Relationship of the Bible and Literature

In Genesis 1:26-27, in the beginning of the creation of human, God created human so that they can rule the fish, birds, and other living things in the earth. It means that in human life, nothing is useless. Their lives should not be a useless life. Everything that human does is always for a purpose, because God does not create human for no purpose.

2.1.4 Relationship of the Bible and Literature

According to Warshaw 1978, there are four ways of theory of introducing the Bible into a literary analysis. The first way is by placing the Bible as literature. This way finds biblical selections as a piece of good writing and it is emphasized only its literary aspects. It does not have religious biases, but purely an analysis of the craftsmanship and literary artistry of the biblical text. The second way places the Bible in literature. This way compares and analyzes two different stories from the Bible, for example David’s praise in Psalm chapter 117, and Salomon’s wisdom in Ecclesiastes chapter 3. Both will be analyzed perhaps with an emphasis on the latter, and discuss the relationships between the two selections. So, it combines the Bible-with-Bible related literature. We might compare a bible with its appeared form. The third way places the Bible and literature. This way compares a story in the Bible with another work of literature that is not taken from books of the Bible, such as Albom’s Tuesdays with Morrie ; there are two more or less recognizable ways of organizing a course in this theory. They are by genre fitting biblical selections into their familiar broad visions: poetry, prose, fiction, nonfiction, and drama and by the theme and special variants such as, mythology, folklore, legends, and science fiction. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Thus, it combines the Bible with other literary work that does not depend upon the Bible. The last way employs Bible and Its contexts. This way relates a story in a bible to the historical and cultural climate of place or setting in the Bible, for example Israel. We may think that this analysis is put into its present cultural, context, ancient, or modern. In other words, it is a taking off point for a discussion of its issues.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

In this study, I try to find out the biblical values that are conveyed through the characters in Albom’s The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Here, the theory of literature, theory on value, and the relationship of Bible and literature will be used. In the literary theories, I use the theory of character and characterization to reveal the characters and to describe and to explore their actions, outlook, impression, and dialogues. The critical approach used in this study as the consideration for the writer to decide the best approach for this study is The Christian Approach. The theory of value and the relationship of Bible and literature are used to show that literary works also contain biblical values that can be conveyed to the readers, and to find out that actually there is a relationship between literary works and the Bible. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI