The Forms of Motivation

b. A guide Motivation as a guide means it shows a direction toward the goal which the students want to achieve. c. A filter Motivation as a filter means motivation influences students in determining what they should do and what they should not do to achieve the goal. From the definition of learning motivation, Maslow‟s theory, the aspects, the forms until the functions of motivation, the writer defines learning motivation as a state of absolutely a privacy of an individual as a learner which is derived from some key factors such as emotion, issues, actions, goals, principles, theories, aspects, types, forms, and also functions of learning motivation. Moreover, Wahyuni 2008: 60 propounds that there are three key factors that lead to construct the definition of learning motivation. The key factors are: firstly, motivation is a state of either cognitive or emotion; secondly, motivation leads to real action through intellectual andor physical effort; and lastly, motivation is intended to reach out or seek the goal that has been set up previously before learning process is started. In addition, she 2008: 60-61 also defines as follows: .... as a state of either cognitive capturing knowing the goal of learning, having inconsistencies between prior knowledge and the subject will be studied, and having self determination and self control on subject will be studied, or affective capturing having expextation on the subject will be studied, or affective capturing having expectation on the subject will be studied, having curiosity of something new, and having interest on the subject will be studied, that leads to real action to reach out or to seek goal that has seen set up previously before learning process is started through intellectual andor physical efforts. A cognitive aspect of motivation is dealing with the interest of instructional materials made by the teacher to make the learners more easily understand. For example,the teacher presents the information in an interesting manner. Interesting information is learned more easily than uninteresting information. Moreover, from Maslow‟s theory, learning motivation has several aspects: 1 knowing the goal of learning; 2 having expectation; and 3 having curiosity of something new. The last definition is proposed by Ausubel in Brown 1994: 97, who identifies the five manifestations under girding the construct of motivation: a. The need for exploration, for seeing the other side of mountain, for probing unknown. b. The need for manipulation, for operating on the environment and causing change. c. The need for creativity, for movement and exercise both mental and physical. d. The need for simulation, for theneed to be stimulated by the environment, by other people, or by ideas, thoughts, and feelings. e. The need for knowledge, for the need to process and internalizethe result of exploration, manipulation, activity, and stimulation. Seeing the explanation above, the writer assumes that learning motivation is an internal process to make a person moves to a goal. It plays an important role in predicting the learners‟ performance through the aspects of having self-actualization, having positive self regard , knowing the goal of learning, having expectation, and having curiosity of something new. In writing process, motivation means all of energy and a mental power happening as a way of how people or individual move their behavior to reach their goal, that is to get ideas, strategies, and writing creativity.

E. Review of Relevant Studies

There are relevant studies which are related to the writer‟s study. First, Dina Destari 2010 conducted a research entitled “The Effectiveness of Internet-based Material to Teach Comprehension Viewed from Learning Motivation”. The result of the study showed that the Internet-based material makes the learning and teaching more effective, attractive, meaningful, and successful. Second, Atiqah Nurul Sri 2010 conducted a research entitled “Using Web Folio to Improve the Writing Skills of the Students of Informatics Management ” An Experimental Study at the third semester students of Informatics Management at State Polytechnic of Malang in the Academic Year of 20092010. The result of the study showed that the Web Folio for writing skills and in their capacity as a tool. Nowadays, the students know