Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the novel The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho.
















(Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum) (Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M. Pd) NIP. 19630216 198903 1 003 NIP. 19561214 198601 2 001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra from

Departmen of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

( Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ) (Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D.) NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on April 23, 2014

Dean of Faculty Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, MA NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners (Signature)

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ……….

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. ……….

Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum ………. Dra. Martha Pardede, M.S ……….




Signed : ... Date :April 23, 2014








Signed :



First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for His blessing and mercy so that I can complete this thesis as one of the requirements to get Scholar Certificate in English Department, Faculty of Cultural sciences, University of Sumatera Utara.

From the beginning of my study until completing this thesis, I have got much help, guide and direct or indirect supports from many parties. On this occasion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to those parting namely. Thanks to The Dean of Faculty Letters, University of Sumatera Utara who has authority in my academic years of learning. Thanks to Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS the Head of English Department who has helped me with her leadership to finish my study. Thanks to Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum who has guided me with his patience in correcting this thesis, and his knowledge that enable me so I can complete it well. For Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M. Pd, thanks for his devoted time to give suggestion, effort to complete this thesis. And then, I would also thank all my lectures of Faculty Letters, University of Sumatera Utara

My deepest gratitude is due to my beloved parents, G. Hutasoit and S. Sidabutar, and also to my sisters, Hevi Arki Hutasoit, Windayani Hutasoit, Citra H. Hutasoit and also my brother, Armanda Hutasoit who always give me love, care, support and patience to help me in the life. Thank you for your offering prayers to God for my success in my life. My special thanks to my beloved one, Poltak Simarmata who always be my moodbooster and the reason for the smile on my face. Thanks to the solidarity of all admins @kpoperscorner. Thank to Devi O. Damanik who always be my loyal friend in the same struggle. And also thanks to all of my roomate friends in


lodge, Septiany, Sari Dewi Tanjung, and Nurlela, who always give me spirits in finishing this thesis. Then, thanks to all my friends in class B English literature year 2010 who have become my best friends from my first day to the time when I finish my study at Faculty of Letters.

Finally I realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect and I welcome constructive criticism and suggestion.

Medan, April 23, 2014 The writer

Nurhayati Hutasoit No. Reg: 100705100



Judul skripsi ini adalah Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the novel

The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho. The Devil and Miss Prym adalah sebuah

novel karya seorang penulis asal Brazil bernama Paulo Coelho. Novel ini bercerita tentang godaan untuk menjadi jahat. Manusia berhadapan dengan pilihan yang sangat sulit, yaitu untuk menjadi baik atau jahat. Moral adalah baik atau buruknya perilaku seseorang. Selain kebiasaan atau adat yang ada di masyarakat, agama dan hukum negara adalah standar moral yang diterima dan diyakini oleh masyarakat dan akan menjadi pedoman hidup manusia dalam bertingkah laku. Skripsi ini menaganalisis tentang pandangan sipenulis novel itu sendiri tentang baik dan buruknya tindakan manusia yang diungkapkan melalui novelnya. Baik dan buruknya maanusia didalam novel ini digambarkan melalui empat karakter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode analisis kualitatif deskriptif dan teori yang digunakan dalam novel ini adalah the eight principle of moral yang dianjurkan oleh Resnik, teori virtue oleh James Rachels, dan juga Christian ethical ideal dari buku Titus.



The title of this thesis is Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the

novel The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho. The Devil and Miss Prym is a

novel by a Brazilian novelist named Paulo Coelho. This novel tells about a temptation for being evil. Human being meets a terrifying choice, for being good or evil. Moral is the good or the evil of human behavior. Besides custom, religion and civil law is the moral standard which accepted by the society to be their guide in doing something. This thesis analyze about the perception of the novelist itself about the good and evil in human behavior that revealed through the novel. The good and evil of human behavior in this novel reflected through four characters. Method that used in writing this thesis is descriptive qualitative method and the theory that used is the eight principle of moral suggested by Resnik, the standard of virtue by James Rachels, and also the Christian ethical ideal from titus book.







CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the Study ...1

1.2. Problem of the Study ...4

1.3. Objective of the Study ...5

1.4. Scope of the Study ...5

1.5. Significance of the Study ...5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Human being and character in fiction ...6

2.2 Morality ...8

2.3 Morality and Custom ...9

2.4 morality and Civil aw ...10

2.5 Morality and Religion ...10

2.6 Morality Judgment ...11



3.1 Research Design ...18

3.2 Data Collection ...20

3.3 Data Analysis ...20

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS AND FINDING 4.1 Good and Evil of human behavior reflected through the character ...21

4.2 THE GOOD 4.2.1 Courage ...24

4.2.2 Wisdom ...26

4.3 THE EVIL 4.3.1 Selfishness ...28

4.3.2 Blasphemy ...29

4.3.3 Greed ...30

4.3.4 Mislead ...31


5.2 Suggestion ...34


APPENDIX 1: summary of The Devil and Miss Prym APPENDIX II: Biography of Paulo Coelho



Judul skripsi ini adalah Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the novel

The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho. The Devil and Miss Prym adalah sebuah

novel karya seorang penulis asal Brazil bernama Paulo Coelho. Novel ini bercerita tentang godaan untuk menjadi jahat. Manusia berhadapan dengan pilihan yang sangat sulit, yaitu untuk menjadi baik atau jahat. Moral adalah baik atau buruknya perilaku seseorang. Selain kebiasaan atau adat yang ada di masyarakat, agama dan hukum negara adalah standar moral yang diterima dan diyakini oleh masyarakat dan akan menjadi pedoman hidup manusia dalam bertingkah laku. Skripsi ini menaganalisis tentang pandangan sipenulis novel itu sendiri tentang baik dan buruknya tindakan manusia yang diungkapkan melalui novelnya. Baik dan buruknya maanusia didalam novel ini digambarkan melalui empat karakter. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode analisis kualitatif deskriptif dan teori yang digunakan dalam novel ini adalah the eight principle of moral yang dianjurkan oleh Resnik, teori virtue oleh James Rachels, dan juga Christian ethical ideal dari buku Titus.



The title of this thesis is Good and Evil in Human Behavior Found in the

novel The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho. The Devil and Miss Prym is a

novel by a Brazilian novelist named Paulo Coelho. This novel tells about a temptation for being evil. Human being meets a terrifying choice, for being good or evil. Moral is the good or the evil of human behavior. Besides custom, religion and civil law is the moral standard which accepted by the society to be their guide in doing something. This thesis analyze about the perception of the novelist itself about the good and evil in human behavior that revealed through the novel. The good and evil of human behavior in this novel reflected through four characters. Method that used in writing this thesis is descriptive qualitative method and the theory that used is the eight principle of moral suggested by Resnik, the standard of virtue by James Rachels, and also the Christian ethical ideal from titus book.




1.1. Background of the study

The title of this thesis is good and evil in Human behavior found in the novel

The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho. This thesis discuss about human

behavior, morality, and the Novel. Kimball Young defines behavior are a combination of present stimulation and the play of pre-existing attitudes, habits, and values (1958:291). It means that all of human behaviors are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethnics, authority, genetics, persuasion, and coercion. Morality is the differentiation decision of people in making an action which is divided into good and evil action. The way people run this life is different and of course another person is free to make a judgment about someone or something and it is called perception. Men are continually expressing judgments about their own conduct and that of their fellow men. Some are approved and are called right or good, other acts are condemned and are called wrong or evil. Whether someone’s behavior is good or evil based on the deeds or by the quality of the things they have done. Someone behavior, habit, and morality can be influenced by their family and society around them because human born without any experience, they are grow up and learning from their family and the society around.

Novel is a kind of literature which are include as narrative fiction. Literature is an art from the writer. It means the writer uses artistic language with beauty that different from daily use language, newspaper, medical, book of law, and etc. Beside the beauty, literary work is also created with special mission from the writer,


especially telling about society because the function of literature can be as social document or portrait of society. Literature as social document or portrait of society means that literary work has a definite relationship with society; it is a reflection of society and man’s mind. Literary work is designied to potray human life and action through some characters, literature imitate human action, often presents a picture of what people think, say and do in society. in other word, literary work is an accurate image of what we see in real life, it reflects the various aspects of society, it deals with the lives of men and women in society. Wellek and Warren (1997:1) stated, literature can be treated as a document in the history of ideas and philosophy for literary history parallels and reflects intellectual history.

Novel is long prose narrative that describes fictional character and events, usually in the form of sequential story. Novel deals with imagination, with human experience involving a group of person in a specific setting. Novel is literary work deals with the real life of society. Novel as a literary work has intrinsic and extrinsic element. The intrinsic elements are character, plot, setting, theme, point of view, message, and style of language. But this thesis focused only on the character. Character is the person who participate in the work. Roberts (1995:51) defines character as one of the intrinsic elements of the novel, is a reasonable human being, with all good and bad traits of being human. Characters are the persons in a narrative who are interpreted by reader as being enclosed with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in their action. The extrinsic element of novel is such as the ideas of philosophy, social phenomenon, moral, etc. So it is clear that if someone wants to know further about the history or the real condition in certain era, it is better


to look at the literary works in the period itself because a literary work is a directly reflection of human being, social structure, class struggle and others.

The character live in society. Society has the custom and the custom has the standard conduct. The character learns to follow models of conduct which are suggested to him by others, they act one way and others reward them. A character may be valued from what she or he has done or what she or he has said in his or her interaction. Kennedy (1983:48) divided character as flat and round character. Flat character has only one outstanding trait or feature, or at most a few distinguishing marks. Round character has so many outstanding traits or features, the author portray them in greater depth and in more generous detail. Flat characters tend to say the same throughout a story while round characters often change-learn or become enlightened, grow or deteriorate. In this thesis, the flat characters to be analyzed are the landowner and the priest and the round characters are the Stranger and Miss Prym.

The Devil and Miss Prym was written by Paulo Coelho in 2000. This novel

has a nice story charged with emotion, in which the integrity of being human meets a terrifying test. It is talking about a community in a village called Viscos devoured by greed, they even prefer gold to someone’s life, they disloyalty toward God, and they became an obedient society just because they are afraid to face the leader of the village. A pasteur who tell a wrong doctrine about God while he know the truth about God. A man called the Stranger persecuted by the ghost of his painful past and looking for the answer of his question about human being and a woman searching for happiness trapped by the Stranger to help him in telling his plan to the society of Viscos. The society is the target of the Stranger to do a murderer to get ten gold bars.


In one week, each will face the question of life, death, and power, and each will choose a path.

Paulo Coelho as the writer of The Devil and Miss Prym also has his own purpose in writing this novel. One of the purposes is to tell the reader about good and evil of human behavior reflected by the characters. There are four bad or evil attitudes found in this novel, they are selfishness, blasphemy, greed and mislead, and also good attitude, they are courage and wisdom. Miss Prym is a young woman who wants to leave Viscos because Viscos is just like a hell for her but she cannot leaves because she does not have some money. Since the Stranger ask her to provocative the society to kill someone so that she will get one of the eleven gold bars and the society will get ten gold bars, she starts to refrain herself to not go in to the stranger evil plan. She does not want anyone dead in Viscos just because of the gold bars. When the society choose Berta as the sacrifice which they called martyr, Miss Prym braves to against the society and save Berta’s life.

In finishing this thesis, the writer use qualitative descriptive method because the data of this thesis is in the words form.

1.2. Problem of the Study

Based on the statement above, the writer point out that the problems of analysis are: 1. Who are the characters that reflect good and evil of human behavior in the novel? 2. What is the kind of the good and evil in human behavior found in the novel The


1.3. Objective of the Study

The objective of this study tends to answer the question of the study. Therefore, the purpose of this research is:

1. To describe the characters who are reflect the good and evil of human behavior in the novel.

2. To describe the kind of the good and evil in human behavior found in the novel

The Devil and Miss Prym.

1.4. Scope of the Study

The writer limits the scope of the study on the analysis the materials of The

Devil and Miss Prym focused on Good and evil of the characters. The good

behaviors are about courage and wisdom which is done by Prym and the evil behaviors are about selfishness and blasphemy done by the Stranger, greed by the landowner, and mislead by the priest.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to give a contribution to the development of literary study, especially in analyzing a novel. It is hoped to enrich literary study in terms of goodness and badness. Theoretically, the result of this research is also expected to be useful for the readers to know about good and evil which exist in each human behavior. After reading this research, the readers are expected to be aware about the impact of being good or evil. Practically, this thesis can be used as a reference to the others to discuss about moral.




2.1. Human being and character in fiction

Characters are the imitation of human being in the real life means that the way the novelist creates the characters inspired by human in real life include the characteristic. Character is an imagined person who exists in a story, the author creates the characters from the aspects of the ordinary people that portray the personalities of human beings, and then develops these aspects and puts them together in a story as the author likes.

Kennedy ( 1983: 131) says, “ in novel, a character may be defined as a verbal representation of human being. Through action, speech. Description, and commentary, authors portray characters who are worth caring about, rooting for, and even loving, although there are also characters you may laugh at, dislike, or even hate.”

According to Robert (1993:20) characters are the persons presented in dramatics of narrative work, who are interpreted by reader as being endowed with the moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what they say and what they do in action. There are so many ways to learn and understand a character. Roberts and Jacobs states that there are five ways how the writer present the character and this five ways will help the reader to recognize the character.

2.1.1. Actions.

Whether the characters good or evil it can be seen through their action in the story. As ordinary human beings, fictional characters do not necessarily understand how they may be changing or why they do the things they do. Nevertheless, their


2.1.2. Descriptions, both personal and environmental.

Besides reveal much about a character’s social and economic status, appearance and environment also tells the readers more about the character trait.

2.1.3. Dramatic statements and thoughts.

Character uses speech to hide their motives. The function of speeches to the characters essential to keep the story moving along, then provide the material from which the reader can draw conclusion.

2.1.4. Statements by other characters.

The characters usually say something about each others. It can be the goodness, badness, selfishness, foolishness about the others. It makes the reader understand the character

2.1.5. Statements by the author speaking as storyteller or observer.

What the author says about a character is usually accurate because the author is the one who creates the character.

Roberts and Jacobs also explain about two kinds of character based on the degree of character development; they are flat and round character. Roberts and Jacob (1995:134) state flat character does not grow. They remain same because they may be stupid or insensitive or lacking in knowledge or insight. Flat characters end where they begin and are static, not dynamic but flat characters are not therefore worthless, for they usually highlight the development of round characters. Roberts and Jacobs (1995:133) also state Round characters is that they recognize, change with, or adjust to circumstances. From the statement above can be concluded that flat characters has only one outstanding trait or feature while round characters has so many outstanding traits or features, the author portray the round character in greater


depth and in more generous detail. Round character usually role as the main figure (protagonist) in a story and also called hero. Protagonist is central to the action, moves against an antagonist. They are called dynamic character that sometimes unpredictable

In analyzing the good and evil of human behavior, character also became one of the objects of analysis in this thesis, the view from this book may be really useful for the writer to recognize and understand more about character.

2.2 Morality

Morality refers to manner, character, and proper behavior. Morality is the differentiation of intention, decision, and action between those that are good or wrong. Morality refers to the most important code of conduct put forward and accepted individual or even by society that most members of that society use morality as their guide. Talk about morality means talking about human as the character, human make a decision in taking an action between good and evil.

Morality also closely related to the word ethics. Morality is all about action, attitude, responsibility, and conduct while ethics is science, which talks about human action or behavior that can be evaluated as good and bad conduct.

Titus (1959:377) states “life is such that everyone has to make decisions continuously in a world where there are right or wrong ways of doing things. Some of our decision is trivial; others are so important that they may affect our entire lives. Our actions and decisions affect others as well ourselves. We make claim on other person, and they make claims on us.”


judgment. The value of an act can be seen from the quality of things or acts that people have done, goodness and beauty would be values, ugliness and evil would be lack of values. We judge on other person behavior, and they make a judgment on our behavior. In thought we can be in two places at the same time; we can do this thing and that thing. But in action we must choose only one action, is it the good or the evil one.

2.3 Morality and custom

Custom is one of source of moral values. Titus in his book Living Issues in

Philosophy (1959) explains so many things about moral. He said that morality is

related and influenced by custom

Titus (1959:376) states In order to have any orderly social life, we must have agreements, understanding, principles, and rules of conduct. There is no human society which does not have well-established codes or rules of procedure.

In fact, some of these agreements, understanding, principles, and rules are called customs and tradition of the group. Ethical relativism believes that the rightness or the badness of an action depends on the opinion of some individual or group toward it, because there is no standard beyond human thinking and feeling. Right and wrong vary from person to person. Ethical statements, it is said, refer to the feeling and emotion of men and not to any objective facts or realities.” (Titus: 1959:376)

Many people accept custom and tradition as the bases of right and wrong while many customs are beneficial and represent the past experience of the group.


Custom is not a good gauge of morality; people need to remember that based on the moral value there are good custom and bad custom.

2.4 morality and civil law

Civil law is the other source of moral values. It has long been recognized in the common law that society expects each member not only to abstain from maliciously injuring another’s person, property, and reputation, by aggressive action or by breach of contract, but also to exercise due care in the fulfillment of his obligations to other people. Cabot in his book The Meaning of Right and Wrong (1934) explains about the function of law for human life. Cabot (1934:255) states most laws exist, (1) to secure our repose and safety, (2) to protect life, property and reputation, (3) to prevent perjury and fraud. In common, the function of law is to make our life better.

This view help the writer to understand more about moral judgment from goverment law. Morality in this case is about to obey or disobey the law in the civil law.

2.5 morality and Religion

Religion is another source of moral values. Most religions have built-in lists of something to do and something cannot do, which are allowed and disallowed to do, a set of codes by which its adherents or followers should live. Individuals who are followers of a particular religion will generally make a show of following that religion’s behavioral code. It is interesting to note that these codes may widely vary; such as a person whose religion provides for polygamy will experience no guilt at


having more than one spouse while adherents to other religions feel they must remain monogamous.

Each religion has their own law or regulation toward the followers. Buddhist, Hinduism, Islam, Christian, and the others have their own belief and rule. The Devil

and Miss Prym novel tells about the society religion and belief, in Viscos there is

only one religion that describe in the novel, it is Catholic. It shows that morality also can be judge from the religion side. The content of morality in Christian and catholic is all about what God expects men to do and obeying His commands. The main point is man know what is the will of God. If human obey God commands means they are good but in other way, if human disobey God commands means they are evil.

The act of calling God to witness an untruth of something is prejury; an act of prejury is morally evil, an offense against the virtue of religion. The use of God’s name in prayer is good but it is depend on the purpose of the person who pray. Pray must be followed by the right action and purpose of the prayer. Bourke in his book

Ethics (1953) state that Prayer is essentially an act of the intellect, so he who prays

must attend to what he is doing. There are three things which should be attended to, in a good prayer: (1) the correct words; (2) the meaning of the words; and (3) the End of the prayer, that is, God and the thing which is the object of the petition.

2.6 Moral judgment

In his book Living Issues in Philosophy (1959), Titus quotes some opinions from several philosophers; it is called five ethical standards. The first is the moral as the standard. The moral quality of an act is not determined by the consequences. Kant (in Titus, 1959:380) says if a man acts from good motives, the act is good


regardless the consequences. The second is pleasure as the guide in life, pleasure or happiness is the greatest in life. John Stuart Mill (in Titus, 1959:382) says that the morality of an act depends, not on the motive from which it originates, but on the effects of the action upon society. He tends to say that the good of all men or the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the standard of what is right in conduct. The third is nature as the guide in life. Herbert Spencer (in Titus, 1959:382) says that the greatest good is a long life and harmonious adaption to the environments. The fourth is the good life involves the harmonious development of the normal function of the orgasm. Self-realization emphasis is social as well as individual in its outlook. The fifth is the Christian ethnical ideal. Obey the commands of God, Love, unselfishness or social mindless in human relation is the emphasized this.

Morality judgment also can be done by the standard of virtue. In his book The

Elements of Moral Philosophy: fourth edition (2005), Rachels (2005:176) stated that

the standard of virtue are benevolence, civility, compassion, conscientiousness, cooperativeness, courage, courteousness, dependability, fairness, friendliness, generosity, honesty, industriousness, justice, loyalty, moderation, patience, prudence, reasonableness, self-discipline, self-reliance, tactfulness, thoughtfulness, and tolerance. So can be concluded that, if people do one of the standard virtue, they are good but in contrast, if they do the opponent of the list of virtue, they are evil. In addition, other philosophers mention wisdom, tolerance, love, mercy, mindfulness, objectivity, patience, unity, optimism, harmony and kindness as one of the kind of virtue.


Resnik in his book The Ethics of science: an Introduction (1998) explains so many things about theory of moral. He quotes some of the others philosophers theory and explain it on his own way. One of the theories is from Fox and DeMarco.

Some of these basic moral principles are as follows (Fox and DeMarco 1990):

- Non-malificence: Do not harm yourself or other people.

- Beneficence: Help yourself and other people.

- Autonomy: Allow rational individuals to make free and

informed choices.

- Justice: Treat people fairly: treat equals equally, unequals


- Utility: Maximize the ratio of benefits to harm for all people.

- Fidelity: Keep your promises and agreements

- Honesty: Do not lie, defraud, deceive or mislead.

- Privacy: Respect personal privacy and confidentiality.

The concepts of eight principle above are do not harm, care, fair, benefit, rational, respect, and deception. The view above can really help to analyze the good and the evil of human behavior. According to the eight principles of moral, human behavior are called good just if they done the eight principle of moral above and if they do not, mean they are evil.

The writer divides these good and bad behavior based on the standard of virtue, christian ethical ideal, and the basic set of eight moral principles above. Furthermore, Corage and wisdom will be analyzed by using the standard of virtue, blasphemy and mislead will be analyzed by using christian ethical ideal and also the eight principle of moral that suggested by Resnik, then selfishness and greed will be analyzed by using the eight principle of moral suggested by Resnik.

Courage is defined as the ability to stand up for what is right in difficult situations. Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak about the truth. Courage is strength of determination that cannot be moved from its course by pain or fear.


Rachels (2005) stated that courage is sometimes said to be military virtue because it is so obviously needed to accomplish the soldier’s task. Soldiers do battle; battles are fraught with danger; and so without courage the battle will be lost. Courage is a mean between the extremes of cowardice and foolhardiness. It is cowardly to run away from all danger; yet it is foolhardy to risk too much. Courage is needed by anyone who faces danger, and at different times this includes all of human being.

Wisdom is the thoughtful interplay of purpose and virtue in human lives. Wise people knows what is right and what is wrong. They have the ability to discern what is right and wrong, important or lasting. Usually, a wise person will do the right action and will pay attention to all people arround. Laguna (1928:93) sated that wisdom in the widest sense of the term (as it is now used), means knowledge of the relative values of things. Of course, in order to know values one must many other particular facts and general truths; but this is subsidiary. The main thing is to know how to choose; and if one has an immense amount of other knowledge and is deficient in this, he is not wise.

Selfishness denotes an excessive or exclusive concern with oneself, and as such it exceeds mere self interest or self concern. It also harms other people’s selves which commonly lead to the action of revenge and other similar immoral actions. Selfish people are brutish people who are oblivious to the negative consequences of their actions for their friends and loved ones and who abuse the patience, trust, and goodwill of all comers to satisfy their petty whims. The truly selfish person is a self-respecting, self-supporting human being who neither sacrifices others to himself nor sacrifices himself to others.


Blasphemy may denote the derogation of the as of that belonging to God. Blasphemy is set down as a word, for ordinarily it is expressed in speech, though it may be committed in thought or in act. People do this by actions like tempting God, sacrilege, idolatry, superstition, buying or selling spiritual things and all sins against the First Commandment. Speaking against God himself, or ridiculing things consecrated to God or held sacred. Blasphemy does not harm God, but they do harm his name or reputation and show contempt for him. Blasphemy is a sin against the Second Commandment

Greed is strong desire for more food, wealth, power, etc and keep it for oneself. Greed is the desire to acquire things, no matter what they are, especially when the acquisition or accumulation of these things denies others their legitimate need for, or access to those. Every person is capable of this kind of behavior.

Every individual has the necessaries to go on their life and to get the better life. To fulfill the necessaries, people need material. To get the material everybody must work hard. Without working hard, they get nothing. The fulfillment of the needs leads human to many ways just to get money which can give all their needs. Satisfying one’s own needs and desires is part of what life is about.

Human uses so many ways to gain what they want. No matter it is right or wrong ways. Voracity or gluttony is a state of excessive egoism, unjustified acquisitiveness. Not only does it cause one to acquire more than is ever going to be necessary, it can also lead human to do something immoral. There is no care to other people. People start to lose their humanity step by step since they focus on what they want. Money, power, and etc become their first priority in live. It is nature of human being to do it but when people become cruel, selfish, and even hurt or kill other for the sake of


them it is not good. Once greed takes control of the personality, it does not care who it hurts in the process of getting what it needs.

Mislead is similar with lie and deceive. It is obvious that mislead does not coincide with the Christian ethical ideal and principles suggested by Resnik about honesty. Honesty mean do not lie, defraud, deceive or mislead. From Christian ethical ideal side, mislead is bad because one of the Ten Commandments said “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.” The meaning of this commandment is people should fear and love God that we may not curse, swear, use witchcraft, lie, or deceive by His name. people cannot use the name of Lord for an evil purpose; whoever takes the Lord's name on his lips for an evil purpose will be judged a sinner by the Lord. God asks us to respect His Holy name and not to use it in vain

2.7 Review of related studies

Consulting and using the information from some thesis also needed in finishing this thesis. The first thesis is The Importance of Human Life in Paulo

Coelho “The Devil and Miss Prym” by Padma Sari. In the thesis, the writer discusses

about the importance of human life focus on the major character by using moral approach. In her thesis, Sari also talks about morality but not specific. The point of morality in her thesis is only about about how someone’s life more important than ten gold bars without mention what kind of goodness and badness has been done by the characters found in the novel.

Sari (2006:vi) writes “because good or bad morality is not instantly gotten, it is gotten by process and affected by situation


something based on their thought and not always following others. Nothing is eternal in this world, thus people should experience may things and learn from those experience.”

The statement above is right. Someone conduct can be influenced by people around and the situation, but people knows what is right and what is wrong. They are free in making and choosing a decision of being good or evil and the experiences of being good or evil will lead them to get better life in future.

As a manual secondary data, there are the differentiation between Sari’s thesis with mine, if Sari only discuss about the badness, this thesis not only discuss about the badness but also the goodness, not only about someone’s life is more important than ten gold bars but also the other kinds of morality that found in the novel such as selfishness, mislead, greed, and encourage.

The second thesis is Moral Analysis of the Characters in Sandra Brown’s

“Mirror Image”, a thesis written by Riski Ananda. In her thesis, the writer discusses

about moral. In this thesis found so many explanations about moral that concern about the judgment of the goodness and badness of human behavior, pertaining to the discernment of good and evil. Riski in her thesis use moral theory, moral standard, as well as a basic set of eight moral principles. Riski’s thesis can help the writer in finishing this thesis especially because the eight of moral principle also used in this thesis. From Riski’s thesis, the writer knows how to apply the eight of moral principle in analyzing human behavior.




3.1 Research Design

Method that used in this study is descriptive qualitative method and conducted with library research which is done by reading some references related to the problem of the study. Descriptive research involves describing and interpreting events, conditions, or situations of the present. It can be used to analyze some aspect of social life such as morality.

In doing analysis, first the researcher must have the data. The main data in this thesis is The Devil and Miss Prym, a novel by Paulo Coelho. This novel was published in 2000 and consists of 205 pages. This novel as the primary source of the data because it is related to the moral values reflected by some of the characters’ conducts and behaviors, it can be found in words, or sentences, or pharagraphs form in the novel. Then, the researcher must have supporting data, it’s called secondary data. Secondary data can be taken from thesis, books, articles, or other sources related to the good and evil.

Both intrinsic and extrinsic element is needed in analysing the good and evil of human behavior. Intrinsic element is the structure of the literary work itself, and in this thesis, intrinsic element that also analyzed is characters. Extrinsic element is the other knowledge outside the literary works such as psychology, philosophy, biography, society, history, the perception of the writer and thought. This thesis focuses on the good and evil of human behavior, so in analyzing this thesis, the


writer will use the eight principle of moral by Resnik, Christian ethical ideal, and the standard of virtue.

For more clear, it can be seen in the scheme:


1. Read the novel The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho 2. Finding the related text to good and evil

3. Select the significant data related to the problem the study 4. Doing an interpretation and analysis using descriptive method 5. The last step is making a conclusion after doing an interpretation

The writer

Source of Data : “The Devil and Miss Prym”

Data selection Data : words, sentences, paragraphs related to good and evil

Interpretation and Analysis using

descriptive qualitative Conclusion


3.2 Data Collection

After reading the novel, the writer underlines the important words, sentences, or paragraph related to the good and evil such as the information about the characteristic of the Stranger, Miss Prym, the landowner, and the priest, the way they interact with others, and the ideas that the characters possessed in facing events in the novel. Not only the novel, but also supported data from the book, thesis, article that related with the topic need to be underline. Some data from the internet are also used as the supporting references that related to good and evil of human behavior as the subject matter of this thesis. When all the data and information that related to the topic of this thesis are collected, then the data will be selected and used in the process of finishing this thesis.

3.3 Data Analysis

After selecting the data, the writer needs to classify it first, which one is related to goodness and which one is related to badness or evil. After classifying the data, an analyzing and interpretation can be started by using descriptive qualitative method. After analyzing and interpreting the data, finally the writer can draw the conclusion for this thesis.




4.1 Good and Evil of human behavior reflected through the characters.

Paulo Coelho writes The Devil and Miss Prym novel contains about the good and evil of human being. Both of good and evil do not only happen or done by the characters in the novel but also happen in real life. Characters are the imitation of human being in the real life means that the way the novelist creates the characters inspired by human in real life include the characteristic. Paulo Coelho conveys about good and evil of human behavior through the characters in the novel, the way they face a problem of life whether they choose good or evil to be more dominant in their characteristic.

The first character is miss Prym. Prym is the central character in this novel. She is a young woman who lived in Viscos, she was born and growth in Viscos. She is an orphan. Prym is a girl who is still searching for her own happiness. She thinks money or being a tourist’s wife can help her to find her happiness, that’s why she follows the Stranger to the forest, she thinks the Stranger will be interested to her and proposed her to be his wife.

“...The truth was she had spun the web, setting up their meeting in the woods by strategically positioning herself at a spot he would be sure to pass on his way back—just so as to have someone to talk to, another propise to hear, a few days which dream of possible new love and a one-way ticket out of the valley where she was born. Her heart had already broken many times over, and yet she still believed she was destined to meet the man of her life. At first, she had left many chances slip by, thinking that the right person had not yet arrived, but now she had a sense that time was passing more quickly than she had thought, and she was prepared to leave Viscos with the first man willing to take her, even if she felt nothing for him. Doubtless,


she would learn to love him—love, too, was just a question of time” (Paulo Coelho: 12)

But what she gets is not what she expects. The Stranger brings her into his evil purpose. After that day, she thinks hardly in choosing a decision, to impulsive or to take the order of the stranger.

“As for the other ten gold bars,” he went on, “they are worth enough to mean that none of the inhabitants of this village would ever need to work again. I didn’t ask you to rebury the gold bars, because I’m going to move them to a place only I know about. When you go back to the village, I want you to say that you saw them and that I am willing to hand over to the inhabitants of Viscos on condition that they do something they would never ever dream of doing”

“Like What, for example?”

“It’s not an example, it’s something very concrete. I want them to break the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill.” (Paulo Coelho:16)

The second character is the Stranger, he is the antagonist character. He has a past painful that makes him evil. He gets his wife and daughter killed by the terrorist. From that time, he never had a faith to another human and he tried to find an anwer of a question that had been ruined in his head since the death of his wife and daughter: whether all human is evil.

“At the end of that year, I left my job. I traveled to the four corners of the earth, alone with my gief, asking myself how human beings can be capable of such evil. I lost the most precious thing a man can have: my faith in my fellow man. I laughed and I wept at God’s irony, at the absurd way he had chosen to demonstrate to me that I was an instrument of Good and Evil.”(Paulo Coelho:68)


After the incident, he also tells untrue story about him starting from his name, his age, and his profession. The same thing also happens to Viscos, he manipulates his data.

“When the time came for him to talk about himself, he told various contradictory stories, sometimes saying he had been sailor, at others mentioning the major arms industries he had been in charge of, or the time when he had abandoned everything to spend time in a monastery in search of God” (Paulo Coelho,2000:20)

The next character is the Priest. The priest has been charged in Viscos for more than 20 years. He is a good man at the begining, but as he moved to Viscos, almost for five years, he does not succeed in bringing any new believers into the church. After ten years, he finally realizes his mistake, his search for wisdom has became pride. In the year of twenty,one night he was awake and read the bible, and he came upon passage during the last supper when Christ tells the traitor to hand him over to the Roman soldiers looking for him. Paulo Coelho (2000:152) “So That the Scriptures would be fulfilled,” he spent a hour thinking about the meaning, until at least he get an understanding that the gold bars is one of the media that can bring new beliebers or even the whole villagers into the church. He believed that evil needs to manifest itself, for the villlagers to understand the value of good, and his role is to be evil. His role was to be the instrument of evil; that was the greatest act of humility he could offer to God (Paulo Coelho:152)

Then, the Landowner. He is a person who only thinks and desires to get money no matter the way he gets the money. Once, he wants the society to shut their mouth if someday the cemetary will be sold to the tourist.


The real human in real life called characters in literary work, means that the characters in literary work is the imitation of human in real life. The way human thinks and acts represent in a or some character in a literary work. Human beings have a name, they live with others as a society, they need each other to fulfill their necessary and daily needs and so that the characters in literary work, the characters have name, they live with the others as a society, and also need each other.


4.2.1 Courage

Courage is the good of human behavior found in this novel. People who have courage usually have strength to foster and give help or patronage to the others who need it, courage to confront the things they can change. Courage has similar meaning with embolden, hearten, reassure, urge, support, aid, help. Based on what Rachels said in his book, courage is a kind of Beneficence that suggest to help our self and other people.

Several day after the Stranger tells about the ten gold bars and his plan to miss Prym and Prym does nothing, he threatens to tell his plan to the society by himself. Hearing the Stranger’s statement, Prym feels that she hold the society fate’s. she encourages herself to take the decision and finally she chooses to tell the society.

“She’s taking a terrible risk,” the priest thought. “She doesn’t know anything we don’t know. She may be a poor orphan with few possibilities in life, but it’s going to be difficult to persuade the hotel landlay to keep her on after this” (Paulo Coelho:73) “Chantal did not know whether she minded or not, but there was no time to lose. She had been battling with her fears for hours,


and now that she had finally found the courage to begin, she did not want any interruptions.” (Paulo Coelho:74)

To get the ten gold bars as told before, the society choose Berta as the sacrifice and meant to kill Berta in the night. Meant to save Berta’s life, Prym, a young woman in Viscos encourage herself to stop the acction of the society. It is a risky action because she is the only one who refuse the decision to kill Berta. Prym feels like it is her responsibility to save Berta’s life because she is the one who tells about the gold bars and the plan of The Stranger.

“I said shut up!” Chantal shouted even more loudly, trembling from head to foot, her eyes wide with hatred. “You’re the one who’s mad, for falling into this trap that has led us all to condemnation and death! You are the irresponsible one!” (Paulo Coelho:190)

From the quotation above can be seen that Prym has a good morality, she show her responsibility by her courage action. Courage is a good behavior because life is full of dangers and without courage, human would be unable to cope with them. Courage not meant fearleness, whether due to impassity, ignorance of danger, confidence in one’s own stregth or skill. Every one needs courage, because no one is so safe and life is full of danger. Human can use courage to save themselves and also to save the other who need it. People who take a risky action to help the others is good. Courage allows people to live the life they have always wanted, and to live it without any regrets and doing any great things that the coward cannot.


4.2 Wisdom

Wisdom is the second good behavior found in this novel. Based on the theory of Virtue, wisdom is a good behavior. People who are wise can be seen from their action, statements, and the way he or she takes a decision. A wise person able to put their understanding into practice. Person who are wise will never do, say, or take a

decision that can harm the other person. Wisdom is always in the same path with care.

In this novel, wisdom is done by Prym. She shows the wisdom by her statement and consistence. She cares about the stranger, she realizes that the Stranger takes the wrong ways by tempted the society to do a murdering. She tries to show the Stranger that the way that he took is wrong so that he can stop the plan.

“I’m going to do what you asked me to do this evening,” she said, pretending she hadn’t heard the truths he was telling her. “After all, you come to Viscos to learn about your own nature, to find out if you were good or evil. There’s one thing I’ve just shown you: regardless of what I may have felt or stopped feeling just now, you could have pulled the trigger, but you didn’t. Do you know why? Because you’re a coward. You use others to resolve your own conflicts, but you are incapable of taking certain decision” (Paulo Coelho: 63)

In the night of murdering, Prym reminds the society by the history of Viscos. Viscos ever had a leader named Ahab. He is a brutal and dictator leader who will do anything for benefit of himself include killing people who against him. But at the end, he met a priest named Savin. Savin makes Ahab realized that the way to get something is matter. After telling the society, Prym related the history to the incident that happening in that time.


On the others, the gold will slip throught your fingers as quickly as it came.” (Paulo Coelho: 192)

By telling the history of king Midas, Prym starts to apply the story into what the society try to do. Prym tries to stop the society by saying something that the society doesn’t know that even they do kill Berta, they will never get the benefit from it. The gold bars will never be exchanged into money because only the Stranger who is able to do it. They need the signature of the stranger to transform it into money.

“I’m telling you the story for one simple reason: gold itself has no value. Absolutely none. We cannot eat it or drinks it or use it to buy more animals or land. It’s money that’s valuable, and how are we going to turn this gold into money?” (Paulo Coelho: 193)

Making a good decision and deciding the appropriate response to the certain situation is also part of wisdom. At the end of the story, Miss Prym encourage herself to save berta’s life by giving a short speech that she belives can make the society change their mind. She tells the society about the bad probability that might be happend.

Wisdom is a good behavior to be applied in daily life. A good decision, good respponse, good statement can help ourselves and also the others away from a hard situation. A wise person usually is the person who able to make a good decision, good response, a good statement.



4.2.1 Selfishness

One of the bad behavior found in the novel is selfishness. Selfishness does not coincide with the eight principles of moral suggested by Resnik, primarily in term of non-malificence that suggest to not harm ourself or other people. It is also said in Christian ethical ideal that people are good if they obey God’s command and evil if they disobey it. Philippians 2:4 suggest us to do look out for the other interests “do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

There is a man called The Stranger in the novel, he has been persecuted by his past painful. After his wife and his daughter got killed by a terrorist, he tried to find an answer of a question about human being, is all human good or evil? Because only bearing to think about his own feelings and interest, the stranger planned to influence a society in Viscos to do a murdering. As the reward the society will get 10 gold bars. First, the stranger trap a young woman named Prym to tell his plan of murdering and about the gold bars to the society, as the reward Prym will get one gold bar. As quotation below

“I’m giving them a week. If, at the end of seven days, someone in the village is found dead—it could be a useless old man, or someone with an incurable ilness, or mental defective who requires constant attention, the victim doesn’t matter—then the money will go to the other villagers, and I will conclude that we are all evil. If you steal the one gold bar but the village resist temptation, or viceversa, I will conclude that there are good people and evil people—which would put me in a difficult position because it would mean that there’s a spiritual struggle going on that could be won by either side. Don’t you believe God and the spiritual world, in battles between devils any


Selfishness is a bad behavior because it is an action which focuses on someone’s interest without paying attention to others’ needs and interests. People who are selfish do not care about the circumstances and feelings of others. Making a decision that might be burdens or harms others for personal gain is also selfishness.

4.2.2 Blasphemy

Blasphemy is the second bad behavior found in this novel. Based on Christian ethical ideal, blasphemy is bad because it is an act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of something considere

At first, the Stranger is a good man. He was a regular churchgoer. He feared God and respected His commandments. After his wife and daughter got killed by the terrorist, he doubted God and the justice of God. He wodered why God let this thing happen to his family. At the end of that year, he traveled to the four corners of the earth, asking himself how human beings can be capable of such evil. He lost the most precious thing a man can have, faith in his fellow man.

“God, I did not deseve what happened to me. If you did that to me, I can do the same to others. That is justice” (Paulo Coelho:89) “the Devil was worried, but resolved to keep quiet—he could not show that he too was terrified. The man was blaspheming against God and trying to justify his actions, but this was the first time in two years he had heard him adressing the heavens.” (Paulo Coelho:89)

Blasphemy i against


man i cruel because He let the thing happened in his life. As the quotation below

“…Since we can never see the enemy—because if we take this tale to its logical conclusion, our real enemy is God for putting us through everything we’ve suffered—we vent our frustrations on everything around us. It’s a desire for vengeance that can never be satisfied, because it’s directed against life itself” (Paulo Coelho: 121)

“Forgive God! Said the Stranger. “Forgive an implacable God who is constantly creating and destroying!” (Paulo Coelho: 126)

God is good. He will not try human above their ability. If because a bad thing happen to human life they did insult and blaming God for what happend in their life, it is called blasphemy.

4.2.3 Greed

The others bad behavior found in this novel are Greed. Based on the eight principle of moral especially in non-malificence case, greed is bad because it is do harm the other people. Greed is a selfish or excessive desire for more than is needed or deserved, especially of money, wealth, food, or other possessions

Greed in the novel done by landowner. Landowner is greedy because he wants to sell cemetary to the tourist with a promise or guarantee that the income of the village will be better. The landowner do anything to get more and more money no matter how the way to get it.

“maybe no one from the village would, there are tourist desparate to buy a summer home; it would just be a matter of asking the villagers to keep their mouths shut. It would mean more income for the village and more taxes for the town hall.” (Paulo Coelho:105)


Beside all of the promises, the landowner has his own purpose. He wants to enrich himself by selling the cemetary. As quotation below

“One way or another, we have to save this village,” said the landowner, who was possibly the only one who stood to profit from Viscos’ demise, sine he was in a position to buy up everything, then sell it on to large industrial company. But ofcourse he certainly didn’t want to hand over, for a price below market value, lands that might contain buried treasure” (Paulo Coelho: 108)

The landowner is the one who agree to do the murdering because he is interested to the gold bars, he can enrich himself with the gold bars. There is no quotation to this but it can be seen from the respon of the landowner when the society talk about the gold bars.

Greed is bad behavior because sometimes it can drive people to do unethical, immoral, and illegal things in the pursuit of more money such as stealing, hoarding, plundering, and sometime killing someone to get what they want. Some acts especially by means of violence, trickery, or manipulation of that may be inspired by greed. The point is whatever you feed and gain it is never enough

4.2.4 Mislead

Mislead is another bad or evil of human behavior found in this novel done by a Priest in Viscos. Based on christian ethical ideal, misleading is not a good thing to be done. In the novel The Devil and Miss Prym a Priest done mislead through his sermon in the church. After Prym telling about the gold bars and the plan of the Stranger, the Priest became so obsessed. The priest spreads the sermon about God is


not good as human. As a Christian and Priest, he is not deserve to say that kind of thing about God. Christian belief is God perfectly good as human and as God. He is pure and good as human.

“For many years, I pondered over this little fragment of text, trying to understand what our Lord was saying: That He was not good? That the whole of Christianity, with its concept of charity, is based on the teachings of someone who considered Himself to be bad? Finally, I saw what the meant: Christ, at the moment,is referring to His human nature. As man, He is bad, as God He is good.” (Paulo Coelho:128

The Priest through his sermon also meant to say murdering one person is allowed if it is for all benefit. He knows it is wrong to say it but he still do it. He also pray in the name of God to convey his evil purpose.

“the only one that I know well is my religion, in which the sacrifice of one individual saved all humanity” (Paulo Coelho:108)

“lord, You once said that no one is good; accept us then with all our imperfections and forgive us in Your infinite generosity and Your infinite love. For as You pardoned the crusaders who killed the Muslims in order to reconquer the holy land of Jerusalem, as You pardoned the Inquisitors who sought to preserve the purity of Your church, as You pardoned those who insulted You and nailed You to the cross, so pardon us who must offer up a sacrifice in order to save our village” (Paulo Coelho:136)

Mislead is an evil behavior because it is not honest act that finally can lead someone believe in something wrong. It can lead someone into error of conduct, thought or action, or judgment; lead astray. Bad company corrupts good character.





Having analyzed this novel entitled The Devil and Miss Prym, the writer can make the conclusion.

The characters who reflect the good and evil of human behavior are Miss Prym, the Stranger, the landowner, and the priest. A woman named Miss Prym shows that to reach the happiness, people need to think twice about how the way to get the happiness. Being wise and by a process of refrain, finally miss Prym found her happiness. The Stranger shows that someone behavior can be influenced by the pain in the past, no matter how good is people in the past, pain can make or turn people into evil. When we are haunted by our past pain or heartbroken, we can be turn in to an evil. Blasphemy is also a bad behavior because it is an act of insulting and blaming God. The Landowner shows that being greedy can make people do harm another people because they will do whatever in every way to get what they desire to have. The Priest shows that it’s not good to think about God’s plan in our life by using our own mind. God is beyond human thinking, we cannot play with God’s name.

In this Novel also found six dominant human behavior. The good are courage and wisdom, then the evil are selfishness, blasphemy, greed, and mislead.

- Courage and wisdom is a good behavior because it creates happiness at the end.

- Selfishness and greed is a bad behavior because it is an act that can harm the other.


- Blasphemy and mislead is bad behavior because it is an act that related to the righteous God. It is an act that insult and take God’s name in vain. - Good and evil is existed in every individual. It is an innate. The matter of

all of human action is self-control and choice.


This thesis talks about good and evil in human behavior found in the novel

The Devil and Miss Prym. The writer realizes that there may be some missing points

in the process of analyzing this thesis and some of them are analyzed unclearly.

The Devil and Miss Prym is a good novel and very good to read because it

talks about both good and evil of human behavior. Courage, wisdom, selfishness, blasphemy, greed, and mislead is the most dominat of human behavior found in this novel. This novel is also a good novel to be analyzed because it contains the insight about human behavior.



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Summary of The Devil and Miss Prym Novel

Viscos is a small village that only consist of 281 inhabitants. One day there is someone entering the village named The Stranger. For almost fifteen years, Berta, an old lady in Viscos, has spent her day sitting outside her front door. After The Stranger entering the village, Berta keep saying to herself that the devil has came and Viscos will be destroy. What Berta’s believe became a reality. The Stranger brings 10 gold bars with him. He burried the gold bars separated with one the other. When he saw Prym walking arround his place, he asked Prym to join him walk arround the forest. As reach the place where he burried the gold bars, he stops and show the one gold bar to Prym. He started talk about the rest gold bar and his purpose come to the village. Hewant an answer of a big question that keep running in his head for several years, it is about human behavior, whether all of human is good or evil just like him. After showing the gold bar, he added that in one week, he want the society to commit a murde. If someone in the village found dead, no matter who they are, old man, or someone with an incurable ilness, or a mental defective who requires constant attention, then the gold bars will go to the villagers and he will conclude that all of man are all evil. And if Prym steal one of the gold bars, The Stranger also can conclude that there are good and evil people. After that day, inside of Prym’s head and heart, the devil and the angel are fight for being more dominant whether she will tell the society about the ten gold bars or not.


After experiencing the pressure in her head for four days, finally Prym encourage herself to tell all about the ten gold bars without mentioned the rest of it and The Stranger’s plan to the society, if they do kill one person in those thre days, they will get the ten gold bars.

There is the Mayor, landowner of viscos that very interested with the gold bars. They really want it to be theirs even if they have to kill somebody. And there is also a pasteur in viscos that really want to leave viscos, for him, Viscos is like a hell. The landowner, mayor, and pasteur started to persuade by their own ways. They persuade the society to kill someone unimportant for another person or orphan, so if they kill him/her there is no one who sad with it. The pateur persuade the society by giving a speech or a sermon that God allowed people to do something even murdering to all people benefit. The society believe with the sermon and agree to do a murdering. They choose Berta as the sacrifice because Berta islive alone.

There is a night that make The Stranger realized about the kindness of himself when he try to help Prym from wolf’s attack. He realize that he is not evil at all, if he is evil why he try to help Prym? After that night, deep inside of his heart, he want an answer that the society won’t kill anybody.

In the night of murdering, the mayor make berta unconscious by using drug and drag her to the place that already committed as the place to kill Berta. To make it fair, they asked The Stranger to bring the ten gold bars with him and show it if it is pure gold or not. Before they kill Berta, Prym encourage herself to make a statement that they do not have to kill Berta to get the glamour of life. Rich is not a guarantee to get a happiness. She tells a story about king Midas that met a god who can make


make him more rich than it. After being more rich, he ask the god to give him an ability to make everything he touched turn into gold. He is very wealth afater finally he touch his own daughter and she trun into gold. He evn can’t enjoy the wealth and he have no encourage to meet his wife. Several days after it, he died.

After hearing the story, one by one the society put they colt down and leave the place. At least, Berta is alive and ten gold bars still be the villagers. Then Prym leave the village and find her happiness.



Biography of Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. He was born in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. When he was young, he wanted to be a writer but parent oppose it. He was expected to follow in the footsteps of his father, a professional engineer. When he rebelled, expressing his intentions to become a writer, his parents had him committed to a psychiatric hospital where he was subjected to electro-shock therapy. Then Coelho enrolled in law school and abandoned his dream of becoming a writer. One year later, he dropped out. He left home to join the 1970s countercultural revolution, experimenting with drugs, dabbling in black magic, and getting involved in Brazil's bohemian art and music scene. He lived life as a hipie, traveling through South America, North Africa, Mexico, and Europe and started drugs in the 1960s. He teamed with rock musician Raul Seixas for an extremely successful songwriting partnership that changed the face of Brazilian pop and put a lot of money in Coelho's pockets. Composing with Raul made Paulo being associated with magic and occultism, due to the content of some songs. He also joined an anti-capitalist organization called the Alternative Society which attracted the attention of Brazil's military dictatorship. Marked down as a subversive, he was imprisoned and tortured.

Amazingly, Coelho survived these horrific experiences. He left the hippie lifestyle behind, went to work in the record industry, and began to write, but without much success. In the mid-1980s he had a spiritual awakening. It is a turning point in his life. During a trip to Europe, he met a man, an unnamed mentor he refers to only as "J," who inducted him into Regnum Agnus Mundi, a secret society that blends


across el Camino de Santiago, the legendary Spanish road traversed by pilgrims since the Middle Ages.

In an interview at 1986, Coelho stated “I was very happy in the things I was doing. I was doing something that gave me food and water – to use the metaphor in "The Alchemist” I was working, I had a person whom I loved, I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream. My dream was, and still is, to be a writer. Coelho would leave his lucrative career as a songwriter and pursue writing full-time.

His first book is hell Archieves, published in 1982, it is failed to make substantial impact. In 1986, Coelho wrote The Pilgrimage. The following year, Coelho wrote

The Alchemist and published it through a small Brazilian publishing house that made

an initial print run of 900 copies and decided not to reprint. He subsequently found a bigger publishing house, and with the publication of his next book Brida. The

Alchemist became a Brazilian bestseller and one of his most famous novels; it has

been translated into 67 languages. And now, The Alchemist has gone on to sell more than 65 million copies, becoming one of the best-selling books in history and has been translated into 80 different languages, winning the Guinness World Record. Paulo Coelho’s works

Year Brazil English

1974 O Manifesto de Krig-há Teatro da Educação

The Manifest of Krig-há Theater For Education 1982 Arquivos do Inferno Hell Archives

1986 O Manual Prático do Vampirismo Practical Manual of Vampirism 1988 O Diário de Um Mago

O Alquimista

The Pilgrimage The Alchemist

1990 Brida Brida

1991 O Dom Supremo The greatest gift 1992 As Valkírias


The Valkyries Maktub


Kenney, William. 1996. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press.

Kennedy, X.J. 1983. Literature: an Introduction to Fiction, poetry, and Drama. Canada: Little Brown Ltd.

Laguna, Theodore De. 1928. Introduction to the Science of Ethics. New York: The Macmillan Company.

Rachels, James. 2005. The Elements of Moral Philosophy. Singapore: McGraw Hill.

Ramsay, Hayden. 2000. Our Catholic Philosophy-Religion & the Blasphemy Principle.Retrieve from

(April 2014)

Resnik, David. (1998) The Ethics of Science: An Introduction. New York: Routledge.

Robert, Edgar V and Jacobs, Henry E. 1995. Literature an Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Pentice Hall.

Young, Kimball. 1958. Social Psychology. New York: Appleton Century Crofts, INC.




Summary of The Devil and Miss Prym Novel

Viscos is a small village that only consist of 281 inhabitants. One day there is someone entering the village named The Stranger. For almost fifteen years, Berta, an old lady in Viscos, has spent her day sitting outside her front door. After The Stranger entering the village, Berta keep saying to herself that the devil has came and Viscos will be destroy. What Berta’s believe became a reality. The Stranger brings 10 gold bars with him. He burried the gold bars separated with one the other. When he saw Prym walking arround his place, he asked Prym to join him walk arround the forest. As reach the place where he burried the gold bars, he stops and show the one gold bar to Prym. He started talk about the rest gold bar and his purpose come to the village. Hewant an answer of a big question that keep running in his head for several years, it is about human behavior, whether all of human is good or evil just like him. After showing the gold bar, he added that in one week, he want the society to commit a murde. If someone in the village found dead, no matter who they are, old man, or someone with an incurable ilness, or a mental defective who requires constant attention, then the gold bars will go to the villagers and he will conclude that all of man are all evil. And if Prym steal one of the gold bars, The Stranger also can conclude that there are good and evil people. After that day, inside of Prym’s head and heart, the devil and the angel are fight for being more dominant whether she will tell the society about the ten gold bars or not.


After experiencing the pressure in her head for four days, finally Prym encourage herself to tell all about the ten gold bars without mentioned the rest of it and The Stranger’s plan to the society, if they do kill one person in those thre days, they will get the ten gold bars.

There is the Mayor, landowner of viscos that very interested with the gold bars. They really want it to be theirs even if they have to kill somebody. And there is also a pasteur in viscos that really want to leave viscos, for him, Viscos is like a hell. The landowner, mayor, and pasteur started to persuade by their own ways. They persuade the society to kill someone unimportant for another person or orphan, so if they kill him/her there is no one who sad with it. The pateur persuade the society by giving a speech or a sermon that God allowed people to do something even murdering to all people benefit. The society believe with the sermon and agree to do a murdering. They choose Berta as the sacrifice because Berta islive alone.

There is a night that make The Stranger realized about the kindness of himself when he try to help Prym from wolf’s attack. He realize that he is not evil at all, if he is evil why he try to help Prym? After that night, deep inside of his heart, he want an answer that the society won’t kill anybody.

In the night of murdering, the mayor make berta unconscious by using drug and drag her to the place that already committed as the place to kill Berta. To make it fair, they asked The Stranger to bring the ten gold bars with him and show it if it is pure gold or not. Before they kill Berta, Prym encourage herself to make a statement that they do not have to kill Berta to get the glamour of life. Rich is not a guarantee to get a happiness. She tells a story about king Midas that met a god who can make his wish comes true. Midas never satisfied for everything he had. He asked the god to


make him more rich than it. After being more rich, he ask the god to give him an ability to make everything he touched turn into gold. He is very wealth afater finally he touch his own daughter and she trun into gold. He evn can’t enjoy the wealth and he have no encourage to meet his wife. Several days after it, he died.

After hearing the story, one by one the society put they colt down and leave the place. At least, Berta is alive and ten gold bars still be the villagers. Then Prym leave the village and find her happiness.



Biography of Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho is a Brazilian lyricist and novelist. He was born in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. When he was young, he wanted to be a writer but parent oppose it. He was expected to follow in the footsteps of his father, a professional engineer. When he rebelled, expressing his intentions to become a writer, his parents had him committed to a psychiatric hospital where he was subjected to electro-shock therapy. Then Coelho enrolled in law school and abandoned his dream of becoming a writer. One year later, he dropped out. He left home to join the 1970s countercultural revolution, experimenting with drugs, dabbling in black magic, and getting involved in Brazil's bohemian art and music scene. He lived life as a hipie, traveling through South America, North Africa, Mexico, and Europe and started drugs in the 1960s. He teamed with rock musician Raul Seixas for an extremely successful songwriting partnership that changed the face of Brazilian pop and put a lot of money in Coelho's pockets. Composing with Raul made Paulo being associated with magic and occultism, due to the content of some songs. He also joined an anti-capitalist organization called the Alternative Society which attracted the attention of Brazil's military dictatorship. Marked down as a subversive, he was imprisoned and tortured.

Amazingly, Coelho survived these horrific experiences. He left the hippie lifestyle behind, went to work in the record industry, and began to write, but without much success. In the mid-1980s he had a spiritual awakening. It is a turning point in his life. During a trip to Europe, he met a man, an unnamed mentor he refers to only as "J," who inducted him into Regnum Agnus Mundi, a secret society that blends Catholicism with a sort of New Age mysticism. At J's urging, Coelho journeyed


across el Camino de Santiago, the legendary Spanish road traversed by pilgrims since the Middle Ages.

In an interview at 1986, Coelho stated “I was very happy in the things I was doing. I was doing something that gave me food and water – to use the metaphor in "The Alchemist” I was working, I had a person whom I loved, I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream. My dream was, and still is, to be a writer. Coelho would leave his lucrative career as a songwriter and pursue writing full-time.

His first book is hell Archieves, published in 1982, it is failed to make substantial impact. In 1986, Coelho wrote The Pilgrimage. The following year, Coelho wrote The Alchemist and published it through a small Brazilian publishing house that made an initial print run of 900 copies and decided not to reprint. He subsequently found a bigger publishing house, and with the publication of his next book Brida. The Alchemist became a Brazilian bestseller and one of his most famous novels; it has been translated into 67 languages. And now, The Alchemist has gone on to sell more than 65 million copies, becoming one of the best-selling books in history and has been translated into 80 different languages, winning the Guinness World Record. Paulo Coelho’s works

Year Brazil English

1974 O Manifesto de Krig-há Teatro da Educação

The Manifest of Krig-há Theater For Education 1982 Arquivos do Inferno Hell Archives

1986 O Manual Prático do Vampirismo Practical Manual of Vampirism 1988 O Diário de Um Mago

O Alquimista

The Pilgrimage The Alchemist

1990 Brida Brida

1991 O Dom Supremo The greatest gift

1992 As Valkírias Maktub

The Valkyries Maktub