Pendahuluan 2. Deskripsi Kegiatan Diklat Tatap Muka In-On-In

Bahasa Inggris SMP KK J 19 In relations involving ‘replacement’, one piece of information is replaced with another, ie. alternative ideas are offered, for example: Such a policy could stimulate the economy or it could plunge it deeper into recession. 2. Comparison and Contrast In this type of relation, two ideas may be considered to be similar comparison, for example: It is hard to see why a code in which GGC means glycerine and AAG means lysine is either better or worse than one in which the meanings are reversed. Similarly a language in which “horse” mean a quadruped with cloven hoofs and horns, and “cow” one with a single toe and a mane, would be neither better nor worse than English. Such a policy could stimulate the or It could plunge it deeper into recession The writer introduces a second, alternative idea using or It is hard to see why a code in which GGC means glycerine and AAG means lysine is either better or worse than one in which the meanings are reversed. Similarly a language in which “horse” mean a quadruped with cloven hoofs and horns, and “cow” one with a single toe and a mane, would be neither better nor worse than English The writer compares the idea in the first sentence about code wth the idea in the second sentence about language. 20 Kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 Two ideas may be considered to be different contrast, for example: Whereas pain and discomfort usually lead to avoidance behaviour, hunger and thirst usually lead a person to seek food and drink. Anorexic patients, however, do not respond to hunger in the normal way. We can also add relationships of concession to this group. While the two ideas in a concessive relation are in contrast with each other, one tends to be surprising or unexpected in view of the other, for example: Even though the government introduced policies to stimulate the economy, the recession worsened. pain and discomfort usually lead to avoidance behaviour Wherea hunger and thirst usually lead a person to seek food and drink Anorexic patients Howeve do not respond to hunger in the normal way. The writer contrasts the normal reaction to pain and discomfort with the normal reaction to hunger and thirst by introducing one clause with whereas. Whereas here does not come between the clauses it joins. Even though the government introduced policies to stimulate the economy the recession worsened. The writer uses even though to introduce the idea of stimulating the economy and to preare the reader for an unexpected outcome – the worsening of the recession.