Data display is an organized assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action taking p. 21. The researcher displays the data in a form of text. The detail explanation of the result was presented in a form of descriptive text. According to Miles and Huberman 1984, p. 22, conclusion drawing is the third stream of analysis activity. The researcher had some discussion with colleagues to develop inter-subjective consensus. So then, the result of the research is not only the researcher’s point of view. Then, it also verified by the process of verification. In this step, the researcher drew the conclusion or the result of analysis and then verified it by giving the result back to the participants to be read.

F. Research Trustworthiness

The researcher used member-check to have the respondents’ validation and improve the accuracy of the research. The result of this research was not only the researcher’s point of view but also the respondents’ point of view. The researcher also strengthens research trustworthiness by giving the result of researcher’s interpretation to the lecturer who taught in Micro Teaching class A batch 2012.

G. Research Procedure

In this research, there were some steps. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 1. Formulating research questions Before conducting the research, the researcher found the topic of the research and formulated research problems. The researcher focused on two different problems which were women language and teachers’ questions. 2. Reading the materials After formulated the research problems, the researcher found, read and selected the theory related to the research problems. 3. Asking for permission The third step was asking for permission to get the videos from Micro Teaching laboratory since the data are in Micro Teaching Class. 4. Watching the videos. The researcher watched the videos. It took more than once to watch the videos and understood the contents. 5. Collecting the utterances. The researcher collected the utterances needed from the video based on the time and the situation of the class. 6. Classifying the utterances. After that, the researcher classified the utterances for the first research question used table 3.3. For the second research question, the researcher classified the utterances based on the theory of teachers’ questions. 7. Then, the researcher discussed the findings and drew the conclusion of these two research problems.