Analyze Levels of Questioning Found in Micro Teaching Course

finds 144 questions that are related to the levels of questioning and remember level is the most frequently used by 79 cases. The remember level is mostly found in the beginning and in the end of class. For the understand level, there are 36 cases and most of the participants place them in the middle of the class activity, explaining about the main topic, and discussing the exercise. Meanwhile, the apply level has 11 cases. It occurs after the participants explain materials and they give a few questions to students. The questions given have a function to test students in solving problems to new situations by applying acquired knowledge and information. There are 10 analyze level appearing in Micro teaching course. This level is often found when the participants ask students to analyze parts of structure of a text. Evaluative level has 7 cases. Most questions stated by the participants have a function to make students present and defend their opinions and answers by using certain criteria. The last but not the least, the create level only finds 1 case that makes it is the lowest frequency compared with the others. This case happens when students make questions based on the provided video. The analysis shows that the use of high level of questioning are less common compared the others. In addition, the researcher sees that the students of Micro Teaching might have lack of knowledge about questioning so that the distribution of questions are not equal each other.

B. Recommendations

Seeing the findings of this study, the researcher presents some recommendations for PBI students of Micro Teaching course, lecturers of Micro Teaching course, and future researchers.

1. For PBI Students of Micro Teaching Course

Through the results of this study, it is expected that PBI students of Micro Teaching have to possess the questioning skill well. They should make self- reflection on their questioning skill after watching their video recordings. If it is needed, they may have some discussions with other friends and even lecturers about their performances in teaching practice.

2. For Lecturers of Micro Teaching Course

Lecturers of Micro Teaching course should spend at least one meeting talking about questioning with their students. In that meeting, lecturers should explain things related to questioning such as levels of questioning, how to make questions based on the levels or even tips of making questions based on the subjects that are being taught. When giving feedback on students’ performance, one of points the should be reviewed is their questioning skill.

3. For Future Researchers

This study only focuses on students’ questioning in general. Therefore, future researchers may explore more on students’ questioning based on subjects that students of Micro Teaching teach. Then, future researchers are expected to conduct research about reasons why high levels of questioning such as analyze, evaluate, create and divergent questions are less used than the others. In doing so, it can enrich the knowledge on questioning.