Viscos Definition of Terms

9 shown by the direct comment of the author, through a person’s thoughts, by his conversation or by a medium of another person p.166. Every person has different past life, it makes the character of every person in the novel is unique. The fifth is through conversation of others. The author can give the reader clues to a person’s character through the conversation of other people and the things they say about him. Sometimes, people could not see how their character is, but others can. The sixth is through reactions, the author can also give the reader a clue to a person’s character by letting the reader know how that person reacts to various situations and events. There is conflict in the novel, it is also the way how to determine the character in the novel. Someone’s reaction to the conflict can show their way of thinking and action. The seventh is through direct comment. The author describes or comments on a person’s character directly p.170. The eight is thought. The author gives the readers direct knowledge of what the person is thinking about p.171. The last way is through manner. The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits or idiocies, which may also tell us something about his character.

2.1.3 Theory of Personality

Lahey 2009 states personality as a total of all of the ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that are typical for that person and make each person different from other individuals p. 405. Every person is unique. Their typical 10 characteristics are composed of all the relatively unchanging psychological characteristics that make them different from one to another. Hurlock 1976 concludes that human life consists of two aspects namely individual and social aspects. Individual aspect concerns with the physical changes and individual’s personality. Individual’s personality development, which is usually influenced by two factors; individual’s early experience within his family and the important events that happened outside the home or the social aspect pp. 19-20. Allport 1970, in Pattern and Growth in Personality, says that “cultural ways, social situation, and individual’s role within social systems plays role in individual’s development personality” pp. 194-195. He explains that a child usually requires cultural ways. He grows to accept the roles, which are appropriate to his status within the family, but later, he finds himself playing many assigned roles within many social systems. His behavior is modified within limits by every social situation he encounters. Huffman, Vernoy and Vernoy 2000 state personality as an individual’s unique and relatively stable pattern of thoughts, feelings, and action p. 464. From two theories above, personality is related to someone’s characteristics. So, a personality theory is the way to understand more about the characteristics of each person.