sub-subtopics related to the main topic. The students had to have knowledge on the topic of what to write in order to elaborate the main topic into many subtopics and sub-subtopics easily. Then, they could put some colors and images in the branches. After the mind mapping was done, students continued to wrote the composition and the mind mapping was as the guidance. It meant the students could write the composition coherently and cohesively by following the branches in the mind mapping. 45


A. Conclusions

The researcher concluded that respondents had positive perception on the use of mind mapping as prewriting strategy. Although some of the respondents never used the strategy, at least they know mind mapping as prewriting strategy either from their lectures or their own learning. Mind mapping really helped the users exploring their ideas in prewriting because the users had to find a general idea then went further into deeper ideas by creating more branches containing the subtopics or ideas in the mind mapping. Therefore, the users would not miss the ideas, even the detailed ideas. Afterwards, they could compose their writing by looking at the mind mapping, as guidance. This kind of behavior was called the metacognitive learning strategy, because the users were led to have their own planning, their own monitoring and their own evaluating in their learning. Although metacognitive learning strategy had those three steps, however, the user of mind mapping went through the steps. A few respondents used mind mapping as evaluating aid. However, most of the respondents went through all the steps of metacognitive learning strategy by using mind mapping. Thus, by going through the entire steps well, mind mapping could foster the user writing skill.